Homeopathy Remedy Cina

Clinical Distended, hard, sore. Abdomen swollen, hot, very sore above the navel, where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes (>) pressure (Podophyllum).

Rectum and Stool

      Single stitches in lower part on passage of flatus. Watery diarrhoea.

Clinical Diarrhoea of white mucus in little pieces like popcorn. Passes worms, both round and thread-worms.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Frequent urging to urinate and much urine. Turbid urine. Saffron-yellow urine, containing flakes of mucus. Haemorrhage from uterus (in a girl of ten years).

Clinical Involuntary micturition (Ferrum). Frequent desire to urinate all day.

Respiratory Organs

      Mucus hangs in larynx in morning after rising, soon collecting again after expectoration. Loud whistling whooping on inspiration, not on expiration. Tickling irritation to cough in trachea beneath sternum, with whitish mucous expectoration. Dryness of trachea in morning, a catarrhal sensation.

Cough, then the child cries au! au! A gurgling going downward is heard, she is anxious, catches her breath, and is pale. Hoarse, hacking C. in morning after rising, the irritation thereto (as from dust) renewed by inspiration; hoarse, hacking, in shocks in evening; violent, paroxysmal; in morning, so violent in order to loosen the mucus that tears came into his eyes; hollow, in morning after rising, in violent shocks against upper part of air-passages, with difficult loosening of mucus. Disposition to cough caused by deep breathing. Expectoration of mucus from larynx.

Respiration short, with omission of some inspiration. Short, rattling; on walking in open air, as from much mucus in chest. Dyspnoea when standing, with anxiety and sweat on chest. Difficult, loud R.

Clinical Capillary bronchitis in children, screams when approached (Arnica), swallows after coughing, screams and talks in sleep. Whooping cough.


      Stitches; beneath l. clavicle, near sternum, on deep inspiration, with pain on pressure; on one of the cartilages on the ribs, near sternum, (<) pressure, (>) inspiration; jerking, in r. side, between sixth and eighth ribs, not affected by respiration; sudden jerking, in., between fifth and sixth ribs; boring, in middle of r. side below ribs, (>) pressure; intermittent prickling, burning, in side, on one of the true ribs; pinching, in l. Pinching in l., between second and third ribs; in l., (<) inspiration; on sternum when running; on clavicle, like the pressure of a dull point.

Digging beneath upper part of sternum; cramplike, beneath sternum, as if chest would be pressed asunder. Feeling as if it would burst out at both sides when sneezing, then pain, (<) r. side. Pressing-out pain alternately in l. chest and in small of back, the latter seems as from much stooping, (<) expiration. Aching anteriorly under sternum; beneath upper part of sternum during morning cough, then, after difficult loosening of something, soreness and burning; sudden oppressive, in l. Sternum seems to press on lungs. Cramplike contraction in l. half. Tightness on inspiration.

Heart and Pulse

      Trembling of heart. Pulse small, contracted.

Neck and Back

      Boring sticking in r. cervical muscles, rhythmical with beat of pulse, (>) moving neck. Paralytic sensation in nape. Sticking in middle of spine, (>) motion. Tearing sticking in middle of spine; in upper part of spine, extending to r. scapula. Drawing tearing down spine. Spine feels as if broken when lying on back; in evening when lying on side. Sticking on outer margin of r. scapula. Aching in scapulae if h e moves them. Bruised pain in small of back. Pain in loins as if he had stood long (Arnica). Pain in loins and spine as if weary, on bending backward or to one side. Pain in lumbar region after eating, as from a band just above hip. Paralytic drawing in loins.


      Twitching. Convulsions. Cramplike tearing in muscles now of r., now of l. leg, now of r., now of l. forearm, (>) walking in open air. Paralytic pain in arms and legs. Sensitiveness on motion and touch.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in front of l. shoulder; on top of l. Pinching on top of shoulder. Tensive tearing in arms, with paralytic pain, and on taking hold of them bruised pain. Paralytic pain in arm, so that it must hang down; P. drawing pain through r. arm, (<) hanging down or resting on anything, (<) on anything hard. Paralytic sensation in r. arm, like a stiffness of the joints, so that he cannot move


Upper Arm. – Drawing tearing in r., (>) pressure. Pinching in r., (>) motion; boring, in l. Paralytic drawing from upper part down to middle, (<) motion, and bruised pain on pressure. Bruised pain above elbow.

