Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea phosphorica

Calcarea phosphorica homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Calcarea phosphorica …

      Precipitated phosphate of lime, obtained by drooping dilute phosphoric acid into lime water, is triturated for use.

General Action

      A tissue remedy. Compare Calcarea carb., Phosphorus, etc.


      Convulsive starts when the chill lies on his back. Stretching. Trembling and weakness. Rachitis, fontanelles open, diarrhoea, emaciation. Phosphatic diathesis. Sharp pain in tendons. Pains in various parts; often shooting along muscles into joints; pains in bones, especially in shin-bones; in bones or joints, in bed; in joints, then in bones; caused by every cold, in joints and where bones form sutures or symphyses. Rheumatism in cold weather; rheumatic pains in shoulders, chest and other parts after getting wet in rain.

Sensitiveness to touch; of places hurt by shock. Soreness of tendons when stretching and bending. Trembling feeling, then toothache an uterine pain. Restlessness, spasmodic motion of limbs, (<) lying on back, (>) lying on side. Discomfort. Ailments from grief, disappointed love. Weakness; on ascending stairs; with flushes of heat in head. Stiffness in, morning in bed.

Sensations mostly in small spots. Small of neck, knees and thumbs especially affected. Right to left sutures of frontal and lateral bones, earache, ears stopped, cold feeling, jugular bones ache, upper jaw pains, toothache, pain in abdomen, aching in groins, above os pubis, mammae neck, chest, back, arm pits, arms, elbows, forearms, hands, fingers, buttocks, thighs, above knees, shin-bones, calves, heels, big toes, toes.

Last half of day stands to first half like 5:7; sunny half to the dark like 5:3. Aggravation in morning; evening; after taking light cold, rheumatic pains and displaced uterus; in changeable weather; especially when snow melts, with east winds; when thinking about the symptoms; of some symptoms when sitting or lying; of head, chest, abdomen, limbs on pressure; pains after great exertions, when lying; during motion of angle limbs. Amelioration by lying; on abdomen during restless night.

Clinical Valuable in diseases of mal-nutrition, especially with predisposition of diseases of the bones. In children the osseous tissue is badly developed; the child grows slowly, does not learn to walk rapidly, is emaciated, has symptoms of indigestion, colic, vomiting of undigested food, green, mucous stools, fetid flatulence etc. General lack of vital heat. General symptoms of Calcarea, particularly the aggravation form wet, the tendency to perspiration, glandular enlargement, etc., but her is less enlargement of the abdomen and perhaps less obstinate disposition, the child is rather stupid. Generally valuable in promoting the development and healing of bones. Grauvogl advises that if a woman has scrofulous children, with a tendency to hydrocephalus, she should be given Calcarea phos. and Sul. at intervals, when pregnant again.


      Screaming, grasping in agony towards his mother, cold sweat, especially in face, whole body cold. Easily excited. Beside himself at unpleasant news, with sweat, inclination to indignation and anger. Fear of bad news. Feeling as if she had been frightened. Anxiety; in children; with palpitation, Ill humor; in children. Likes to be alone. Restlessness. Depression as if lame, after vexation, cannot work, can hardly walk, looseness of bowels. Indisposition to work, also to mental work. Obtuse. Stupid indifference, cretinism. Writes wrong words or the same word twice. Memory lost.

Clinical Children are weak and fretful.


      Every step is felt in head and sacrum. Aching; in morning; in morning, with sore throat; before menses; after meals, (<) after dinner, or drowsiness, weariness; itching, etc.; (<) exertion; (<) on going into open air, (>) scratching head; (>) lying; (>) going out; with hot head and face, ill humor and indolence; with flatulence; with gastric symptoms; with uterine complaints; throbbing, during menses; like confusion on inner side of skull. Painful confusion in morning on waking, as if close to bone, from within and without, especially on vertex, (<) bodily exertion, (>) mental exertion and washing with cold water. Painful pressure of brain against skull, especially at vertex, (<) every ten seconds, (<) motion, stooping, moving while sitting, sitting up after lying, also rising from seat, when there is vertigo; (>) lying still and after stooping. Confusion. Fulness and pressure (<) pressure of hat.

