Homeopathy Remedy Crotalus Horridus

      Teeth loose. Shooting downward, almost like a blow, in an upper back tooth; sudden S. up and down in r. lower back teeth. Toothache. Teeth and jaws seem bruised. Inclination to press the tongue against the lower incisors, with crumbling of them on the inside. Gums bleed (Lachesis, Carbo vegetabilis); white G.; swollen; painful, with red margins around the teeth. Tongue swollen; and mouth inflamed; and out of mouth; so that it closes the throat, and brown; with indistinct articulation. Tongue brown. T. red and sore. T. coated; white. T. dry. Loss of speech; from constriction of tongue and throat; and motionless, with trembling pulse. Pain in salivary glands and in different branches of nerves of face and teeth. Tickling of palate and fauces. Salivation obliging him to swallow. Taste bitter. Taste sourish after the usual breakfast. There was no taste of salt in a glass of salt and water.

Clinical Grinding of teeth at night, so terrible that she has broken her molars, on waking face distorted, drawn towards the left (in an epileptic family), with delayed scanty menstruation.


      Swelling of parts under jaw and about throat. Angina tonsillaris. Pricking in fauces when reading, with constriction. Neuralgic drawing in fauces, (<) l. side about root of tongue, waking at 2 A.M. and almost producing choking. Sore pain about uvula on swallowing; sudden soreness in evening, (>) next morning, with bronchial catarrh, returning at night; sudden S. in the night, as of swelling of uvula and velum, with dryness of mouth. Feeling as if velum was stiff and too long and as if fauces were lined with mucus, afterwards mucus must be hawked up or swallowed. Painful rawness. Constriction. Tickling in pharynx. Dryness; and thirst. Frequent swallowing of saliva, with compression of throat with out dyspnoea. Difficult swallowing; of liquids. Mucus in oesophagus. Scraping rancid sensation in oesophagus, extending to stomach, with pressure in pit of stomach.

Clinical Diphtheria, fauces swollen and dark red, frightful headache. Diphtheria, with oozing of blood from anus, mouth; etc. Chronic spasm of oesophagus, cannot swallow any solid substance. Hysterical spasms of oesophagus.


      Appetite bad; lost. Craving for stimulants, (<) wine. Thirst; during the fever; unquenchable. Eructations tasting of food; rancid E. all the afternoon; of sour acrid fluid after eating white bread. Nausea; (>) vomiting; with inability to vomit; with sensation as if something rose in oesophagus and remained in upper part of chest; with coldness; with cold skin; with rigors, pulse rapid, threadlike; with syncope on becoming upright; paroxysmal, till noon, (>) sitting, (<) walking or standing. Vomiting; on least exertion; with vertigo; sudden; violent; stomach unable to retain anything; V. of food; violent V. of food; of everything but jellies, brandy and coffee; undigested food mixed with a greenish fluid, then thick viscid mucus like the white of egg stained yellow; green; green fluid, with pain in chest; green fetid matter every half hour; yellowish-green and fetid; bitter bile; blood.

Sticking in pit. Pain; after breakfast and dinner; in pit; in epigastrium. Pressure, with discomfort in S. and region of pit; as if he had eaten too much, a sensation as before fainting. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region and beneath hypochondria (Lachesis). Soreness in morning on rising; (<) food; S. in epigastrium, extending upward under sternum. Throbbing in pit, with rancid sensation in stomach. Quivering sensation in epigastrium, with nausea. Weight, and on chest. The breakfast lies heavy all day. Burning pain in epigastrium, (>) stool. Heartburn all day, (<) afternoon, with feeling as if oesophagus were full of rancid food and eructations tasting of food; H. at 4 P.M. lasting all the evening; after the usual light supper. Faint, sinking sensation in epigastrium.

Clinical Bilious vomiting, inability to lie on r. side, with instant dark green vomiting. Vomiting of blood, with ulceration of stomach. Gastritis in chronic alcoholism, with constant nausea and vomiting. Atonic dyspepsia, with continual throbbing, occipital headache and trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium towards the umbilicus, tongue very red and small, feels swollen.


      Swelling. Flatulency. Inflammation of viscera. Burning pain; with sensitiveness, (<) touch. Tension. Pain in l. side like cuttings through spleen after violent running, (<) deep inspiration. Burning pain in umbilical region. Pain in middle, beneath umbilicus, as if too full. Inguinal glands on one side enlarged; l. Pain in course of colon; at 11.30 A.M. Burning pain in hypogastrium extending to sacrum, waking at night.

