Homeopathy Remedy Coccus Cacti

Gums bleed longer than usual after removing old roots, and the cavities ache for some time. Biting sticking in gum of r. anterior incisor, with dryness of mouth and frequent itching in l. external meatus auditorius. Soreness in toothache places in lower jaw. Heaviness in l. upper jaw as if teeth were pressed out of their sockets.

Tongue. White coat. vesicles. Biting anteriorly as from pepper. Biting sticking in l. side of tip, with salivation. Dryness; in morning on waking, with a brown coat; with roughness.

Redness of arches of palate; of velum palati and fauces, with pustules on r. arch of palate. Sticking and burning in palate and tongue. Scraping in arches of palate. Pain in soft palate, (<) talking or swallowing. Tensive pain in arches of palate on swallowing, (>) water. Tension in arches of palate. Rawness. Sensitiveness of mouth and fauces, so that rinsing mouth caused cough and vomiting of thick masses of mucus. Irritability of arches of palate, so that loud talking and brushing of the teeth caused cough and vomiting. Tickling irritation in palate to vomit in morning, increasing to vomiting of mucus on rinsing mouth with cold water. Burning. Dryness; of palate; behind arches of palate; of M. and throat in morning on waking, (>) cold water, with heat in them and stiffness of tongue. M. and fauces feel as if covered with velvet. Constant desire to spit, and metallic taste (Iodium). Salivation. Hot breath. Odor as from a disordered stomach. Sourish odor.

Taste. Metallic, with salivation (Iodium); sweetish metallic (Iodium); M., (<) smoking; M. at tip of tongue. Sweetish; and bitter, aromatic; and offensive, resinous, (<) at root of tongue, after a glass of water. Bitter; and nauseous; offensive, bitter, sour, at root of tongue and entrance to fauces in forenoon; sharp, bitter, sour towards root of tongue, provoking vomiting. Pasty; in morning. Nauseous, flat. unpleasant to coffee and water. Food at dinner distasteful.


      Redness; of pharynx, with difficult swallowing; of r. tonsil, with swelling. Swelling of r. tonsil. Tonsils pale and distended. hawking of mucus; in afternoon; with tickling of larynx, then paroxysms of cough. Scraping stickling and constriction. Sensation as if a hair stuck in it, causing hawking of various- colored mucus. Sensation as if a crumb stuck behind larynx; the sensation of crumbs frequently descends towards stomach and then rises again. Scraping; from morning till noon, (>) after dinner; with expectoration of mucus; causing paroxysms of cough, with expectoration of mucus; causing nausea. Rawness, (>) at night in warmth of bed, with roughness and hoarseness; with scraping, as after highly-seasoned food; causing violent cough; causing frequent hawking of mucus. Roughness; in morning. Constriction. Choking, with constriction beginning in stomach and extending to throat. Sensation, as if a thread were hanging down, and constant hawking of mucus. Sensation as if uvula were elongated, causing constant hawking.

Pressive sensation; in pharynx, (<) empty swallowing. Almost a burning pain from smoking. Soreness; without difficulty in swallowing. Feeling of beginning inflammation. Burning; on soft palate; in oesophagus; in fauces every morning; on soft palate in morning on waking; when smoking, and on lips; somewhat (>) cold water; like heartburn, and on palate. Sensation as if a piece of ice had slipped down. Peculiar coolness extending up oesophagus to mouth. Dryness; of posterior wall of pharynx; with much mucus on uvula; with painful tension on r. side on swallowing; (<) palate, with scraping, disturbing sleep; waking him, (>) cold water; of pharynx, causing cough; as if full of dust, (<) till evening, when it was accompanied by burning in arch of palate.

Tickling; on uvula extending over velum palati, (<) cold water, when there was irritation on cough; (<) uvula, soft palate and posterior wall of pharynx, in morning, preventing lying, causing violent paroxysms of dry cough, only after warm drinks the mucus was expectorated in large loose masses, then through the forenoon hawking and expectorating of loose mucus; in fauces as with a feather; T. irritation to vomit. Frequent swallowing, with sensation as if a ball were sticking in the throat. Inability to drink water. Swallowing difficult in evening, with swollen sensation in larynx and difficult speech. Sensation on swallowing liquids as if they were forced down by a spasm. Aggravation of symptoms in warmth, especially in bed (Iodium, Mercurius).

Clinical Coryza, inflammation of fauces, with accumulation of thick viscid mucus, which is expectorated with the greatest difficulty, even with retching and vomiting (Kali bichromicum).


