Homeopathy Remedy Argentum Nitricum

Argentum Nitricum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Argentum Nitricum…

      Nitrate of silver is prepared for use by dissolving the pure salt in distilled water.

General Action

      An irritant poison causing violent inflammation and ulceration of throat and stomach and mucous membranes generally. It attacks and destroys the red corpuscles of the blood causing general malnutrition, especially ecchymoses. It increases the flow of bile and causes degenerative congestion in the liver and albuminuria. It depresses the temperature. It produces violent tetanic convulsions, followed by paralysis.

General Peculiarities. – Sharp splinter-like pains in mucous membranes (Nit.ac.), free muco-purulent discharge. Tremulous weakness, with coldness.

Allied Drugs. – Aurum, Cuprum, Mercur, Plumbi., Zincum met., Nitric acid and compounds, Picric ac., Gelsem., Hydrastis.


      Emaciation. Dropsy; oedema of legs and ascites. Convulsions; and twitchings. Trembling and tremulous sensation (Gelsemium, Cuprum, Mercurius). Excitation of muscles and nerves, with consensual excitation of nerves of stomach. Pressure in groins at 10 P.M. while sitting, and in hollow of r. knee, in l. little finger and on back of l. foot. Pain in sides in morning after a restless night, with bruised feeling in limbs; in groins, below and in front of l. trochanter, when walking, causing knees to bend; drawing, in groins, thighs, calves, especially in tibia and l. thigh.

Clucking sensation in spots in upper arm or thigh, hand, one ear and on l. cheek; also the same, or in one leg, or else drawing in finger-joints, or in one knee, or in spot of r. upper arm, if the pain in forehead decreased for sometime. Expanding sensation, especially in face and head (Gloninum, Gelsemium), with a feeling as if bones of skull separated, and with heat. Disagreeable sensation moving about, now in limbs, especially in r. upper, now in head especially about r. temple. Orgasms in whole body, with heat (Sulphur). Restlessness at night, with headache and stupefaction (Sulphur). Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit.

Weakness; morning on walking, with apathy; morning in rising, with oppression of body and mind; morning after rising, with trembling and irritated and apprehensive mood; after breakfast, with nervousness, trembling and fear to undertake anything; in afternoon; afternoon, with heat; after a short walk; with rigidity of calves; with despondency; tremulous, with debility and apathy. Insensibility of body. Aggravation during day; of mental and head symptoms at night, but of general symptoms in morning; on l. side. Amelioration from emission of flatus.

Clinical General tremulous weakness, with nervous restlessness, emaciation and sighing respiration. Epileptiform convulsions or even true epilepsy, the patient is very restless or tremulous before or after the attacks. Especially useful in epilepsy caused by fright, or associated with menstruation. For chronic nervous results of alcoholic stimulants or the effects of excessive sexual indulgence, very restless, afraid to be alone, very melancholy, especially worse after eating, with flatulent distention, palpitation, etc. Paralysis from diseases of the spine, with great exhaustion and restlessness, sighing respiration. It has probably cured some cases of locomotor ataxia. Paralysis involving the diaphragm and lungs, sighing, gasping for breath. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. In all these cases there must be present more or less of the characteristic mental and abdominal symptoms of the drug.


      Unconsciousness, Stupefaction, with suffering look. Imbecile appearance, with childish manner, and on lying down, even in the day, to relieve his head visions and distorted faces hover before his imagination. Sluggishness. Difficulty in conceiving an idea, with heat and fulness in head. Absence of thought. Confusion of senses, with stupid demeanor. Wandering of thoughts. Memory weak, with inability to think correctly (Mercurius, Nit.ac.). Faltering speech from inability to find suitable words. Alternation of clear consciousness and indifference. Mental and physical affection, he does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed. Anxiety in morning after rising, with irritability, nervousness, weakness and trembling; making him walk rapidly. Apprehension that she will lose her senses, with chilliness. Fixed moody thoughts. Depression; after eating; without desire to do anything. Gloomy at 11 A.M., with drawing pain in forehead, yellowish complexion, sweetish-bitter mucous taste, dry, viscid lips, weakness, febrile sensation and weakness of legs. Nightly nervousness; with heat and fulness in head (Sulph). Nervous, faintish and tremulous sensation, Taciturnity; hypochondriac, with Dullness in head and beating in whole body. Laziness.

