Homeopathy Remedy Coca


      Teeth stained bright yellow; greenish and stumpy. Pain in a hollow tooth. Tongue coated. Appearance towards r. side of tip of tongue of a vesicle that had broken, with a red circle around it, the place feels sore, as scalded by tea, when eating, touching it, and at other times, then sore as from a sore place. Offensive blackish froth around corners of mouth. Swollen sensation in arches of palate, impeding swallowing, at times with tickling, causing cough. Dryness; on waking; and of lips, (>) breakfast. Burning; night and morning, and of palate; and in throat, with thirst; with fulness, and in stomach. Coolness in mucous membrane of M. and throat, verging on numbness. Salivation; bitterish, then aromatic. Disgusting breath.

Taste bad; in morning and not the usual appetite; (>) drinking cold water. Slimy. Bitter in morning; on waking, then unusual flow of water from nose. Salt at tip of tongue. Salt, anteriorly on r. side of tongue in morning; at 9 P.M.; (>) supper; (>) gingerbread. Herring-like to butter. Burnt to water.


      Hawking up transparent lumps of mucus, (<) morning. Uvula long arid red. Uvula swollen and swallowing difficult; in morning on waking. Pain. Scraping, with swollen uvula, causing hawking and expectoration of mucus. Soreness from cough; at back on rising; in morning at back, with obstruction, not (>) hawking and coughing, with hoarseness; on r. side of uvula on swallowing, with a swollen sensation. Swollen sensation in morning on swallowing. Feeling as if mucus were at back of pharynx, not (<) by coughing or hawking. Irritation to cough. Tickling at l. side of pharynx at 8.45 A.M., on talking; in pharynx on talking, or soreness; at back of pharynx, towards l. side, on talking; at back on rising. Dryness; and heat.


      Appetite increased; sudden voracious, especially for animal food; great, dinner was eaten at 11 A.M. with appetite, but less was eaten than on the preceding day when he had no special hunger; longing for food though the epigastric region was distended. Morbid hunger, even to swallowing human excrements. Irregular appetite, the aversion to all food is often suddenly followed by insatiable craving, especially animal food. Little need of nourishment, even during heavy work, with remarkable vigor. Great satiety for a long-time. Little appetite, especially for meat. No appetite; with weak digestion, nervous irritation and headache; for dinner, in spite of which much is eaten with relish. Aversion to food. Thirst; at 8 P.M.; for brandy.

Eructations; after his usual coffee; after dinner, with heaviness in stomach and constant desire to eructate; empty, every quarter of an hour; loud; slimy; of the dinner. Hiccough after sandwiches at noon; after a tepid shower-bath taken after supper, (>) lying down in bed. Nausea; after breakfast; sick feeling before supper, (>) by it; with disorders of stomach which may be compared to seasickness. Violent vomiting of slimy water at 6 P.M.

Distention returning after dinner and lasting till evening, with gulping and constant desire to eructate. Pricking about cardiac end at 7 P.M. when sitting indoors. Gnawing, hungry sensation at pit. Pain about cardiac end on walking, would have amounted to a cutting, (>) standing at 4 P.M., returning during a walk. Painful contracted sensation, with pain in l. side like a splenetic stitch. Dyspepsia. Increase of digestive powers. Emptiness; in morning before rising; 8.30 A.M., renewed by breakfast; after rising, (>) before breakfast; after rising, (>) breakfast, for which he had not much appetite; after breakfast; after a long walk. Fulness; and heaviness; in epigastric and mesogastric regions. Uneasiness of digestive organs. Comfort in epigastrium, somewhat as from a glass of wine, radiating over whole body, an agreeable heat.


      Distention; in evening; tense, tympanitic. Rumbling; with emission of flatus. Gurgling, with emptiness. Constant urging of flatus without emission. Emission of flatus, with urging to stool; E. of flatus, with the smell of burnt gunpowder at 8 A.M. Pain renewed after a cup of chocolate; P. (<) coffee, (>) 5 P.M., after cold beer; (>) emission of flatus, with rumbling. Emptiness. pain in region of liver, with gallstones. Cutting-drawing digging in small intestines in morning (<) 9 A.M., lasting till 11 O’clock, (>) rapid walking and eating something but returning, excessive in jejunum and ilium, (>) pressure in gastric region. Gurgling in ilium, extending to ascending and descending colon.

Clinical Violent palpitation caused by incarcerated flatus, which rises with violence and great noise, as if it would split the oesophagus (Thea.).


