Homeopathy Remedy Atropinum

Salivation. Taste slimy; sour; sweetish; to food lost; salt, to everything.


      Mucous membrane dark and mottled. Fauces and uvula red. Drops of white mucus stick to vulva. Hawking of clinkers from posterior nares. Throat feels raw and irritated. Soreness; with pain on swallowing; increasing till hoarse. Burning; and in stomach. Dryness; (>) towards morning; and especially in gullet, so that he could not swallow bread and butter unless he took water; with pressure in anterior and superior cerebral regions; with constriction and desire for something sour and juicy, the D. and C. (<) by a sour apple; extending to lower passage of nares; causing constant inclination to swallow; causing inclination to cough, (>) swallowing water. Constriction. Fulness. Choking, then inability to swallow, with feeling as if seized by the throat. Throbbing, with feeling as if seized by the throat. Throbbing or heaving sensation in carotids. Swallowing produced spasms suffocation; swallowing appeared to give pain, manifested by grimaces and increased facial spasms.


      Hunger, (<) eating; H. for salt food; constant but soon satisfied, food tasteless. Appetite lost. Aversion to met and beer, the beer aggravated the empty feeling in stomach and caused painful pressure. Thirst; with dry mouth and throat, perversion of sensation, everything tasting very acid; no T. in spit of dryness of throat. Eructations, empty; tasting like the yolk of eggs.

Nausea; in morning, with vomiting. Ineffectual; retching. Vomiting after warm drinks; after milk of food after dinner; profuse V. of colorless mucus, then of green, bitter fluid after the morning vertigo. Nervous and watchful for three hours, hurried from bed and vomited profusely a watery fluid, bitter at first, nearly tasteless, afterwards with sticking in umbilical region. Constrictive pain caused by beer, (<) walking, with eructations of air and nausea. Distress in epigastric region. Feeling in night as if the stomach had got a grip of the apple eaten in the evening and would hold it as in a vise. Sensitiveness to strong pressure. Soreness of pit. Discomfort. Burning. Uneasiness, with empty eructations, then with nausea and retching, increasing to a pressing sticking and contractive pain, with pallor and sweat of face, singing in ears and aching in forehead.


      Tympanitis and tenderness. Tension; and swelling but not tympanitis. Pain in umbilical region, (>) copious watery, gushing stool.


      Urging to stool. Paralysis of sphincters of R. and bladder.


      Diarrhoea of yellow bile. Frequent watery, gushing. In the stool, fluid seemed mixed with urine. No stool for five days and then induced artificially.

Urinary Organs

      Tenesmus and frequent desire to urinate; ineffectual desire; frequent desire with only a moderate quantity. Micturition prevented by spasmodic stricture, after long waiting void half a teacupful, stream no larger than a knitting-needle (stream ordinarily extra large large), inability to empty bladder, then only in drops, then complete stricture, the catheter drawing off a pint of normal looking urine. Micturition only after some trouble; difficult and in Micturition only after some trouble; difficult and in Micturition only after some trouble; difficult and in drops. Urine passed slowly and increased in quantity; U. retained. Incontinence of U.; and involuntary stool. Frequent micturition at night; and profuse almost colorless urine. Dysuria. Urine profuse; scanty; high-colored, turbid; acid, dark, brownish, without sediment and containing atropine.

Respiratory Organs

      Voice husky; lost; weak. Cough; paroxysmal, from mucus in throat, with difficult expectoration of thick tough mucus, after the cough burning in throat; periodic dry tickling, from speaking or smoking, with sore feeling in throat and pressure of chest. Scanty, thick, frothy, white sputa. Choking. Rattling inspiration. Rapid respiration.


      Rales about base, pain over r. side of, cough, with rust- colored and scanty expectoration, dullness of chest as far as spine of scapula on r. side behind, tubular breathing and bronchophony, rough breathing over I. lung posteriorly. Warmth.


      Fluttering sensation in cardiac region. Palpitation; at night, with great debility and distress. Action accelerated and pressure of blood increased by weak doses, the reverse from poisonous doses. Action irregular and apparently obstructed. Labored heavily and to my feeling at the rate of about fifty per minute, with sore feeling over base of heart.


