Homeopathy Remedy Bufo

Lower Extremities

      Weariness of thighs when walking. Legs drawn up so as to touch the buttocks, in a child. Cramp of legs towards 4 to 5 A.M., drawing up with a start. Crampy pain in calf (during the weakness). (<) motion, (>) at rest. Pain as from a blow in middle of r. tibia when standing. Stiffness of r. leg, beginning above knee, where it is most marked. Weakness of legs, even to falling. Digging pain in ungual phalanges of three last toes, and on inner malleolus, with corrosive itching on inner border of r. foot.


      Yellow. Pale and swollen, as in dropsy. Pimples (local effects). Whitish crust over eyebrows. Vesicles in palms and soles, with yellow excoriating fluid. Burning-itching vesicles, surrounded by erythematous blush, near l. wrist, discharging a little serum, then a boil, with fever and with lancinations to axilla; corrosive painful V. on inner surface of proximal phalanx of r. index finger, then desquamation; corrosive painful, in middle of r. tibia, with red areola, then a whitish-gray, thick, fatty scurf, from which new exudations enlarged, till of the size of a quarter of a dollar, with corrosive pain and red areola, afterwards desquamation, leaving a reddish-brown spot, with shiny, scaling skin.

Pustules covering the whole body, like a bad case of scabies. Suppuration from every slight injury, even the prick of a needle, with corrosive pain. After a slight bruise, pain in r. little finger, with suppuration, then inflammation of finger, causing tearing-drawing pain along whole arm and redness of finger along lymphatics, extending to axilla, in which grandular swellings appeared and were painful, especially on motion and touch, the inflamed lymphatics became swollen, the arm heavy and painful, Hepar sulph. (>) the lymphatic inflammation and the corrosive pain in ulcer of little finger and ulcer under thumb-nail.

Swelling, hot, bluish-red, painful to touch, on inner lower border of l. thumb-nail, then suppuration involving half the nail, with throbbing-digging pain, extending into joint of index and metacarpal bones, then gnawing, then scaling of skin several times. Itching, (>) friction of body-linen, then smarting, especially when it has been thus allayed; I. on whole outer surface of thighs and legs every day towards 4 or 5 P.M.; corrosive, on l. leg and knee-cap.

Clinical Bullae, which open and leave a raw surface, exuding an ichorous fluid.


      Invincible sleepiness after a meal. Waking at 3 or 4 A.M. Waking every few moments. During sleep sense of fatigue and of numbness in every limb, obliging frequent change of position. Dreams of travel, of projects and of greatness.


      Shivering after stool, (<) evening. Chilliness in calves, then cramplike pain in them. Quartan fever, with intense heat and violent delirium. The heat of the fire is distressing. Heat rising into face; H. of limbs; of hands; of feet; except in feet, which are cold. Sweat in morning in bed; S. mostly on hands; copious, on hairy scalp; cold.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.