Homeopathy Remedy Coccus Cacti


      Sticking; with every stool; (<) walking, with exertion to stool; jerking and boring S., constantly jumping to neck of bladder and along ureters to kidneys. Burning pain after stool. Urging to stool, then hard faeces; U. as if to diarrhoea, then pasty stool, with much flatulence. ineffectual urging; frequently, then three stools relieving the pain in lumbar and sacral regions.


      Much moisture in fissure between A. and nates. Sticking extending through urethra. Twinges after moderate exercise. Burning. Crawling. Itching.


      Diarrhoea. Soft and frequent; and copious; soft, mingled with hard lumps. Constipation, then after eating profuse pasty stool, with much flatulence. Hard; and scanty. Faeces enveloped in mucus, with straining, with burning and protrusion of haemorrhoids. Delayed, difficult and clayey. Like kneaded clay, with straining, then spasmodic pain in rectum just at lower end of sacrum. Irregular. Copious, pasty; C. after walking. Omitted.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Cutting in region, with heat in face. Twisting pain in neck. Constant alternation of cramp, heat and coldness in region. pain in region; waking him at night, with ineffectual urging to urinate. Pressure on; and constant urging, (>) after micturition. Heaviness, (<) in forepart, towards urethra, with constant urging to urinate and frequent discharge of normal color, acid in forenoon. Tension and fulness without leading to micturition, the tension remaining after micturition. Painful drawing in region of l. ureter.

Urging to urinate; in morning; but necessity to wait long before the urine passed, also waking twice at night. Frequent urging; suddenly; with urine as clear as water. Frequent ineffectual urging at night. Strangury in evening. Spurting micturition. Strong stream of pale urine. Frequent micturition; in afternoon; (<) at midnight and 4 P.M.; of copious urine; of saturated urine; of pale, odorless urine; of urine as clear as water, but it seems heavy and as thick as oil. Infrequent micturition. Waits long for the stream of urine. Retention of urine until there is great urging, when a little a passed slowly and painfully, sometimes sticking jerking on urinating extending into the sore pudenda.

Urethra. Sticking in forepart of glans at 11 P.M.; in orifice, with tickling; in region of navicular fossa, with pain; in forepart, (<) in glans, with jerking. Pain on urinating as from obstruction. Burning pain on urinating, with sensation of a stone in urethra. Burning during micturition; B., (>) micturition, with at times prickling at its orifice, the latter during the day before much micturition. Tickling in forepart before micturition, as if dull needles were suddenly forced into it. itching in orifice; in evening; in evening, with biting.

Urine. Copious; and as clear as water, then in afternoon dark urine with sticking along urethra, (<) near glans. Scanty; at night, and red; and dark, very ammoniacal and concentrated. Dark, turbid, of putrid odor. At first straw-yellow, afterwards lemon yellow, afterwards light brown, then reddish-brown and finally red. Acrid, burning. Thick and hot. Acid. Began to decompose in half an hour. Turbid. Contained mucus forming in part flakes, clouds and threads, mixed largely with the sediment. Brick-red sand after standing long; brick-red sediment easily mixing with the fluid on shaking the vessel.

Clinical Urinary calculi, with violent colic, haematuria, large deposit of uric acid and of urates, pains lancinating, extending from kidneys into bladder.

Sexual Organs

      Pustule in middle of penis. Throbbing in glans, with tickling in urethra. Heat in glans and l. testicle. Itching of glans; and of prepuce, with biting. Biting stitches in prepuce. Erections towards morning greater then usual, and emission; frequent erections. Itching of scrotum in morning on rising. Drawing sticking in r. testicle, extending into inguinal region. Desire; in morning, with erections; in morning, with lascivious actions, without erections; at night, and voluptuous dreams; on waking. Emission in morning; at 5 A.M.; at night, without dreams; at night, with diminished desire.

Pudenda swollen, (<) towards the front, and sensitiveness, with cramp, which contracts the orifice of the urethra so that the urine flows slowly over the sore parts, often with burning, with frequent painful thin discharge, which does not seem to be leucorrhoea, next day the swelling was hard and hot. Shooting in pudenda like electric shocks. Sudden burning in pudenda, with throbbing and sensitiveness. Swollen sensation in pudenda. Discharge of mucus from vagina preceded by drawing-dragging in inguinal and public regions and region of bladder. Menses too early, profuse, black and thick; too early and too long, with towards the close tension, then constriction in abdomen rising towards stomach, as if she would vomit water (which sensation usually occurred at the beginning.)

