CROTALUS HORRIDUS – Homeopathic Medicine

CROTALUS HORRIDUS homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy CROTALUS HORRIDUS…

General Action

      It produces a general disorganization of the blood, with haematogenous jaundice, haemorrhages, etc.


      Bleeding from all orifices; suddenly from eyes, ears, nose, gums and beneath nails. Swelling of the whole body, especially of the head. Extreme exhaustion; fatigue from the slightest effort; muscles seem to refuse to act. Weakness and trembling as from apprehension.


      Delirium, especially at night. Loquacious delirium, with desire to escape, Connected thought difficult, with cold skin and rapid pulse. Memory weak.


      Dull aching, extending into the eyes, or even into the teeth, sometimes with vertigo and nausea on moving. Dull frontal headache, with nausea and even vomiting. Pain in the occiput as from a blow, (<) lying down. Clinical. Vertigo, with faintness and weakness. Occipital headache recurring several times a day. Has relieved the extreme headache in diphtheria and frequent headache in dysmenorrhoea. Soreness of back of head; everything looks yellow; aching in liver, numbness of extremities, with red tongue, nose-bleed, delirium, offensive, bloody stools, offensive breath, etc. It is useful for the dull headache which precedes an attack of uraemic coma.


      Yellow color of the conjunctiva. Vision dim, especially for distant objects. Aqueous humor cloudy, with dim vision.

Clinical. Ciliary neuralgia as from a cut around the eye; pain tearing, boring; photophobia, especially felt at the menstrual period. Haemorrhage in the retina, especially in Bright’s disease. Keratitis, cutting pains around eyes, swollen lids; aggravation at he menstrual period.


      Clinical. Otorrhoea after scarlatina, offensive and bloody, with deafness.


      Color yellow or leaden, sometimes with pale flushes. Lower part of the face swollen and puffy, with swelling of the submaxillary glands.


      Bleeding of the gums, which are pallid. Tongue swollen. Tongue red, sore, or yellowish brown and dry in the centre; or very foul, with a red tip. Tongue swollen and protruded. Mouth fetid; feels foul and sticky on waking. Salivation, with bloody or frothy saliva.

Clinical. Grinding of teeth at night so terrible that the molars are broken; on waking, face distorted, drawn towards the left (in an epileptic family), with delayed, scanty menstruation.


      Throat dry and swollen. Extreme swelling of the fauces, which are dark red, associated with external swelling.

Clinical. Diphtheria; fauces swollen and dark red; frightful headache. Diphtheria, with oozing of blood from anus. mouth, etc. Chronic spasm of oesophagus; cannot swallow any solid substance. Hysterical spasms of oesophagus.


      Unquenchable thirst. Vomiting; stomach unable to retain the slightest food or drink. Green vomiting. Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. Intolerance of clothing about the stomach and hypochondria. Clinical. Bilious vomiting; inability to lie on right side, with dark green vomiting. Vomiting of blood, with ulceration of stomach. Gastritis in chronic alcoholism, with constant nausea and vomiting. Atonic dyspepsia, with continual throbbing, occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium towards the umbilicus; tongue very red, feels swollen.


      Distention; hot and tender; can scarcely bear the clothes. Pains in the region of the liver, with vomiting, etc.

Clinical. Abdominal troubles, with extreme tenderness; cannot bear the touch of her clothes; perityphlitis, with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix, and hardness. Jaundice, with haemorrhage from the nose, dusky flushes of face. tenderness of the liver, dark, scanty urine, the result of a wasp sting on the upper lid. The liver is painfully sore, with jaundice, sensitiveness of abdomen, etc. Chronic haemorrhage from the bowels, dark fluid, continual oozing, with great debility, faintness and depression of spirits.


      Stools black like coffee grounds, offensive. Diarrhoea, with nausea, thirst and anxiety; stools watery.

Clinical. Diarrhoea during bilious, remittent and other adynamic fevers. Dark fluid haemorrhage with the stools; even oozing of blood when standing or walking, with debility and faintness.

Urinary Organs

      Haemorrhage. Urine looks dark as in jaundice.

Clinical. Inflamed kidney, dark bloody urine. Haemorrhage from the kidney after scarlet fever. Haematuria with bronchitis. Haematuria with disorganization of blood in low fevers.

Sexual Organs, Female

      Menstruation prolonged, preceded by pain in the head, accompanied by pains in the abdomen and back.

Clinical. Dysmenorrhoea preceded by pain in uterine region, extending down thighs, which continued for two days during the flow; during the flow, aching in region of heart, extending through left arm, cold feet, etc. Uterine haemorrhage at the menopause, with faintness at the pit of the stomach, great prostration; blood dark and offensive. Uterine haemorrhage associated with malignant diseases.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, with bloody expectoration. Difficult respiration.

Clinical. Whooping cough, with great debility, cardiac weakness, blueness of face; after the attack, gets its color slowly; or the face is puffy, nose-bleed, etc.


      Palpitation, with a sensation as if the heart were tumbling about. Heart’s action feeble. Pulse rapid, soft, scarcely perceptible, even tremulous.


      Hands tremulous, swollen and insensible. The lower extremities go to sleep very easily. Rheumatic or neuralgic pains in the joints or fingers, with extreme weakness.


      Yellow color of the whole body. Haemorrhages under the skin. Enlarged lymphatics and glands, with inflammation, threatening to become gangrenous. Vesicles become ulcers, surrounded with red areolae.

Clinical. Chilblains, especially when threatened with gangrene. Felons. Pustular eruptions about the wrists. Petechial spots over the whole body, especially the lower extremities, with faintness, irregular action of heart, dizziness. Erysipelas after vaccination, the pustule filled with dark lymph. After vaccination, pustular eruptions on back of arm, across shoulders, over the breasts. Lymphangitis and septicaemia from dissecting wounds. Gangrenous inflammation of skin and cellular tissues. Abscesses, pustules, boils, carbuncles, etc. The parts look blush and unhealthy, with great prostration, etc. Erysipelatous inflammation following the bites of insects.


      Clinical. Malignant fevers of a haemorrhagic or putrescent character. Malignant scarlet fever, with weakness, tremulousness, torpor, unconsciousness, vomiting and oozing of blood from gangrenous fauces, sighing, intermittent respiration. Haemorrhagic measles. Malignant, remittent fevers of the South; eyes sunken, tongue dry, nausea, black, pasty stools, prostration; also yellow face, pain in liver, bloody evacuations, hepatized lung; also dry, cracked, brown tongue, cold, clammy sweat, skin yellow, urine dark. Yellow fever, with vertigo, general pains, tenderness of liver, swollen parotids, nose-bleed, dusky face, hands nearly black, dry tongue, black urine, or dark, bloody stools, often involuntary, tendency to collapse, suppression of urine, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.