      Appetite at 6 P.M., an unusual time; even after eating. Ravenous; for supper; soon passing away. Great for dinner, which was eaten without relish and with speedy satiety, the food through light caused discomfort and pressure in stomach and eructations, stomach somewhat (>) by uprisings of food. Variable. Little at noon. Satiety soon after dinner; S. from water, with aversion to drinking. Lost, with increased thirst; at breakfast, but afterwards ravenous hunger; at noon. Aversion to food and drink. no relish for smoking.

Thirst; in evening; in evening, with longing for beer, after a glass of which there were headache and weakness so that he could not sleep until midnight; after eating, then chilliness from much cold water; (<) morning; (<) eating. Aversion to coffee and water.

Eructations; tasteless; loud, spasmodic, empty, in evening. Nausea; in morning; in morning on waking; from constant rising towards stomach; (<) after a violent paroxysm of cough, which brings tears to the eyes; (>) weak wine; with empty eructations; with cramp in stomach, and hunger; in paroxysms, with rabid hunger. Retching; in morning on waking, with nausea and salivation.

Distention; after rising, with retching rising to throat; flatulent, after eating; with pressure upward and choking as far as fauces; and sensation as if vomiting would relieve it. Sticking in afternoon on lying down, obliging sitting up; S. in fundus, then in coecal region; in pit at every inspiration, (>) expiration; and griping. Intermittent griping extending to coecal region. Pinching. Gnawing after drinking. Cramp. Pain; in epigastric region; in pit and l. hypochondrium; with sensation of a ball in it; in attacks, with beginning nausea. Pressure as from indigestion; P. as if overloaded, after a light dinner, extending to fauces, lasting till sleep; as after mineral water, with nausea, then heat of stomach, repeated for hours, then sensation as from drinking too much water, which lasted all the forenoon.

Heaviness; as if a stone were in it. Sensitiveness to pressure; in pit; to touch in epigastric region. Burning. Heartburn in afternoon, with tensive pain in throat; H. at night; two hours after eating; when walking after smoking; after wine, with pressure in stomach; with eructations of almost corrosive fluid. Sensation as if region of stomach and ilium were bathed in warm water. Sensation as if a cold air blew into it. Coldness and discomfort. Discomfort, (<) breakfast, with inflated feeling in abdomen. Emptiness. Weakness.


      Distention; in morning; after dinner; as if he had eaten too much; flatulent. Flatulence; after dinner; after dinner, with discomfort in whole body. Gurgling. Rumbling; after eating; preventing midday nap (>) when walking about the room by short passages of flatus; (<) lying on l. side; with pain in loins. Noises and movements of flatus; odorless. Sticking here and there, extending more towards hypochondriac region (apparently to bladder). Cutting. Pinching after dinner. Griping in morning on waking, then diarrhoea; G. in morning, then liquid stools repeated three times during the day; on waking, (>) stool; after eating; after dinner, then liquid stool; with pasty stool; with ineffectual urging to stool; with headache. Pain, then pasty stool, with shivering; P., as if many spots were ulcerating. Sensitiveness to pressure. Warmth.

Hypochondria. Rumbling beneath r. short ribs. Sticking in region of spleen; in l. H., extending to l. side of chest in forenoon, when walking; periodically in spleen, gradually changing to fulness and benumbed aching in l. hypochondrium. Pain in l. as from incarcerated flatus, extending to l. side of back and lumbar vertebrae. Burning drawing in region of spleen, extending into l. side of chest, with jerking stitches; burning, drawing in l., waking at night, (>) application of warm hand. Burrowing, tensive, dragging and drawing pain, and in public and inguinal regions. Dragging, and in public region, with discharge from vagina. Fulness in region of bladder.

Umbilicus. Cutting, (<) motion. Griping in region; then soft stool. Dragging about. Pain, and deep in coecal region; in region, at times extending towards ilium.

Hypogastrium. Audible movement towards genitals, then sticking from bladder along urethra to glans when sitting. Sticking in l. groin; in r. flank extending from border of false ribs to r. side of back, (<) pressure, (>) passage of flatus; drawing S. extending from l. flank along l. hip. Cutting, with passage of much odorless flatus. Griping above pelvic region as from incarcerated flatus, (>) emission. Sticking drawing and dragging pain in inguinal, hypochondriac and public regions. Dragging downward, as during menstruation, with frequent micturition. Sensitiveness of tuber ischii when sitting long or on pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.