Homeopathy Remedy Coca

Coca homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Coca …

      A tincture is prepared from the dried leaves of Erythroxylon Coca, Lam.

General Action

      In moderate doses it acts as a general stimulant, like its allies tea and coffee, but its remote effects are disastrous. Its alkaloid applied to mucous membranes produces complete anesthesia.


      Emaciation. General consumption. Weight increased one-eighth of a pound. Waste of tissues prevented. Oedematous swelling, then ascites. Jaundice, with headache, weakness, can take little food, emaciation, then leucaemia, a leaden hue and sleeplessness. becoming old early and imbecility in old age. Tottering gait, with trembling of lips, disconnected speech and apathy.

Hurried and impatient movements. Agility in walking. Involuntary rapid walking with head bent forward, vertigo and dread of falling ((>) bouillon). Great lightness when climbing a mountain, without respiratory troubles (Kali chlor.). Great vigor and endurance in spite of slight nourishment and light sleep. Buoyancy on walking in a chilling fog. Freedom of chest and whole body, with vigor and desire to walk rapidly and a long distance, though it is warm and sunny. Nervous excitement, as from a mixture of coffee and brandy; unpleasant E. Aptitude for work increases. Power of muscles increased. Peculiar comfort, with pleasant warmth staring from stomach.

Restlessness. Endeavors to get into the open air. Tossing about in bed, the child often puts the arms under the head, indistinct speech. Turning about in bed incessantly, sometimes afraid of losing my balance and fancy myself carried off into space, I walk the room with great strides and feel as if I. could run a long time, feel buoyant and flexible all over, then heaviness of head, drowsiness and desire for rest and quiet, with disinclination, not inability to move.

Discomfort. Weakness; in morning, (>) during a walk after breakfast; in afternoon; in evening; after a moderate walk. No desire for work; nor skill at it. Torpor. Numbness; with feeling of serenity and desire to make no motions, then sleep with strange, quickly changing dreams, which could last all day, without lassitude or restlessness. Aggravation by rest. Amelioration in open air; riding on horseback, walking or manual labor.

Clinical Mountain sickness; useful in a variety of complaints arising from climbing mountains, weak heart, dyspnoea, fainting fits, etc. Useful for old people who get out of breath easily. Angina pectoris from climbing (Kali-chlor.). Nervous erethism, with restlessness, especially after abuse of tobacco.


      Madness. Hallucinations. Fancies now beautiful, joyful, now frightful. Imagination excited, with increased desire for bodily exercise, trembling of hands and legs, shivering in back and inability to keep still. Excitement; pleasant, then sleeplessness. Elated. Animated and contented. Lively and inclined for mental work. Felt something like expectation. Apathy. Passion for solitude. Sensation of isolation from the world, with inclination to feats of strength, so that he sprang upon the table without overthrowing the things there. Changeable mood, mostly morose, irresolute, false, suspicious, malicious. Wayward. Irritable. Sad; in evening, and weary. Apprehension; with palpitation. Faculties blunted. Slow in finding words to express himself. Averse to concentration of thought. Lazy at 9 P.M. and sleepy. Desire for work from 7 to 10 A.M., then frontal headache.


      Aching; at 10 A.M., (>) walking in open air, returning on going in-doors; at 1 P.M., in-doors; in afternoon, (>) evening; (in-doors in afternoon, then after beginning to walk in open air pain in upper part of forehead from heat of weather); after rising; (<) 7 P.M., (<) over r. eye, with burning of eyes; (>) dinner; (>) eating, then returning, (>) at sunset; with shivering; (as if catarrhal) in afternoon, with cold feet and urging to stool. Symptoms as after exhaustion. Pillows felt hard to head and neck, though sleepy, turning all night and dreams of great activity, awoke tired and heavy next day, with aching shoulders. Heaviness. Dullness; dull feeling in brain; as after intoxication. Fulness at 4 P.M., as from wine. Confusion; in morning, (>) washing and drinking coffee; at 5 or 6 P.M. in the house, with vertigo in forehead, sleepiness, want of appetite and low spirits. Intoxication; like that of Cannabis. Vertigo; at 7 P.M., after dinner, with Dullness in forehead; on moving in open air; when walking, with sensation as if the body were drawn to r.; on rapidly ascending sleep steps, then diarrhoea; when sitting still and afterwards when rising from a seat; (>) rest and wine.

