Homeopathy Remedy Crotalus Horridus

Clinical Chilblains, especially when threatened with gangrene, in patients with very low vitality, Felons. Pustular eruptions about the wrists. A little tubercle, resulting from the sting of an insect many years since, was cured by the daily local application of the 6th. Petechiae varicose ulcers on the lower extremities, and very languid circulation. Petechial spots over the whole body, especially the lower extremities, with faintness, irregular action of heart, dizziness. Erysipelas after vaccination, the pustule filed with dark lymph, the whole extremity became inflamed, this extended even, to the trunk, eruption even on the lower extremities. After vaccination, pustular eruptions on back of arm, across shoulders, over the breasts. Lymphangitis and septicaemia from dissecting wounds. Gangrenous inflammation of skin and cellular tissues. Abscesses, pustules, boils, carbuncles, etc., the parts look bluish and unhealthy, with great prostration, etc. Erysipelatous inflammations following bites of insects.


      Yawning. Sleepiness; at noon; early in evening; in evening, with heaviness; with cold skin. Coma. Lethargic state, requiring to be spoken to in a loud tone. Starting in sleep. Sleeplessness. Dreams, many, not unpleasant; D. that he was traveling in all parts of the world; anxious; of strife and anger, that he had fallen out with his father, who would not recognize his son because he head embraced homoeopathy; of horrid places on earth only, often of rolling amongst rocks, sometimes that he was a white hawk cut into pieces, and frequently his feet would grow into two hickories.


      Coldness; with rapid pulse and nausea. Shivering; with diarrhoea; in head; creeping over scalp, so that the hair stands up. Cold skin; with rapid, weak pulse; with nausea; with hot swelling of arm. Coldness of limbs; in morning; with insensibility; of hands and feet; of fingers.

Heat; even in cases where the pulse sank; with thirst, hiccough, vomiting of bile, palpitation, weak, rapid pulse and exhaustion. Dry; and exhausting, with dry tongue and thirst. Fever resembling yellow fever in its initiatory stage, nothing was wanting, expression of countenance, pain in loins, headache, symptoms of gums. Burning in the wound, extending over body, even to top of head. Heat of ears; in r.; with sensation as if wax were running down throat. Heat of feet; in l. anterior foot, and gnawing, with drawing in bones of r. arm, extending into thumb and little finger; of palms, with itching and general flushes of heat.

Sweat, cold; and viscous. S. in axillae stained a reddish- orange. Dry skin; in palms, with stiffness and heat.

Clinical Extremely valuable in fevers of a malignant type, especially malignant scarlatina, and in all fevers which present a haemorrhagic or putrescent character. Malignant scarlet fever, great weakness, tremulousness, torpor, unconsciousness, efforts to vomit anything taken into the stomach, when vomiting blood oozed from the gangrenous fauces, respiration sighing, intermittent. Malignant scarlatina with epistaxis, extreme prostration, tonsils dark red, tumid. Haemorrhagic measles, dark confluent eruption, oedema of face, etc. Malignant remittent fevers of the South. Bilious remittent, eyes sunken, tongue dry, nausea black pasty stools, drowsiness, extreme prostration. Bilious fever, with yellow color of face, gnawing aching pain in liver, bloody evacuation, r. lung hepatized. Low type of bilious fever, tongue dry, cracked, brown in centre, edges deep red, cold, clammy perspiration, skin yellow, unconsciousness, urine dark. It is the most homoeopathic remedy for yellow fever with symptoms of blood-poisoning, vertigo, pain all over the body and tenderness of liver, or with swollen parotids, nosebleed, face dusky, hands nearly black, dry tongue, vertigo as if falling over a precipice, or with yellow face, nearly black urine. Yellow fever, stools dark, bloody, generally offensive, sometimes involuntary, with great debility, tendency to collapse, suppression of urine, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.