Homeopathy Remedy Crotalus Horridus


      Rapid, weak; and intermittent; R. in evening, and small; R., then slow, small, compressible; R. and hard, then weak and slow. Slow and small. Strong and full after formation of an abscess. Hard, then weak. Irregular. Low. Weak alternating with rapid. Tremulous; and scarcely perceptible. Almost imperceptible and thread-like next morning. Imperceptible; at wrist; at wrist, but action of heart rapid and feeble, with remarkable shortness of systodiastolic interval.

Neck and Back

      Gouty drawing on l. side of nape, extending to shoulder. Visible twitching of lumbar muscles. Inflammation of r. side towards lumbar region, with pain and extravasation of blood. Pain in kidneys.

Clinical Softening of the spinal cord has been arrested (Phosphorus).


      Swelling and pain. Convulsive movements. Tearing yearly or at times. Rheumatic pain in wrists, elbows and ankles. Numb pain in toes and anterior part of fingers, as after cramp. Heaviness of arms and legs, as if the bones were made of heavy wood. Painful paralytic sensation in bones of fingers, arms and legs when sitting in evening. Paralysis, (<) upper, particularly below elbows, ineffectual attempts to stand, as soon as he got on his elbows and knees or into a kneeling position he fell back helplessly on his side.

Upper Extremities

      Glands in axilla swollen and tender. Paroxysmal bruised pain in bones of shoulder, extending backward, (<) bending arm backward. Tensive pain in shoulder, extending to neck, (<) on moving arm; drawing tensive pain in r. shoulder, extending up neck, as if some one were pulling on a tendon extending from shoulder to neck and drawn tense under skin, (<) moving arm, especially backward, and by pressure.

Arm. Swelling and heaviness; S., with discoloration; with inflammation and gangrene. Pain in morning when moved; drawing pain in bones of r., extending into thumb and little finger. Numbness in morning. R; could not be used with freedom (from bite on l. hand). Bruised, cramplike sensation in both upper. Pain above r. elbow; in r. elbow, (<) by touch and moving arm up and down, with throbbing, bruised pain in ribs beneath r. arm. Swelling and pain of forearm and hands; S. of forearms, of l. extending up arm, of r. only to elbow, with pain, (<) l. Drawing pain in r. wrist, waking in morning.

Hand. Swelling (of the bitten H.), and of the fingers, fingers semi-flexed on palm and rigid, the hand flexed on forearm and forearm on arm, all livid, black and blue and cold. Cold swelling of H. and arm, with pain on pressure. Contraction of some flexors. Trembling (Phosphorus); during rest. Pain in l. palm as from a bee-sting, but spasmodic, (<) moving middle finger, in the last joint of which the pain is first felt. Paralytic weakness of r. and of fingers.

Fingers. Swollen and insensible. Shooting into l. ring, with pulsation. Bruised pain through metatarsal joints of r.; in two last phalanges of l. little, with pulsation in tip. Pain in l. ring, and in last phalanges of r. little and of l. middle, as when a very cold hand is suddenly brought near the fire. Paralytic pain at times in bones, (<) r. index. Drawing pains in bones of l. thumb.

Clinical Symptoms of paralysis of l. hand, it feels dead when sewing, also l. leg.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering. Feeling in r. as if a tendon were drawn from sole through femur and the foot were thereby drawn up. Insensibility. Sticking backward across r. hip-bone, (<) motion. Sudden pain in head of femur, with throbbing perceptible to the hand. Pain in thighs, (<) l., as if deep-seated muscles were tender, afterwards as if suppurating, (<) resting thigh on edge of chair and on walking. Bruised pain in thighs as after skating too much, (<) walking and touch. Sore pain in thighs, (<) touch and walking. Tensive drawing bone pain from l. hip to foot, with bubbling sensation in calf. Weary and cramplike pain in femora, extending to abdomen and backward, as after much skating, it seemed as if the flesh would be drawn up, which aggravated the pain. Sudden drawing in l. hip, in evening on walking, extending to foot.

Knee. Drawing pain as if through marrow of bone from l. to sole. Goutlike drawings through r. and down leg, (<) standing on r. foot; in r. patella and tibia on walking, then pain in hand and jaw; sudden, in r. when walking and sitting still. Rheumatic drawing in hollow of r. between tendons.