Elbow. – Tearing in r. when at rest. Intermittent paralytic pain externally in bend, like a jerking.

Forearm. – Paralytic jerking downward on lower surface, (<) at the point where it begins. Drawing tearing in r. Contractive tearing like a cramp in muscles of l., close to wrist, (>) motion. Drawing digging in l. Cramplike pain in muscles on bending; C. pain on violent stretching of arm in morning after rising, (<) from elbow downward, and in wrists on bending hands back and forth when arms are out-stretched.

Wrist. – Pinching boring in r. Feeling as if dislocated. Drawing pain.

Hand. – Intermittent cramplike contraction. Jerking sticking, now l., now r. Sticking in l., extending to little finger; in upper end of metacarpal bone of ring finger, and on pressure bruised pain. Jerking tearing in hollow of l., (<) stretching out hand.

Fingers. – Cramplike jerking; sudden jerking inward of r. Spasmodic contraction inward of r. middle, with cramplike pain. Cramplike pain in muscles of outer side of l. little, (<) motion. Bruised pain in ball of thumb on pressure and on moving metacarpus of thumb towards hollow of hand. Drawings; paralytic, in ring. Burning pain in proximal joint of middle. Crawling in tip of thumb as if asleep; C. in last joint of thumb almost as after being asleep.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Tearing in l. hip and nates; drawing, in anterior side of r. thigh, (>) violent motion. Boring outward below gluteals when sitting, (>) pressure and motion. Pain in great trochanter when walking as if he had fallen upon it. Pain in nates when sitting, as if wearied by long sitting. Cramplike pain in anterior muscles of l. when standing. Paralytic pain in l. not far from knee.

Knee. – Intermittent sticking; single stitches in patella.

Leg. – Spasmodic stretching (in a child). Paralytic twitching in forepart, between tibia and fibula. Intermittent sticking as with a fork in l. tibia, just below knee. Tearing in middle of l. calf when sitting. Digging in l. tibia below knee. Cramplike pain in muscles, now of r., now of l., on walking in open air, (>) standing and sitting.

Foot. – Spasmodic motion of l., at last immobility, abduction far from body (in a child). Twitching – tearing in interior of l. Sticking in ball of r. Tearing sticking in l. heel when sitting.

Toes. – Cutting in l. as if loosened from the feet.


      Miliary rash. Red itching pimples. Boil surrounded by an induration, on cheek. Burning sticking here and there, (>) scratching. Prickling, itching crawling, (>) scratching. Itching tickling on border of r. hand near thumb and index. Itching here and there at night; I. on back of l. hand, (>) scratching; voluptuous, in front of anus.


      Yawning. Sleepiness all day; in afternoon; overpowering, in evening; when sitting, he must lie down. Sleeps when erect with head leaned backward or to right. Tossing about in sleep, with lamentations and cries about colic. Sleepless. Waking with weeping complaints, groaning, hiccough and restless motions. Frequent waking from unpleasant or busy dreams. Dreams anxious; tiresome; absurd.


      Chill; daily at the same hour, then head, without thirst (Ignatia). Shivering over whole body; with hot cheeks, without thirst (Ignatia); S. creeping over trunk, so that it trembled; over upper part of body, extending to head, as if the hair would stand up; creeping over thigh. Cold cheeks. Cold face, with warm hands. Cold hands in morning and creeping chills. Cool skin.

Heat; in evening and night; every afternoon, then increased sweat and deep sleep; daily at the same hour, with short breath; daily in afternoon, from 1 P.M. onward, then several attacks of chill with thirst, coldness in hands and feet, then heat of pale face, (<) heat of hands and feet, with cutting colic; with vomiting and diarrhoea; (with redness of face, then sweat, without thirst). H. mostly in head during fever, with yellow color of face and blue rings around eyes. Rising H. and redness of cheeks after sleep, without thirst (Ignatia, Chamomilla); H. over face, with redness of cheeks and thirst for cold drinks. H. creeping over knees, with sensation as if a glowing coal were near the knee. Internal H., with heat and redness of face.

Sweat; cold on forehead, nose and hands. Dry skin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.