      Urging to stool; all day, with sulphuretted hydrogen flatus; waking at night, stool copious, solid; then diarrhoea; then evacuation of scanty, clear, watery mucus, with small brownish flocks swimming in it; then hard scanty stool, with sensation as if sphincter were paralyzed; ineffectual, waking at midnight. No desire for stool at usual time in morning, no stool all day, but awakened at 11 P.M. by urging, then abundant firm stool.


      Thin; then continued urging; and copious, having more smell; with urging, more smell then usual and soreness in anus during its passage; and difficult, smelling more, with sensation of looseness in bowels as before diarrhoea and with griping; copious diarrhoea, with frequent copious micturition, urinating three times at night. A teaspoonful of mushy diarrhoea. Constipation. Hard, delayed, knotty. last part like walnuts. Irregular, dryer than usual, partly in lumps and inodorous. Dark. Gradually lost their stercoral odor but had the odor of Coca. With urging. Scanty; and dark and in small pieces; and dark, and after dinner another scanty one; and difficult, at first in small pieces, with straining in r. spermatic cord or testis. Frequent. Delayed; and difficult, though soft enough and well formed, rectum seemed dry during evacuation.

Clinical Chronic atonic constipation, with dyspnoea, palpitation, eructations of gas, which are offensive.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in female urethra before urinating. Frequent desire, with increased urine. Micturition at night, (<) after midnight, towards morning or early in morning. Urine scanty; and dark brown. Film on its surface, iridescent in certain lights, with fissures mapping it out, and a pale flocculent sediment floating at the bottom. Turbid when passed, with dusky red, adherent sediment, and after standing an oily-looking film on surface. Yellowish- red, adherent sediment and flocculent precipitate. Urine passed at night soon formed a cloud, which by morning gathered into bits like crumbs of bread, swimming at the bottom of the vessel. urine passed at night has a pale orange, flocculent sediment, chiefly collected in one spot. Increase of phosphoric acid. Abundance of octahedral crystals of oxalate of lime, of all sizes. Decrease of urea, of chloride of sodium, of sulphuric acid and of free acid.

Sexual Organs

      Weakness beginning as an indefinite sick feeling. Emission at night, with voluptuous dreams, sleep restless and broken. Menses delayed, profuse at night, in gushes, waking from sound sleep, with pain in lower abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

      irritation in larynx in afternoon when sitting quietly in the room, exciting cough. Tickling larynx when smoking, causing short dry cough. Tickling in larynx and trachea at 2 P.M. and irritation to cough. Hoarse; in morning; in evening; with tickling in upper part of trachea and cough.

Cough in morning; C. in-doors; from tickling at back of throat; tickling, causing tingling; paroxysmal, at 4 P.M. when walking in hot sun; paroxysmal, in evening, in cool wind, then frequent cough, usually preceded by tickling at back of pharynx, sometimes followed by soreness there and loosening of mucus, with fluent coryza in r. nostril; dry, in evening in bed, as from catarrh of air-passages; in morning, with expectoration of tenacious thick, whitish-yellow mucus, as in chronic catarrh, with dryness of mouth and throat and thirst; at 11 P.M., loosening mucus from back of pharynx, which was swallowed; coughing up green mucus.

Groaning (in a child) in evening when writing, with irregular and difficult breathing. Dyspnoea, a pressure on whole chest and constant desire to take a deep breath. Difficult breathing continuing even in bed, with palpitation and not unpleasant weariness. Short breath on ascending a height, with oppression. No want of breath on climbing a hill.

Clinical Nervous dyspnoea, with weak heart. Asthma with nervous exhaustion, restlessness and sleeplessness. Weakness of vocal cords, with hoarse voice, (<) after talking.


      Stitches near sternum, about r. fourth rib; S. under l. clavicle at noon; under r. clavicle at 4 P.M.; in l. lung, between third and sixth ribs, (<) deep inspiration. Pain below clavicles; beneath first and second false ribs of l. side when walking. Compression in region of short ribs. Oppression. Fulness in afternoon, and of stomach and abdomen. Soreness of upper lobes of lungs. heaviness in forenoon when walking, with dyspnoea, sometimes painful pressure on chest; h. in evening when walking slowly, with short breath; continuing when sitting still after walking, with constant need to take a deep breath and sensation as if lungs were too much distended; on walking or ascending steps, obliging him to take a deep breath frequently. Heat in r. about middle of sternum indoors at 1 P.M. and afterwards.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.