Leg. (Bitten) became the color of the snake, the flesh decayed and fell off in pieces. Dropsical. Distended and threatened mortification, the skin shining, black on outside, with black and yellow spots on inside. Lower part and foot so swollen a to rupture skin from toe to ankle and black. Cramp; in calf; disposition, to, in morning. Pain in r. tibia; sore, in l. calf, (<) touch; burning (in bitten leg), with swelling and heat. Bubbling in calves, with pains in bones. Weariness; aching. Feeling as if the whole r. were only half alive, and, on stretching the muscles, which he is involuntarily inclined to do, shivering through upper part of body, with shaking of head and tension of forehead and muscles of nape. Going to sleep after riding one over the other; going to sleep when sitting, and tingling.

Bruised pain in malleoli on walking; B. pain in tendon behind l. malleolus, (<) moving foot and touch. Swelling of feet; every evening; and ugly ulcers. Shooting from the bitten foot up inside of leg to knee. Sticking in r. sole, with burning and with heaviness of foot. Pain in l. foot; in foot on stepping; sore in sole; in sole, in front of heel, as from stepping on something sharp with the bare foot; pinching drawing P. in heels, (<) bones, extending to malleoli. Cramplike sensation beneath l. little toe, as if some one turned it around. Weariness of toes.


      Yellow color of whole body; in spots; Y. and dark spots reappearing, with swelling of hands and feet the next year at the same time. Blue and yellow spots next year, with swelling; yearly with fever and pain; green, yellow and bluish spots after the swelling had ceased. Whole arm livid as if putrefaction had begun. Black spots. Jet black elevation on r. hip (after bite on l. ring finger), with soreness, after wards the discoloration extended to level of umbilicus, around body and down to limbs, gradually disappearing from above downward, leaving toes last. R. side of neck and body down to loins inflamed, painful and mottled.

Swelling of hand, forearm, arm and shoulder, with a dark ecchymosed line root of finger almost to shoulder-joint, the inside of the bitten finger, as far as the second joint, covered with blisters filled with dark fluid blood. Swollen, hot, tense, painful, with cold arm and hand, then an abscess forms, which becomes gangrenous.

Glands of axilla sore and painful (after a bite on l. index), with restlessness and sleeplessness, next morning a line of inflammation along arm to axilla, on attempting to walk nausea and vomiting, the pain (>) resting arm on an inclined plane, then soreness of back, then the swelling extended down side of hip, on removal of the blistered skin of the finger discharge of watery sanguineous fluid, without smell, the nail loose, the red line following the lymphatics was filled with yellow serum, then palmar surface of the first and second joints of the finger was gangrenous, the granulations rough and appearing as if sprinkled with ochre, then the nail was removed, a slough formed and on coming away left the bone exposed, this afterwards exfoliated and had to be removed, the finger was left deformed and its circulation imperfect, the finger susceptible to cold.

Eruptions of various kinds. Soft lumps under skin in forepart of shoulder-joint, above axilla, with sticking, (<) bending arm backward. Pimples; red, small, with large ones on and between scapulae. Hard itching tubercles in the skin of calves, (<) l., gradually coming to the surface and scaling with the scratching. Pustule near l. wing of nose, with tensive pains extending into cheek, then redness and hardness in this place. Boils on arm as far as the swelling had extended, in all about eighty of one time.

Vesicles; on the swollen arm; passing into ulcers; with a red spot under each vesicle; with red areola, on inner side of arm, beneath shoulder and near elbow; (at the place of the bite), on being opened the water that filled it scalded the parts it passed over; over metacarpal bone of r. thumb every three months, with contraction of flexors and inability to extend the hand, the first time with beating pain; filled with dark, bloody serum. Abscess on outer side of elbow, with discharge of reddish-brown matter and membranous parts of cellular tissue, with diarrhoea and chills, then extension of the ulceration, then gangrene near shoulder. Gangrene of bitten part, extending over body. Ulcers; on r. thigh. Old sores break out again.

Oozing of blood in the form of sweat. Tension. Itching; whole body in morning on waking; about bend of arm; on middle joints of all fingers; stickling, alternately in all parts, (<) on scapulae.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.