Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea phosphorica

Clinical Chronic cough, short dry, ( with chronic inflammation of lungs, which even may become tubercular), with night sweats etc. Suffocative cough of children, (>) lying down, (<) sitting up.


      Tumor like a walnut in l. mamma. Hardness of l. mamma, with soreness for pressure ( in a man). Creaking on l. side of sternum like cracking in joints. Milk acid, changeable, from alkali to neutral or to acid; watery, neutral.

Shooting during inspiration and expiration, (<) deep breathing, in l. with inhalation, and in r. temple; in l., through shoulder. Tearing in sternum, with pressing and shooting. Pressing in mamma, with tearing, rending, drawing, contraction, pinching, shooting, burning. Pain; especially below and upward; in spot from coughing; where ribs and cartilages meet; intermittent, sharp in region of r. sixth rib, then on l. fourth and fifth rib, during the day, taking away the breath, (<) deep breathing; as if an instrument passed through end of sternum, during the day. Sore pain on sternum; nipples; r. mamma, then l. Soreness of l. clavicle, then r.; cutting, over clavicle. Soreness to touch; of mammae. Contraction till 10 P.M., (>) on lying down, (<) when getting up, with difficult breathing. Painless gnawing, with quivering, jerking, heat and fear. Burning into throat, sometimes downward. Beating on spot on l.


      Cutting, shooting in region, interrupting respiration. Sharp pain in region during inspiration, interfering with respiration. Pain in, morning. Beating. Pulse frequent but not quick.


      Rheumatic pain after draught of air, with stiffness and Dullness of head. Cramplike pain in one side, then in other. Muscles hurt up to occiput, r., then l. Pulsation in nape when sitting, and in l. chest.


      Pain in morning; P. (>) after motion, and in lower limbs; backache and uterine pains; sudden jerking pain, with inhalation; jerking, rending, cutting, shooting pain. Drawing, (<) evening and morning, getting awake, moving and in limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backward. Throbbing, jerking pain in, near, between and (<) below scapulae. Tensive pain below r. scapula, extending forward. Sharp pain in sacrum, and lameness. Pain in kidney region when lifting and blowing nose; in kidney region when digging; P. above sacrum and in hips; Soreness in sacro-iliac union as if separated. Sore aching in l. loin. Numbness and lameness in sacrum. Pain, soreness, pressive, tearing and shooting in os coccygis.

Clinical Pott’s disease, spinal curvature, lumbar abscess.


      Trembling of arms and hands, with other complaints, especially uterine. Pain, with weariness; flying, in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain; P. in all joints, (<) l., then and less in r., rheumatic, in all joints after taking cold. Lame feeling in flexors, sudden aching in extensors. Weariness; during pregnancy. Extensors more affected then flexors.

Clinical Chronic rheumatism (compare with Calcarea Carb.).

Upper Extremities

      Shooting from shoulder-joint along arm, with tearing. Pain in shoulder and scapulae. Sore, bruised pain in shoulder or down arm. Pain from clavicle to wrist; form shoulder to fingers, l. then r.; in all bones of arm, especially of thumb; in l. arm in afternoon, with numbness; rheumatic pain in arm near shoulder- joint, cannot lift arm. Soreness under arms, with burning, itching. Paralysis of l. arm.

Shooting through elbows, usually l., then r. Pain from l. elbow to shoulder-joint; in elbow as after a blow. Cramplike pain in forearm, sore bruised feeling, tearing. Sudden pain in wrists, (<) l.; P. in wrist, with lameness as if beaten, cramplike and other pains on moving it. Trembling of hands. Tearing in hands and arms, (<) wrists and r. middle finger. Hands asleep. Paralysis of l. hand and arm. Thumbs moved spasmodically. Pain in single fingers; in r. in evening when writing; in ball of thumb; in joints of r. thumb as if sprained; ulcerative, in roots of r. finger nails, (<) in middle finger; around nails as if ulcerated. Soreness of points of finger and thumb. Paralysis of all finger- joints.