Vertigo towards noon, and nausea; V. at dinner, m and loss of memory; on motion; on stooping; with rush of blood to head and headache; on getting up or rising from seat; while walking, with running from nose, aching in bones of pelvis, hip-joint, thigh, knees, and ankle, before menses, with leucorrhoea; during menses; with throbbing in forehead, rush of blood to head, throbbing headache, pressure over os pubis, want of appetite, pain in abdomen, diarrhoea, shooting in back, weariness in lower limbs, fatigue, stiff feeling all over on ascending stairs; in old people, with constipation; with headache, nausea; with complaints in eyes; (<) windy weather.

Forehead – Pain; to nose, (<) change of weather, and from temples to jaws, with rheumatic feeling from collar-bone to wrists. Pressure above and towards eyes.

Vertex – Pain, and behind ears, with drawing in muscles of neck to nape and occiput. Crawling as if ice were on upper part of occiput, head is hot, with smarting of roots of hairs.

Sides – Stitches in l., sleepiness during the day; in l. before menses. Throbbing pain, (<) quick motion. Pressure towards back in afternoon, transiently (>) after supper, with dread of labor.

Drawing pain around lateral protuberances of occiput. Skull, sore pain, drawing, rending, tearing, especially along sutures, chiefly between frontal and parietal, or around temporal bones. Scalp sore, creeping, numbness, cold crawls, coldness on occiput. Tight feeling in scalp; tension in scalp of forehead. Itching evenings.

Clinical Valuable for the headaches of school children, especially of girls who are maturing and who are anaemic. Headaches on the top of the head particularly. Chronic hydrocephalus, pain in head extending down spine, weakness, vomiting, very large head, separated bones. In chronic irritation of the brain resembling hydrocephalus, following exhausting diseases, like cholera infantum. Bald spots on the head.


      Red streaks from corners to cornea. Feeling as if something were in them, renewed when it is mentioned; frequent sensation as if something were in l., seeming to move about, (<) inner canthus and in upper part of ball, in morning matter in inner canthus, afterwards swelling and redness in upper part of inner canthus. Itching. Worse in air. Lachrymation, most with gaping.

Squinting, distortion of balls as from pressure, balls protruding. Pain in balls as if beaten. Biting in l. lid, towards external canthus, in afternoon, compelling, rubbing, which causes pain. Hot feeling on lids and sweat of brows and lids. Inability to read, light hurts, especially candle-light. Using by gaslight hurts. Veil over eyes. Glimmering, fiery circles. Letters change to black points or small round gray spots, or as if a little bird flew from right to left.

Clinical Scrofulous keratitis, with photophobia, large tonsils, etc.


      Inner and outer swollen, red, sore, itching. Excoriating discharge. Shooting outward in bones behind and around. Pressing, tearing, rending in and around, (<) behind or below. Tearing, shutting, jerking pains in alternation or with other rheumatic complaints. Burning pain in spot over r., with sensitiveness to touch; burning pain in spot over r. when scratching, with sensitiveness to touch. Soreness in and around. cold and aching; coldness, then throbbing, heat, hard hearing. Hot and aching; heat of middle and outer. Difficult hearing. Singing and other noises, (<) r.


      Sensation of a foreign body. Biting-stinging in anterior angle of l. nostril, then r. nostril, sneezing and lachrymation. Tickling. Itching and soreness in r. angle near tip. Violent sneezing, with running form nose and salivation; sudden sneezing and soreness on margins of wings of nose and fluent coryza in afternoon; sudden sneezing in evening, with relief of headache; then sore, sensation in nostrils. Coryza (<) in air, hoarseness and cough; fluent in cold room, stopped in warm air and out of doors. Streaks of bright blood on nasal mucus while sneezing. Bleeding in afternoon.


      Pale, sallow, yellowish, earthen. Pain, (<) upper jaw-bone, from r. to l., extends from other parts to face or from face to other parts; pain in zygomatic process. Upper lip swollen, painful, hard, burning.

Clinical Valuable for acne of girls (Calc-pic. more frequently for boys.)


      (Backward in teething and in closing of fontanelles); (slow ion teething, with cold tremors and emaciation). Shooting in molars. Sensation as if something were sticking into lower incisors, like painful swelling of gum. Toothache, with or there complaints; pain in eye and stomach teeth. Teeth cannot bear chewing. (Carious teeth cannot bear fresh air).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.