Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea phosphorica

Tongue white, furred on root, (<) morning; tip sore, burning, little blisters; burning on back part, then in larynx; on swallowing, pain in tongue, fauces, pharynx, chest and pit of stomach. Sore spot inside r. cheek. Dryness of mouth and tongue into choanae, with salivation, with or without thirst. Running of saliva, with fluent coryza; copious and acid saliva.

Taste bitter in morning, with headache; bitter at beginning of menses; especially wheat bread tastes bitter. Flabby sweetish. foul taste and smell; bad taste in morning; disgusting when walking, (<) hawking.


      External glands hurt. Hawking up phlegm in evening, night and morning, with gagging; constant hemming and hawking when talking. Fauces and uvula red and swollen. Soreness in morning on waking, (<) r. side, low down, (<) towards back, (<) swallowing, (>) after rising and at breakfast; in evening, (<) in bed, with tickling cough. Sore aching (<) swallowing; sore pain in region of parotid. Pains from other parts towards T., and burning; pain in r. tonsil (after mustard); pain on sides, aching on pressure up to ear, or from ear to shoulder, (<) turning neck and swallowing. Contraction as after much weeping or after running. Sensation of weakness or emptiness. Dryness at night. Burning in pit. Saliva hurts to swallow, not food.


      Unusual hunger; 4 P.M., appetite diminished at noon, with headache in afternoon, more appetite in evening, when headache was relieved; no A. from noon to noon, but if thinking about it she wants to eat; no A. before or during menses. Desire for tobacco-smoking. Thirst in after part of day, with dryness of mouth and tongue.

Belching all the forenoon, with nausea; after breakfast, with hawking and gagging; sour. Nausea from smoking or coffee; after coffee, with incipient heartburn and unpleasant sensation; confusion of head, headache and ill humor; with vertigo and headache (<) stooping, with confusion of head and confusion of thought; rising form pit of stomach when moving, then headache and lassitude. Vomiturition from hawking phlegm. Vomiting, with trembling of hands; easy in children.

Cutting or cramplike pain, with headache. Sharp pain. Pain at every attempt to eat; after dinner, with soreness on pressure; (<) lying; with watery, burning stools. Pressure (>) rest. Burning and waterbrash; in epigastrium; in epigastrium after belching. heartburn after dinner; H. up into throat, with soreness in r. groin and kicking-quivering over os pubis. Anxiety in pit. Expanded feeling. Sinking sensation in epigastrium. Flabbiness. Uneasiness in region.

Clinical Dyspepsia, after eating thirst, pain (>) for a short time by raising wind, who fasting the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise flatus and could not. Dyspepsia, with indescribable distress in region of stomach, only temporarily (>) eating.


      Meteorism and pain (>) stool. Flatulence and rumbling (>) thin stool, with confusion of head increasing to dull pain, the stool preceded by pain. Fetid flatus; difficult emission of flatus. Cutting after drinking cold water; cutting, pinching, then diarrhoea. Pinching, stitches, running, kicking. Griping before menses; with rumbling and leucorrhoea. Pain on every attempt to eat; from ice-cream in evening, then vomiting in morning; (>) lying (>) emission of wind, stool or after leucorrhoea; with flatulence and frequent stools; with headache, earache, hot face, pain in groins, diarrhoea, weary legs, crawls, or in alternation with headache, burning in throat, uterine pains, lassitude. Pressure, with urging to urinate. Burning rising into throat. Motion as of something alive.

Numbness of wall, with quivering, aching, etc. Stitches in hepatic region on deep breathing. Sharp pain in region of spleen. Throbbing in r. hypochondrium, (>) belching of passing wind. Pain in region of transverse colon at 3 P.M. Hardness in r. side, with soreness and pressure. Stitch in l. side while breathing. Pressure in l. side, with soreness. Moving in l. side.

Soreness and pain around navel, (>) emission of fetid flatus. Pain form N. and from other parts drawing to vagina. Drawing-aching in region of navel, extending to sacral region, (<) forenoon. Emptiness around navel or in whole abdomen. Burning in navel region. Feeling when walking as if sacro-symphysis were separated. In lower abdomen throbbing, stinging, tickling, sore- aching, pressing, drawing upward in symphysis, downward in thighs. Aching soreness, cutting drawing in l., then r. groin. Drawing pin over os pubis from r. to l., passing of blood, then earache from l. to r. (female). Warm feeling in groin, burning pain.