Clinical Melancholia, apprehension of serious disease; during the attacks of great anxiety or depression she becomes very weak or she has diarrhoea (the Diarrhoea as the result of mental emotion is a marked indication for this drug.). Melancholia, with impulse to throw herself from the window. Valuable in the mental depression or irritability which results from brain fag, with general debility and trembling of the whole body.


      Aching; morning on waking from dreamy sleep, with confusion; beginning in morning on waking (<) movement, with fulness, heaviness and stupidity; morning on waking, obliging him to gnash his teeth; deep in brain on waking, with chilliness all the forenoon: from mental exertion; (<) strong and agreeable odors; (>) bending head tightly (Pic.ac.); aching, with enlarged feeling (Belladonna); with toothache; with eructations and chilliness; generally with chilliness, sometimes with heat; especially in forehead, with weakness and restlessness; especially in forehead, with dejection and restlessness; disturbing sleep; stupefying, at night, especially extending to temples and forehead, with heaviness of whole head, restless dreams and nausea; as if it would burst, from mental exertion (Pic. ac.).

Boring in different spots. Digging up moving about in parenchyma of brain; pressing digging headache, with chilliness and bruised feeling in limbs. Drawing in bands over surface of brain, apparently in membranes or sinuses. Congestion, with throbbing of carotids, heaviness and stupefying Dullness in head, melancholy, weakness of mind and inability to express himself suitably and coherently. Fulness; morning on waking, with confusion and with heavy aching, especially at l. frontal eminence, temples and occiput, with at times cessation of occipital pain but increase of temporal pains, with enlarged and weighty feeling in head, and with vertigo suddenly appearing and ceasing, the pain (>) tightly binding or pressing head and by cold air; at night, with heat and excitement; (>) pressure, with pushing and heat; with Dullness; painful F. in afternoon, with heaviness, inability recollect and glowing heat in head and cheeks.

Stupid feeling when writing. Dullness in morning on waking from a sleep full of dreams. Confusion; over night, with stupid feeling, changing in morning on waking to fulness in forehead, with stinging digging in same, (<) after rising; after dinner, with beating in whole body and hypochondriac taciturnity; (<) after coffee; especially in occiput, l. side of head and forehead; with whizzing in ears and hard hearing. Heaviness; morning on rising; at night, with Dullness and heat; and fulness, especially in frontal sinus. Sensation of sinking down from head. Tender, to cold.

Vertigo; morning; morning, with headache; before falling asleep; more before eyes; with blindness; with Dullness of sense and as if he had lost sensation with drowsiness; with buzzing in ears, weakness of limbs and trembling; with nausea and confusion of senses; with staggering (Gelsemium); as if intoxicated, with weakness of lower limbs; as if turning in a circle, in morning, with headache; faintlike.

Forehead. – Stitches intermittent, in l. eminence, (<) afternoon, with digging; in l. frontal and parietal regions, extending to malar-bone, and then digging pain. Tearing in r. bone; l. side; l. eminence; here and there; in sinciput, with pressure and heaviness; extending into l. eye and side of face, with lachrymation of red and glistening eye. Aching; r. bone; r. upper; r. half in morning on waking, especially in eyebrows; after waking, (>) after dinner, with Dullness; (<) evening; (<) after coffee, dull drawing, then sticking; over forehead and below l. eye, with drawing; extending to eyes, with sneezing; as if grasped, and in vertex; as from a band, on l. bone, especially on eminence, at times more violent, (<) walking. Boring in l. frontal eminence (Aurum); above l. eye; in l. frontal bone; l., then r. side; l. side when walking; above, on l. side, with tearing; in eminences, with heaviness of front part of head; in a spot in bone; in spots, with tearing, and in sides of head; moving about above forehead. Pushing in r. as from a load. Drawing; on l.; on l. eminence; in l. eminence, with sticking; in l. eminence, with digging, afterwards with drawing tearing, extending along l. arm; over with pressing. Pulsations in l; undulating pulsations. Cool feeling as from a current from r. eminence into r. eye. Heaviness all day in sinciput, (<) stooping, with pressure; in sinciput, (<) walking in open air, (>) towards evening, with pressure; over eyes, which open with difficulty, (<) stooping, (>) towards evening; in forehead, with pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.