Homeopathy Remedy Cicuta Virosa


      Gnashing of teeth. Pain in lower teeth. Whitish sore on margin of tongue, with pain on touch. Tongue immovable. Dumbness. Five or six words articulated without hesitation, then jerking backward of head and jerking of arms so that he draws backward and swallows a syllable and articulates almost as in hiccough. Dryness. Froth. Flow of water tinged with blood. Salivation.

Clinical Eruptions about corners of the mouth, beginning like honey- colored crusts, with burning and itching, the crusts extended to the chin, became thick and “fatty,” sometimes with swollen glands.


      Sticking. Scraping; burning, extending into epigastric region. Feeling as if grown together, with bruised pain externally, (<) moving or taking hold of it, with eructations in afternoon. Sensation in throat and chest as if something as large as a fist lodged and were pressing throat asunder, impeding respiration, worse when sitting than when walking. Dryness. Irritation. Inability to swallow.

Clinical Spasms of oesophagus from worms, the child can not swallow, strangling on attempting to swallow.


      Appetite great; less evenings; lost; at noon, at first mouthful; lost on account of dryness in mouth, with incomplete taste to food. Longing for coal, he swallowed it. Thirst; for cold water in afternoon. Desire for wine increased. Did not relish his breakfast, it filled up his abdomen as if he had eaten too much. Waterbrash, with nausea and general heat. Eructations of bitter yellow fluid in afternoon, while stooping in open air, causing burning in throat. Hiccough; loud. Nausea; in morning, with sticking-tearing headache; when eating; with sticking in forehead. Vomiting; copious; difficult, then relief; of blood.

Gastritis. Sticking in pit, and burning. Sudden tearing in epigastric region. Scraping. Shock in region of pit as with a finger, causing staring, then return to his senses. Pressure in pit after eating, compelling deep breathing, with inclination to eructate. Burning. Burning pressure. Sensation as if hot water were in it. Anxiety in pit; with tightness and constant desire to go out and cool himself. Throbbing in pit; which was raised up to the size of a fist.

Clinical Desire for unnatural things, like coal. Violent hiccough, with loud sound and with spasms of the chest.


      Distention. Flatulence. Rumbling and roaring. Emission of flatus. Tearing deep in A., (<) pressure. Pain; on pressure; after eating, with sleepiness. Sick feeling in morning, (>) afternoon, then sticking in r. side of head extending from r. eye and nose to occiput, then running from nose and discharge of yellow mucus. Chilliness. Heat. Sudden stitches from navel to neck of bladder. Hypogastrium distended and painful. Cutting in H. after eating. Sensation in r. groin when sitting as if an ulcer would break through. Sore pain in r. pelvic region, in margin of ilium, a pulsating drawing sensation.


      Protrusion, with thin stool. Sensation as of a liquid stool. Sudden urging, with bruised pain in small of back and general loss of strength, sudden stool, then urging, with frequent desire to urinate. Itching just above anus, after walking, when standing still and during stool, and after rubbing pain as if burnt, the pain causing shuddering.


      Sensation on r. side as from haemorrhoids, whereby the orifice is contracted, with annoyance during stool. Burning, with soft stool.


      Diarrhoea; at 2 and 4 A.M., with irresistible urging to urinate; brown; slimy, frequent, with urging and copious urine. Frequent, of black asafoetida-like mucus, in small portions, with urging at 2 P.M. Constipation. In single hard lumps.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in urethra; in navicular fossa. Tickling in navicular fossa and frequent erections. Urging to urinate; frequent. Involuntary micturition (Cuprum). Frequent M. Spurting of urine. Retention of urine (Nux vomica). Difficult micturition at night. Urine copious; scanty and dark.

Sexual Organs

      Sore drawing pain beneath penis, extending to glans, compelling him to urinate. Erection without desire. Testicles drawn up against abdomen. Sudden pressure in skin of r. testicle. Emission without voluptuous dreams; in morning; three e. in the night. Menstruation delayed.

Respiratory Organs

      Pressure below larynx when sitting. Hoarseness. Cough, (<) during the day, and much expectoration. Want of breath. Oppressed respiration. Respiration stertorous; and frequent; and uneven, interrupted by hiccough. Respiration deep; when sitting; deep and difficult. Slow, difficult R. Feeble and rattling R. Scarcely perceptible R.