Clinical Menorrhagia; discharge of large dark clots, with dysuria. Intermittent menstruation, flows only in evening or night when lying down.

Respiratory Organs

      Mucus. Catarrh of larynx and trachea. Sticking in larynx; with hoarseness. Scraping and irritation to cough; S. in larynx and trachea; in larynx, causing paroxysms of cough and expectoration of balls of mucus. Rawness in trachea, obliging coughing. Pain in larynx after speaking a short time, and rawness. Roughness during and after speaking. Sensation as if crumb stuck behind larynx, obliging constant swallowing. Choking. Tickling in larynx, waking at 11.30 P.M., causing cough, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus (Calc-acet.); T., then hacking cough. Burning after cough; B. behind larynx as from a corrosive fluid. Irritation in larynx to cough in evening and disturbing sleep at night. Fatigue of vocal organs, even after speaking, without exertion, with hoarseness and labored breathing (Phosphorus). Hoarseness; in morning; in morning, with violent hawking of tenacious mucus; in morning, (>) rinsing mouth with tepid water or taking warm fluids, with paroxysms of cough and hawking of mucus; in afternoon; evening; at first, after not speaking for some time. Voice husky and deep on going into open air.

Cough; waking at 1 A.M., then sleeplessness, partly from the cough, partly from a burning soreness in lungs, partly from headache, then uneasy sleep from 6 to 7 A.M., the headache (>) waking; after dinner from the ordinary smoking; in hot room, preventing speaking; from irritation in bronchi and larynx, which made the soft palate so painful that swallowing was difficult; (<) 10 to 11 A.M.; (<) evening, with soreness and subsequent burning in chest; (>) evening and night. Violent, from brushing teeth, then vomiting of slimy fluid. Paroxysmal; in forenoon; frequent P. in warmth of bed, lasting from 2 to 2.30. leaving aching in throat as if fatigued, with heat and sore burning; short; frequent, as from tickling in larynx and pharynx. Painful, fatiguing, on waking, from irritation in larynx and trachea.

Dry cough; in morning; in morning, causing vomiting of mucus; waking at night; from the accustomed smoking; at night from tickling in air-passages, in morning looser, with easy expectoration; with pain, (<) apices of lungs; D. and violent in morning after waking; D., racking and painful; short and D.; short and D. in forenoon from irritation in trachea; D., rarely loosening yellow mucus of nauseating sweetish taste; at times D., at times expectoration of thick mucus. Barking, clear, dry, waking at 6 A.M., afterwards with expectoration of mucus, the hawking of which provoked vomiting (K-bi.). with sore throat and frontal headache, the cough and heat in throat (>) by rinsing mouth with cold water and drinking a few swallows, the heat in throat returned after a cup of warm milk, the cough returned on entering a hot room.

Cough with expectoration; towards evening; at night; of much viscid albuminous mucus (K-bi.).; tenacious E. at 6 A.M., through the day and at 3 P.M. (an hour after eating), (>) vomiting; E. of lumpy mucus; mucous E.; easy, slimy E., mingled with tenacious threads; yellow E.; difficult E. of greenish-yellow sweet mucus. Paroxysmal cough before going to bed, with easy expectoration of globules of mucus; P. cough, with expectoration of greenish lumps (K-iod.); P. cough, with expectoration of round masses of grayish mucus; P. cough, with grayish, gelatinous, lumpy mucus; paroxysm of tickling cough, ending with expectoration of mucus. Cough, with tickling about bifurcation of bronchi, caused by a feeling as if a plug mucus were moving in chest, in spite of profuse expectoration of mucus. Fatiguing cough, then expectoration mucus.

Expectoration alternating with dry hacking. Expectoration of mucus; easy; lumpy; yellow, sour; yellow, lumpy after slight hawking; greenish-yellow, and sweat; of white lumps of the size of peas from larynx, with dry sensation in mouth, extending into fauces; of whitish-gray masses; tough and sweet, next day lumpy and grayish-blue and looser; yellow, with a tinge of red, tasting sourish-sweat; thick; thick and nauseous.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.