Homeopathy Remedy Cicuta Virosa

Leg. – Trembling of l. Tearing in r. peroneal muscles; in lower part of extensor of l.; suddenly in lower part of r. calf., extending to tendo-achillis. Pressure; in calves; in l. calf. Bruised sensation and heaviness alternately through each, becoming seated in knee. Jerklike drawing on posterior and lower part of r., extending into heel. Compression in all muscles of l. when walking, as if the whole leg were contracted. Tension in calves; in lower part; in l. on walking. Prickling in muscles. Prickling pulsation in r. calf. Refusal to carry him and staggering. Weakness; sudden, in l. on rising; painful, streaming through both the sitting, also in knees. Stiffness in r. calf.

Tearing about l. malleoli. Soles turned inward when walking. Sticking in r. sole; in l. sole, with tingling; in heels when sitting. Tearing in sides of r. tendo-achillis; in l. sole; deep in inner margin of l. sole; in tendon on back of l. foot; in tendon on back of l. foot when standing and walking. Sudden pulling in r. sole. Drawing on back of r. foot, rather towards inner side; in tendons on back of l. foot; in tendons on back of r. foot and in l. sole. Stiffness of tendo-achillis when walking slowly, with painful pressure in muscles of posterior part of l. thigh. Twitches in l. toes. Sticking in corns when sitting. Tearing in l. toes; on inner side of r. great toe. Drawing- jerking pains in toes. Prickling in l. great toe.


      Elevations over face (and on hands), with burning pain on touch, afterwards confluent, dark red, then desquamation; E. on hands, even on balls of fingers, in which there is burning pain on touch, afterwards confluent, dark red, moist; (swelling on inside of l. elbow as if an ulcer would form, and on motion pain as from pressure on an ulcer). Red spot on back of l. hand, more in the direction of metacarpal bone of thumb; cluster of red spots on back of l. hand, smooth, (>) pressure. Black spots. Most of chest darker than the rest of the body. Eruption on ears. Painful pustules below and in front of ears. Red vesicle on r. scapula, painful to touch; V., with red areola on back of l. hand, between first and second fingers; itching V. on back or r. hand.

Drawing beneath skin on outer side of r. thigh; beneath skin just above l. tendo-achillis. Formication on forehead; beneath skin on back of r. foot; beneath skin of l. upper arm; beneath skin of thighs and legs when sitting, and (<) soles, as if the leg would to go sleep; in soles, with pressure in various places in legs; in l. toes. Itching over whole body; on r. side of chest, with heat; burning; burning, on r. thigh, (>) scratching.


      Yawning. Sleepiness; in morning; so that the eyes closed; if she looks at one place, with feeling as if the head were pressed down, she does not recognize letters, with staring eyes. Sleeplessness. Frequent waking, with general sweat every time, from which he, however, feels refreshed; frequent W. at night, with sensation as if he had slept enough; W. every quarter of an hour, with painful heaviness in head. Dreams vivid but remembered; vivid, of the events of the previous day; confused, full of disquietude; voluptuous, with emissions and drawing pain in navicular fossa.


      Coldness. Shivering; through back; through back from 2 to 3.30 P.M. Coldness of surface. Coldness of ears; of limbs; of arms and feet, with stiffness; streaming through legs, (<) r., with tearing in toes; creeping down thighs, then coldness in arms (the coldness seems to come more from the chest), then greater inclination to stare at one point; creeping through legs and arms, with alternations of heaviness and lightness in those parts.

Heat; (<) by the accustomed smoking, with special heat in chest. In head, with heaviness; in sinciput, with heaviness; in forehead, with heaviness, puffy skin and throbbing in temporal arteries; from low down in occiput to crown; deep in occiput to vertex and to one side of head (always deep in head). About eyes. Internally and externally in ears. In face, with redness; in flushes, (<) towards upper part. About nipple. Over back in flushes; creeping over back into head and feet, when sitting, as from hot water, and in upper arm and sensation of hot water in chest, then pain in muscles on posterior part of r. thigh. In legs. Of skin, with dryness. Sweat on abdomen at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.