Lower Extremities

      Stepping motion. Staggering in cold people, on rising from a seat. Pain in damp, cold weather; P. during menses. Asleep, also abdomen and sacrum, cannot rise from seat; asleep, with anxious feeling, has to jump out of a carriage, also at night. Child cannot stand. Lame feeling, tired, heavy.

Nates – All kind of pains, with soreness, after storm, most from r. to l., but alternating most on r. side, Sore aching, heat, itching, oozing pimples, itching scurfs. Bruised feeling after snow-storm, with lameness. Asleep, also back, with uneasiness.

Thigh – Stitches up and down hip-bone, (<) from ischium down, jerking, drawing, with warm feeling; S. through l. thigh to knee, stirring above, down to ankle-bone, toes too thick. Tearing, shooting, drawing in hip-bone. Pains above knees. Pain and soreness; afterwards extending into l. knee, then sensitiveness of knee. Sharp pain in tendons on inside, (<) walking. Labor-pain during sixth mouth of nursing a child, with involuntary stool and passing of blood.

Knee – Tearing in l., to feet, and crusty tetters covering leg. Boring in r., (<) stretching and at night. Sharp pain; in afternoon when walking. Pain (<) walking, l. then r.; in l. extending to sole, on inner side of r. as from a blow, (<) bending, with soreness; sprained pain, sore when walking. Tendons in hollow feel too short.

Leg – Cramp in spot inside of calves when walking. Cramp pain in calves, drawing, rending, shooting, warm feeling. Tearing in calves. Pain in calf in morning, (<) raising leg; below hollow of knee, (<) taking off boots; beneath hollow of knee when it is strongly bent, making use of limbs uncertain; P. in head of l. tibia, caused by a kick, returned every night with intolerance of touch, formation of exostosis. Drawing pain in shin-bone. Feels blood run from knee to feet. Weak, restless, crawling, tingling.

Rending, tearing, shooting in ankle. Pain in ankle as if dislocated. Cramplike pain in feet, (<) ankle. Twitching of big toes, little toe drawn inward. Pain in r. great toe, (<) walking; old (gouty) pain in l. great toe, with inclination to crack joints.


      Dark brown, yellow. Red after foot-bath, with prickling like nettles. Tetter on place burnt twenty-three years go; scaling T. on legs. Furuncle between r. eyebrow and lid, eye inflamed, lids falling or closed, (<) morning; to r. of anus, with pain, inability to sit, discharge blood and pus, remaining a painless fistula. Pimples on ears; in region of joints; on back of hand; on wrist; inside of forearm. Ulcers above and around ears and in region of parotid; in old scars; scrofulosis, lax and lazy. Formication; on abdomen. Stinging spots on buttocks, itching, burning, sore spots, oozing scurfs. Itching on point of nose; biting, (<) on places years before affected; burning, of outer ear in warm room; and burning.

Clinical Fistulous ulcers on ankles. Varicose veins. Caries of hip-joint and heel, with offensive pus.


      Gaping, with irresistible drowsiness all the forenoon. Sleepiness by day; before menses; all forenoon, before and at dinner; with gloomy mood, inability to think, headache, singing in ears, sweat in face, prostration in limbs. Sleep all the evening. Falls asleep while eating dinner, deep sleep after dinner. Sound sleep in evening, early waking. Inability to get awake in morning. Early waking. Starting in sleep. Disturbed, (<) before midnight. Sleepless till 2 or 3 O’clock. Dreams, with thoughts about, many events; of fire, of fire, but without many flames; of danger, but without fear; of traveling; vivid, most from late events of last readings.


      Chill in morning after dressing, with cough and coryza; C. when going into cold air; with uterine pains; shaking, out of doors, shivering, with hot face and colic; creeping shivering, with motion of scrotum not like that after urinating; cool feeling towards eyes; behind eyes; cold ears; outer ears; point of nose; lower parts, with hot face.

Warm room is oppressive. Heat, with other complaints; dry H. in evening, hot breath, beating of heart, mouth and tongue dry without thirst, gaping, stretching, etc. running from head to toes; running from vertex to toes, in face in evening; in face, with chill or complaints; external in mamma, towards l. arm. Sweat at night; on parts, waking at night; on single parts, towards and in morning; on palms; cold on face, body cold. Dry skin, moisture on hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.