      Rapid; with increased force of cardiac contractions and of arterial tone; with increased tone but diminished volume; increased in volume and power, often with vertigo; full and soft; in morning on rising, and small and irregular, with lassitude; l irregular, generally full but varying much;small and compress rapid; S., afterwards small and rapid. Weak.


      Movements are unsteady, as from loss of control over limbs. Trembling, Sudden stretching, always walking him. Spasms, clonic Weakness; especially of lower. heaviness and inactivity, especially of lower; H. and numbness. Tingling in ends of fingers and toes. Numbness, with formication in arms. Partial paralysis of arms and legs.

Upper Extremities

      Arms, hands and fingers thrown about constantly, as in delirium. Hands feel dry and glossy; numbness of H. extending to finger- tips, with pricking, afterwards insensibility. Fingers numb, with feeling as if holding a book, which he fears with drop, and on taking a small object, as a pin, it appears as if there were fever or six; insensibility of tips.

Lower Extremities

      Gait weak. Staggering; or inability to walk. “Limbs felt like sticks,” thought she could not walk across the room, but with aid did so with difficult. Stiffness of 1. knee, 1. leg and in r. great toe. Dragged legs when walking. Jerkings of legs; waking at night. Kicking, waking at night.


      Hands and fingers suddenly swelled and become stiff while the face was scarlet-red and eye lids swollen. Redness; like scarlet fever, over face and upper half of body, skin hot and dry. Feeling as if turgid and swollen, afterwards covered with a rash similar to that of scarlatina. Formication; preventing sleep.


      Yawning often. Sleepiness, with disinclination to speak or move; S. with vertigo; with perversion of ideas; with sometimes flushing of face. Waking late in morning, with heaviness and confusion of head. Sleepiness early, but could not open his eyes, wearied by diversified dreams, that he was in a forest followed by serpents, tried to flee, but could only move with difficulty, the serpents would themselves about him or crept into his clothes, or a common play-ball lying on the table increased in size so that the room could no longer contain it and it threatened to choke him, or he thought the masonry work was going to yield on all sides and the house was going to fall, afterwards covered only with a shirt he came to a place deserted by people, saw several persons come up to him, tried to flee but could not because he was lame, these endeavors to escape from danger exhausted him, and he was glad to be free from this condition when awakened by a loud cry.

Sleeplessness; till 1 A.M., then dreams of people moving about disfigured in such a way that the perpendicular diameter of the face almost equalled in size the rest of the body, especially the nose and chin and the contours appeared misty; with delirium. Unintelligible talking in sleep. Short restless naps. Restless sleep, with dreams f running horse, of playing baseball, of amputating a man’s arm, of shadowy forms sitting or standing by the bedside or moving in the air.

Dreams and starting’s, a fancied noise is a common cause of waking, and at these times the patient generally manifests a little delirium. Frightful dreams waking him, disconnected, of being murdered, of falling from a height, of being attacked by large dogs, etc. Pleasant D., of flying, etc.


      Chilliness and cramp, with tingling of extremities. Internal C., (<) towards 6 P.M., with external heat, apprehension and restlessness, palpitation, anxiety and if he had committed a crime and sleepiness till towards 11 P.M. Frequent rigor and loss of muscular power, being unable to walk, or, as he expressed it : to feel him legs.” Chill alternating with heat, with tension of chest, dyspnoea and feeble pulse. C over back alternating with heat (cold predominating), cold sensation along spine. Cold extremities. Cold hands. Cool skin on forehead and head.

Heat; of head; subjective H. of head; H. of face, with redness. Hot and dry hands. Hot skin; and pungent, also with face flushed, veins of forehead turgid and head burning; hot, pungent and dry skin covered with a rash resembling that of scarlatina, which the child frequently scratched; hot, dry skin, with biting and tickling; hot, dry, red skin; with itching; hot, dry skin and lips covered with mucus. Dry skin. Sweat in sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.