Forehead. Boring over r. eye. Aching; in morning; 9 A.M., (>) walking a mile, returning on entering house, with heaviness of eyelids; in afternoon in the house, sometimes in r. half, sometimes in l., sometimes in the whole forehead; (in afternoon on walking in hot open air, (<) at every step); (>) at sunset, then exhilaration; in sinciput; (<) over r. eye; just above eyes; just above eyes, (<) elevating head and turning tip eyes. Beating over eyes. Pressing asunder deep in l. side on coughing or on pressing at stool. Sensation as if a band were stretched from one temple to the other. Fulness; although sitting near an open window, (<) towards 9 P.M., with pain; with swimming of letters on reading and heaviness of eyes.

Temples. Shooting in r.; in a straight line to vertex, sharp on rising and all day on looking up, leaving a sore feeling, pain through this place on coughing. Pain in r. as if a nail were driven into it. Pain over l.; in l.; headache in afternoon when walking in rain, now in r. temple, now in forehead, (>) standing still; (at 12.50 P.M. on quick walking in hot sun, (>) standing still, after entering the house pain in crown, then on shaking head from side to side, pain in r. temple, then when lying down in anterior part of crown and other parts); sudden in l, the same at 10.45 A.M. and 9.30 P.M.

Sides. Constriction. Sudden pain over anterior part of r. at 9.50 P.M. on blowing, nose.

Occiput. Pain; (at 6.10 P.M. at every step on running, from hot weather, then when walking); headache in fresh air changed to occiput, as if it were held from ear to ear in a vise; in lowest part on yawning. Drawings extending to temples, on attempting to read after midday nap. Vertigo at 7.30 P.M. when head was bent forward in writing, extending forward on l. side.

Clinical Peculiar shocks, which come from the occiput, with vertigo, so that he staggers about the street. nervous sick headaches.


      Brilliant. Dull; and hollow, surrounded by violet-brown rings. Staring, fixed upon the ground, with automatic motions of hands and groaning. Discharge of mucus. Pain. Lachrymation of r. in morning, with redness of conjunctiva and lids at inner canthus. Pupils dilated. Widens pupils and lessens sensitiveness to light. Lids heavy; upper lids disposed to fall without sleepiness. Vision disturbed. Photophobia; with dilated pupils. Blackness on ascending stairs. Flickering. Letters swim. Flickering black points at 4 P.M. when reading. White spots on reading so that the book seemed mottled white; white spots ongoing out after eating, with glittering, tortuous lines and with great weakness. Vision of colors and floating of sparks from before downward. Fiery points flit before eyes; downward. Flames similar to distant heat lightning; in evening. it seems as if he were writing with two pens.


      Excess of wax in r. Aching in r. middle at 1 P.M. in-doors; at 7.20 P.M.; in church; and in r. mastoid process. Sensation as if something in them caused deafness, but everything is heard as usual. During loud reading in the room sensation as if the tympanae were pressed outward by the tones or as if the tones first entered the ears through a thicker medium. Pulsation in forenoon, and dull roaring; audible P. Hearing painfully acute in evening. Singing in l. Cracking in empty swallowing. Ringing; distant, repeated in evening; of a middle-toned bell; does not hear a knocking at the door, and when one speaks it seems as if the voice came from a great distance. Roaring.

Clinical Chronic deafness, with noises in the head.


      Sensation at midnight on going to bed as if swollen and stiffed, as in incipient catarrh. Heat internally in nostrils in evening in-doors, as from catching cold. heat and irritation, as from catarrh in r. nostril in morning in bed; before and after rising, (<) l. nostril. Irritation, as from taking cold in evening, awakened at 9 P.M. by running from nose. Sneezing; after rising and in evening; in-doors. Mucus increased; in morning; in-doors in morning, with heat in nose. Flow of clear water and occasional sneezing, without real coryza; F. of clear water from 6 A.M. till 5 P.M., when in a draught, with occasional sneezing and sore feeling in l. nostril; of clear water, with specks of blood on blowing nose.


      Pallor. Burning redness of l. cheek, then of r., with white spots in centre of latter. Yellow tinge about corners of mouth. A kind of chlorosis, the bilious color first noticed gives way to a leaden hue. Animated expression. Pain in r. malar-bone. Soreness of l. lower jaw, just above submaxillary gland, (<) talking and chewing solid food on that side. Black spots in corners of mouth. Lips pale; and gums, with green, blunted teeth. Swelling inside r. lower lip, then one inside l. cheek, nearly opposite first upper molar, painful on eating, then flattened on two sides with a thin border, red, with whitish tip. Burning on l. upper lip where the moustache grows, at 10.45 A.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.