Homeopathy Remedy Atropinum

Fretful. Desire to scold and quarrel, alternating with internal anxiety and fear, changing at last to anguish. Morose, quarrelsome, angry at trifles. Sudden fear of death, with nervous excitement and formication all over body. Apprehension after his internal restlessness, soon amounting to anxiety. Sadness; with anxiety, restlessness and fear of misfortune, or angry and inclined to be alone, seldom lively. Cheerful to an exaggerated degree. Indolence of mind; then vertigo, then beginning intoxication. Want of memory. Memory wrong, thinks what happened in the night of the 11th took place in the night of the 10th. Attention difficult to fix. Absent-minded; and forgetful, after partly finishing a sentence was obliged to inquire what I had been saying. Feels as if awakened from a dream. Confusion of mind when he closes his eyes, and all sorts of spectres. Dull and not inclined to move about or converse; when spoken to often turns his head to the wrong side. Unconsciousness; with incoherent talking; and irritability, striking his mother when she took him from the nurse. Comatose; and insensible, with dilated pupils and flushed and swollen face; with cyanotic and cool skin, pale face, livid lips, relaxed limbs, jaw hanging down, mouth and tongue dry, pupils dilated, insensible, respiration slow, pulse 90.


      And face flushed and hot, with full, bounding, irregular pulse. Sticking in base of skull and especially over eyes on every motion and (<) Stepping. Feeling as if screwed up, and waking caused sticking. Aching; with vertigo, pain in back and nausea; with vertigo on sudden motion; sick headache, with pain in r. eye and r. temple. Fulness and discomfort; skull feels too small for brain, pain in vertex and over eyes, pain in all that part of head above eyes, head feels as if it would burst. Dull feeling, with feeling as if hair were matted into a thick felt. Confusion morning as after a disturbed night, (>) open air; dizzy, evenings; alternating with vivid phantasies, with general fatigue and at times ringing in ears. Intoxicated feeling, afraid to walk, must concentrate the mind to keep from falling, staggering.

Vertigo; in morning on rising, so that it became dark before his eyes; on waking; on waking, (<) rising, with confusion of head; on waking, with staggering towards objects for support; on turning head quickly; when attempting to walk; with wanderings of vision; with weight on vertex and over eyes; with pressure in temples, with little or no pain; with strange feeling in head, so that he could not see, throat deep red, sore, with inability to swallow; with heaviness, drowsiness or sleep, tendency to dreamy delirium and in women startings; intermittent; intermittent in forenoon.

Forehead.- Intermittent the drawing stitches across F. and temples. Aching; (>) closing eyes; headache beginning in middle of F.; in anterio-superior cerebral region; with vertigo on moving suddenly. Fulness, with heat of head; in anterior part of brain; in front part of head, with dilatation of pupils.

Temples.- Stitching in l. in morning on waking, extending behind ear, scarcely permitting him to open l. eye, (<) moving about in open air. Aching; and in eyes; intermittent, like a deep heavy pressure, and at other times tension in anterior cerebral region, as if brain pressed out in all directions. Pressure from without, (<) r. Bruised feeling. Fulness; in T. and forehead, with pain and with vertigo so that one can scarcely walk. Throbbing.

Pressure under parietal bones. Throbbing in vertex.


      Restless. Projecting from sockets. Congested; and glassy. Fixed and glassy. Aching; and in head; and in temples; with lachrymation; in back part; with fulness and pressure in anterior part of head, making me restless, with sleeplessness till near morning. Swollen feeling, and the pain in eyes and temples (<) with each pulsation of the heat. Eyes and lids sore to touch. Dryness. Intolerance of lights. Weariness.

Pain in. l. ball. Pressure from without in every direction in ball. Pupils immovable; and dilated; dilated, with diplopia; dilated, with clouded vision, images confused, with a reddish tinge. Lids swollen; red and excoriated skin of lids; erysipelas of lids spreading to face and head; inflammatory swelling of mucous membrane of eyes, with muco-purulent secretion, often with swelling of lachrymal sac, occasionally with less swelling but more marked hyperaemia and lachrymation; lids heavy and difficult to keep open about 9 P.M., without sleepiness; lids ache; lids feel sore and are red. Glaucoma of r. Congestion; with dryness of the conjunctiva and aching in ball; erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of conjunctiva and lids; conjunctivitis. Sharp pain under r. eye, with aching in temples. Intermittent neuralgic pain under l. orbit running back to ear.