      Stitches in evening; S. towards anus or shooting in anus. Pressure after supper, with stool, the first hard, the last thin. Urging to stool, with costiveness or after looseness.


      Protruding piles after buzzing in ears; protruding P., aching, itching sore, oozing of yellow moisture. Bleeding after stool or with a soft stool, followed by mucus. Sore feeling, worse outside, with stitching, burning, throbbing; sore aching morning on rising. Burning, pulsating, bearing down towards anus. Itching, (<) evening. Shooting through perineum into penis.

Clinical Fistula ani.


      Diarrhoea; form juicy fruit or cider; during first dentition, with much wind; after vexation; containing white points or flakes, like pus; offensive; watery day and night, with urging after stool. Scanty, with much flatulence. Stool morning and evening.

Clinical Cholera infantum, great desire for indigestible things, like ham, smoked meat, etc., abdomen sunken, flabby, emaciation, stools green, undigested, offensive, forcibly expelled.

Urinary Organs

      Weakness of male; after urinating. Bladder, shooting in mouth; cutting before urinating. Pressing down, cutting in urethra; pressing and cutting in female B., deep into l. after urinating; pressing pain, (<) r. side; pain and in neighboring parts; pain in neck as when stream is stooped suddenly; sore aching, (<) after micturition; drawing upward in female B. while urinating. Frequent urging to urinate. Frequent and copious micturition, with weakness and weariness. Cutting in urethra; in male U. after micturition, and burning; burning in male. U. while urinating, and hardness. Urine copious; with weariness; copious; with flocculent sediment; dark in afternoon; dark, warm and of penetrating odor; smelling like strong tea. Diaper reddish- yellow.

Sexual Organs

      Weak feeling in male. Affection of genito-urinary organs after stool and micturition. Shooting in root of penis and in bladder. Cutting drawing pain in glands when sitting, extending towards tip. Erection while riding in a carriage, without desire; painful E. in evening, with burning in urethra and tension in penis. Desire increased in some, in others, decreased; D. towards morning, with unusual orgasm.

Female – Swelling of external parts when awaking, and of vagina. Clitoris erect after micturition, with desire. Pressure upward over mons veneris, a throbbing or other sensation. Pressive-drawing and sore feeling as if menses would appear, pressure in uterus and vagina, in loins, flushes of heat, fatigue from ascending stairs, pain form r. groin into l. hip, Sore aching in labia. Pain in vagina, with flushes and faintness. Burning in vagina, with pain on both sides of bladder and uterus, burning up into chest. Aching ion vagina after nosebleed. Leucorrhoea before menses; two weeks after menses or from one term to another; like white of eggs, (<) morning after rising, and of sweetish odor; creamlike in afternoon.

Cutting from uterus through to sacrum. Aching in uterus in morning; pressing in U., desire, aching in neck of bladder; prostration. Weakness in region of uterus, (<) stool and micturition, with distress an uterine displacement. Menses too early and bright-colored; every two weeks, black, clotted, menorrhagia; too late and dark; too late and first bright, then dark, at last lochia-like and fetid. Nymphomania, (<) before menses; desire, then copious menses. Voluptuous feeling as if all parts were full of blood, with pulsation in all parts and increased desire.

Clinical It has been used for nymphomania with heat and weight on vertex, melancholia, flushed face etc. the symptoms always worse before menses. Uterine spasms, sometimes after stool or micturition, (<) change of weather. Menstruation too early, with faint feeling in stomach, etc. Dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. After prolonged nursing cough, weakness of voice, pain between shoulders etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness, Dry cough, with hoarseness, soreness and dryness in throat. Suffocative fits when lifting the child from cradle; S. fits in chill after nursing, (<) after crying, and after being taken out of cradle, head turns backward, face blue, fighting with hands and feet, after attacks relaxed. Frequent, short and difficult breathing. Difficult breathing in evening, (>) in bed, (<) next morning. Sighing; desire to sigh, with pain in chest and shooting in liver.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.