Clinical Abdominal troubles, with extreme tenderness, cannot bear the touch of her clothes, perityphlitis with high fever, great tenderness over the appendix and hardness; after Crot. 6th dark offensive evacuation and rapid improvement. Jaundice, with haemorrhage from the nose, dusky flushes of face, tenderness of the liver, dark scanty urine, the result of a wasp-sting on the upper lid, immediate relief from Crot. 6th. The liver is painfully sore, with jaundice, sensitiveness of abdomen, etc. Chronic haemorrhage from the bowels, dark, fluid, continual oozing, with great debility, faintness and depression of spirits (Phos).

Rectum and Stool

      Tenesmus. Passed blood with mucus from the anus. Diarrhoea; in afternoon; with nausea, anxiety and thirst; then constipation and hard stools; frequent, with pain in rectum; frequent, with colic extending downward from umbilicus; watery, with colic and tenesmus. Pasty stool. Constipation. Bloody S. Frequent S.; two in evening. Involuntary S.; in morning, of dark bilious color.

Clinical Diarrhoea during bilious, remittent and other adynamic fevers.

Urinary Organs

      Strangury (Cantharis). Involuntary micturition; every few minutes. Micturition frequent and copious; copious, afterwards small quantities of pale urine. Micturition rare and urine scanty and high-colored. Haemorrhage from urethra. urine looks like that in jaundice. Urine increased; and reddish yellow; scanty and red.

Clinical Inflamed kidney, dark bloody urine. Haemorrhage from the kidney after scarlet fever. Haematuria with bronchitis (Phosphorus). Haematuria with disorganization of blood in low fevers.

Sexual Organs

      Cutting in glans. Erections at night. Excitement; during the day, with apparent impotence. Intermittent shooting, rather burning pain from l. side of uterus, passing to region of transverse colon and there shooting or cutting across, as if from both sides towards centre, thence passing up l. side of trunk to face and temple as a cutting, intermittent, neuralgic pain. Menstruation too soon, free, preceded by weight in head and ears, accompanied by pains in abdomen and back and cold feet, lasting longer than usual and going off after two days, with frontal headache, which lasts from 10 P.M. till 1 A.M.

Clinical Dysmenorrhoea preceded by pain in uterine region extending down thighs, which continued for two days during the flow; during the flow aching in region of heart, extending through l. arm, cold feet, etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Pain in larynx extending into teeth. Larynx painful to touch. Paroxysmal bruised pain in larynx, shooting into chin, and at times into lower teeth, sharper in larynx than in chin. Voice weak; and hoarse. Tickling in trachea provoking dry cough, afterwards tickling without cough. Cough, with sticking in side and bloody expectoration; dry C. at night, with tickling in throat; C. with expectoration of bloody mucus. Spitting of blood (Phosphorus). Expectoration of florid color. Every appearance of suffocation. Said his blood was suffocating him. Dyspnoea, with symptoms of inflammation of lungs and intestines. Difficult respiration (Phosphorus); in evening in bed, with tightness of chest. Easily out of breath on ascending a hill. Respiration labored; and rapid; and slow. Singultus. Stertor.

Clinical Whooping cough, with great debility cardiac, weakness, blueness of face, after the attack gets its color slowly, or when the face is puffy, nosebleed, etc.


      The milk of the mother became deadly poison to her 5-months’ child. Sticking in r. side, near sternum; in r. side on sneezing; in forepart, extending into bones of l. shoulder. Pleurisy, with remittent fever. Pain; l. then r. side; below r., then l. arm; beneath l. arm, extending into l. side of chest, with great pain on deep inspiration; with vomiting of green fluid; in lower part or at pit of stomach, with stricture; sudden P. above l. nipple, as from a blow. Soreness, with cough in morning; along cartilages of ribs in epigastrium; sore pain in bones, in the middle, somewhat to r. side, (<) touch but not on deep inspiration, with sticking. Oppression; with evident inflammation of lungs and bowels; when sitting, almost amounting to faintness.


      Sudden digging. pain. Soreness as if in pericardium. Tenderness in morning when lying on l. side. Weak sensation about; and on exertion rapid beats. Rapid beating on slight exertion, with deep-seated aching at point of l. scapula. Irregular action; and trembling and scarcely perceptible. Feeble action. Palpitation, with sensation as if the heart tumbled about.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.