Vision and hearing morbidly sensitive; at night. Difficult vision with r. eye; D., of small, near objects. When talking with persons they suddenly vanish. After looking at objects a few minutes they become indistinct and fade away. Letters run together after reading a little. Eyes lost control o distance, print held at usual distance was blurred, at a long distance letters could be distinguished but words soon ran into confusion, distant objects were plainer than natural, but near objects soon became indistinct and light caused pain deep in balls. Partial blindness, with one pupil twice as large as the other. Partial color-blindness. Cannot estimate distance correctly. Staggering, catching at distant objects which appeared near and often stumbling over objects which appeared distant. Quick rotation and duplication of objects. Dim V.; with golden circles dancing before eyes. During the increasing dimness illusions of gigantic figures, whirls, double images, enlarged appearance of all objects and laughable or frightful appearance of all kinds. Dilplopia. The large figures on the carpet seemed to be constantly and successively rising to her face (perpendicular diplopia, the apparent object below the real one). Round or oval objects seem elongated; the vertical diameter of the human face seemed equal to the rest of the body, especially prominent were the nose and chin, with their margins enveloped in mist, next and pupils large and sluggish. Eyes of attendant seemed very large. Letters of a newspaper seemed to expand and contact with each pulsation of heart. Objects appear enveloped in a white vapor. Vision of many white flies on the door, which was was white, at night, continued till next noon, on closing eyes. Bright spots and stars and a brilliant glow around letters. Bright flashes at night on closing eyes. V. of black bug, with veritable legs, below a black door knob. V. in morning of a thousand-legged brown worm on carpet, the predominating color of which was brown.


      Hearing sensitive, with frequent illusions. Roaring. Hears thinking bells. Ringing.


      Mucous membrane dry. Sneezing caused by glaring light; and rubbing nose frequently.


      Red; and hot; with white spots; afterwards pale. Pale; and sweaty. Expression of mania; of anxiety. Twitching, especially around mouth and lids. Mouth opens but little, masticator muscles are rigid. Lips swollen and hanging down; L. parched, and no relief from water.


      Teeth and lips dry and covered with sordes. Teeth feel “on edge.” Tongue trembles when protruded; with light redness of tip and edges. Tongue coated dirty gray; white; whitish on margins and yellow in middle; T. thick, cannot articulate distinctly. Tongue dry; and coated; mucous layer dry, brown and hard; anterior part or whole; of dorsum, except a wide margin, dry, brown and rough; dorsum of T., roof of mouth and velum palati dry and glazed; feeling as “dry as chip,” though moist to sight and touch, and the throat seemed almost as if its sides were stuck together; and hard and soft palates, extending down pharynx and larynx, making voice husky and often inducing dry cough and difficult deglutition. Tongue and mouth dry and feverish and throat dry, (>) for only a short time by water, the dryness of throat increased, causing at first-frequent deglutition, afterwards strong effort to avoid swallowing, which had become painful. Tongue partially paralyzed. T. difficult to protrude and cannot be moved about in mouth at will. T. and other muscles assisting in speech difficult to move. Stuttering, especially at words difficult to pronounce. Slowness and embarrassment of articulation. Articulation indistinct, rapid and chattering. Speech thick, probably from dryness of mouth and throat.

Mucous membrane red. Hard and soft palates completely glazed. Thick, viscid or slimy mucus. Coating of viscid, slimy, white mucus. Mouth and throat feel as if she could not swallow, but she drank with avidity warm water, though it seemed difficult at first. Formication on palate. Buccal cavity feels hot. Dryness; at night, especially along median line and on each side of it. Hard and soft palates and back of oesophagus as dry and glazed as a piece of paper. Dryness; of M. and throat, with sensation of burning and choking and difficult swallowing; D. suddenly (>) by a viscid acid secretion, of offensive odor, like sweat of feet, that mouth becomes foul and clammy, with a bitter coppery taste; but no thirst, and inability to feel passage of water through mouth and throat. No sensation in M. and throat when drinking water except slight coldness. Loss of sensation in buccal cavity, with loss of taste.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.