      Sticking beneath last l. false ribs on inspiration and expiration, (>) standing and walking. Tugging about pit of stomach. Pain in r. pectoral muscles; in r. pectoralis major when walking slowly, then in l. pectoral and intercostal muscles, not affecting respiration. Pressure on lower end of sternum as after a blow, when walking, with a sore sensation. Tightness so that she could scarcely breathe. Heaviness. Heat.

Clinical Spasms of pectoral muscles, sometimes with violent hiccough or with great difficulty in breathing.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in praecordial region and burning pain. Pain in praecordial region. Sudden sensation when walking as if heart stopped. Heart’s action intermittent. Pulse rapid; slow and full; slow and small; small and soft; imperceptible at radius.

Clinical Palpitation, sometimes the heart felt as if it stopped beating.


      Swollen. A kind of cramp in muscles, if he looks around he cannot bring the head back again, the muscles do not yield, and when he attempts to force them it hurts very much. Tearing in muscles of r. side. Drawing pain in l. side. Tension in muscles; sore, in l. on bending head backward.

Clinical Spasms and cramps in muscles of the nape of neck and spasmodic drawing backward of head.


      Bent backward like an arch (OEnanth., Cuprum, Abs., Nux-v., etc.) Painful stiffness on stopping. Sticking in muscles on r. scapula; in muscles in region of eleventh and twelfth dorsal vertebrae, (<) deep inspiration. Shock in dorsal vertebrae. Sensation as if there were an ulcer on r. scapula. Pain on inner surface of scapula; in dorsal muscles. Painful tension above r. scapula. Pain in lumbar muscles. Tearing-jerking in coccyx.

Clinical Neuralgia of the coccyx during menstruation.


      Spasmodic distortion (Hydrocyanic-ac., etc.), throwing himself to the distance of two feet. Trembling. Tossing about. Tearing in extensor of l. forearm and at base of three last r. toes. Pain in l. knee, l. external malleolus, r. forearm, radial side of r. wrist and dorsal surface of hand at base of r. fingers. Alternating painful pressure in various muscles, (<) legs, with prickling in toes. Bruised sensation in forearms and legs; alternately in arms and legs, with heat streaming through them and difficult motion. Weakness of arms and legs after slight exertion; of legs when sitting and standing, less in arms, (>) walking; now in r. shoulder, now in one or other knee or in ankle. Paralysis; sensation benumbed but not lost, incomplete paralysis of arms.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Twitching in l. Tearing in muscles of l. Cracking sensation in joint. Sore pain in r. joint as from a blow.

Arm. – Jerking and sticking, and in fingers (lower limbs and head); J. in l., so that the whole body is jerked. Tearing in l. as far as fingers. Pain in muscles of r.; beneath r. Drawings in l. Tension. Heaviness on raising it, with sticking in shoulder, so that she cannot raise the arm to the head without crying aloud, and cannot move the fingers. Weakness, and of fingers; of l. arm, with sticking tearing. Numb feeling and weak motions.

Tearing in inner side of lower part of r. upper arm. Pressure in muscles of l. upper arm. Painful weakness in muscles of lower part of l. upper arm; suddenly in muscles of r. upper arm when writing. Pain in l. elbow, with heaviness. Sticking tearing in muscles of r. forearm when writing, (>) rest. Sore pain in l. fore- arm, as from a bruise. Pain in ulnar side of l. wrist. Sensation of cracking in wrist. Veins of hands distended. Drawing on dorsal surface of l. hand, at base of fingers. Pulsation on hand when supporting oneself on a chair. Nails blue (Nux-v.). Twitching together of r. thumb and fingers. Drawing in tendons of dorsal surface of l. fingers. Deadness of fingers (going to sleep, numbness, coldness.).

Lower Extremities

      Jerking. Reeling. Tottering when walking. Pressure in various muscles. Painful stiffness. Numbness and paralysis. Trembling of one thigh. Burning sticking in l. hip-bone. Tearing in thighs when walking, with heaviness; T. in thighs after rising from seat, with aching, in knees as if beaten, the pain in thighs, (<) when walking, like a deep-seated stiffness. Pressure on r. trochanter major. Drawing in muscles on inner surface of r. thigh. Tension in fascia of anterior upper and outer part of l. thigh when walking, and in hollow of r. knee, and to its side. Painful pressure in r. knee. Bruised sensation in knees. Feeling in knees when sitting as after a long walk.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.