Homeopathy Remedy Arnica


      Pains, as from long stooping at hard work, in morning on rising from bed (Causticum). Arthritic pain, and in limbs. Burning pain when walking in open air. Bruised pain. Pain; in middle of spine when sitting; in spine as if it could not carry the body. Crawling in spine.

Scapulae – Twitching tearing in fascia supinator of l. in forenoon, often (>) motion; drawing tearing, extending downward from l. in evening. Cutting thrusts between when walking, extending into chest. Pinching on lower angle of l.; in muscles between lower angle of r. and spine, (<) stretching the parts (had been noticed in former years). Pain between; in l. and in acromium; seeming to extend from posterior wall of stomach, with pressure near spine; superficial pain between, afterwards more below r.; in spine between scapulae, with cramp in stomach. Bruised pain in r. towards back. Feeling almost under shoulders as if a lump lodged there, which caused stitches on motion.

Stitches in r. side from last ribs to axilla at every inspiration. Pain in dorsal vertebrae as after sudden rising from long stooping, this cramplike pain was internal.

Loins. – Stitches; When coughing, breathing deeply or walking (Bryonia). Pain as if something inside had been torn. Cutting inward, (<) stooping (Berberis). Pain (AEsc. h.). Bruised pain (Berberis, Rhus t., Sul.). Fulness, with pressure. Weight across lower part, with feeling as if a cord were drawn tightly across. Bruised pain in sacrum (Berberis).


      Twitchings, especially of feet and shoulders, with heat of feet. Convulsive movements alternating with trembling of whole body. Stitches here and there. Pain, arthritic, and in back; drawing P. in spots on hands and r. foot; tingling, when body is shaken (e.g., in a carriage) or when treading. Bruised pain; paralytic, in all joints during motion (Calcarea c.). Weakness; of feet and arms when walking in open air. Falling asleep of those on which he rests. Heaviness; in muscles under joints when walking in open air, with pressure.

Clinical Rheumatoid affections of the muscles, with bruised feelings, sharp pains, great loss of power or even paralysis. Gouty inflammation of the joints, with great fear of being approached. Sciatica during pregnancy. Varicose veins; with ulcers.

Upper Extremities

      Stitches inward below axilla Twitching pain from l. shoulder- joint to middle finger Drawing aching in l. shoulder when standing erect. Rheumatic pains in shoulder. Shoulders lame. Smarting sore sensation below shoulder. Tearing in arms and hands. Bruised pain on anterior surface of arm. ARm weary as if bruised, so that he could not bend his fingers inward.

Upper Arm. – Twitching in muscles; in l. as if a nerve twinged. Stitches; like shocks in upper part. Tearing, apparently in bone, from lower part of l. to elbow.

Forearm. – Stitches in l. in morning in bed, with pain as if arm were broken; Burning s.; below elbows. Tearing along ulna from elbow to ring and little fingers. Tension of flexor muscles when bending arm, with tensive pain on extending those muscles again.

Wrist. – Cracking of r. on moving hand, with dislocated feeling. Stitches, (<) motion. Tearing in l., (<) writing, the pan in felt especially in dorsum of hand, (>) letting arm hand down; sticking T., (<) l. Sprained feeling; l. Aching in l. W. and palm, with itching. Weakness of l., with feeling generally as if he could not use his arms.

Hand. – Distended veins, with full, strong pulse. Trembling. Tearing; on back between ring and little fingers; drawing T. on ulnar side of back of r.; twitching T. on ulnar side of back of r. during rest. Pressure on back. Drawing in outer half of back of r. Feel swollen and sore. Weakness, (<) seizing something.

Fingers. – Cramp in l. Stitches in bend of middle joint of index; in both middle; in distal joint of middle; itching, in tip of middle; burning, on end of l. third; twitching S. Tearing in tips of two last l.; in ulnar side of ungual phalanx of r. ring. Aching in joints of r. ring and little; in ungual phalanx of r. ring; in first phalanges of three last l. Bruised pain in balls of thumbs. Crushed pain on pressure, in ungual phalanx of r. ring finger. Drawing cramplike pain in shafts of bones of fingers and forearms, extending backward and upward. Drawing in r. thumb; in r. third finger in evening, especially in ungual phalanx, with tearing, also at times in little finger and along ulnar edge of forearm.

Lower Extremities

      Trembling. Tearing. Pain at night when laid across one another. Standing is painful.

Thigh. – Twitching of l. recti muscles (common); pinching, in l. thigh near scrotum; feeling of T. of muscles. Stitches above knee; itching, on inner side above knee, (<) rubbing. Tearing in l. upper (very common). Pinching on outer side. Thrusts in hips. Pain when rising and stepping; drawing, in l. hip joint when sitting with thigh extended; drawing, cramplike, in muscles when sitting. Sprained pain in hips. Bruised pain when walking; in adductors of r. in afternoon when walking. Tension in l. buttock and in knee.

Knee. – Tottering when standing. Bending suddenly when walking; while feet are insensible. Stitches; when touched. Tearing (not uncommon); in region of l., (>) violent friction. Aching in r. Bruised pain when ascending stairs. (Cramplike pain, and in leg.) Weariness, (<) rest, and in r. fibular joint.

Leg. – Twitching lancinating pain extending upward in tibia. Tearing below l. knee; in l. calf like boring and digging from above downward, afterwards extending into thigh, thence crossing behind os coccygis and ending in r. iliac bone. Aching in l.; A., with soreness when walking. Bruised pain in tibia when walking; over r. calf, with weakness of legs. Gurgling feeling from below upward in lower part at rest. Burning spot on outside of l. tibia. Tension in muscles of calf, from below upward, with drawing when standing.

Ankle. – Tearing in malleoli; on r. outer malleolus and on dorsum of foot; undulating (almost dull stitching), in A. Sprained pain in tarsal joint.

Foot. – Cramp in muscles of soles. Stitches extending through big toe; in r. tendo-achillis when extending tarsal joint, not when walking; in soles when walking, as if in a corn; crawling, in soles. Tearing in l. sole in evening; in heel. Arthritic pain, with fever towards evening. Pain as from internal uneasiness and as if lying too hard, in evening. (Aching in the paralyzed F.) Crawling in outer half of l., as if a nerve were pulled, when walking, on raising l. foot and bending l. ankle. Drawing in outer half of back of l. Tired after walking in open air, with bending of knees, sleepiness, sleep and dreams.

Toes. – Cramp in l. Shocks in big. Stitches when walking; in big; in r. big. Tearing in l. little; sticking, in under surface of big T. when lying down for siesta, and when setting down foot. Pain, throbbing, in one; (numb) trembling P. in one. Arthritic pain, as if sprained in joint of big T. towards evening, with redness.


      Pallor. Livid color of thighs, with blue and yellowish marks. Redness; with heat and oedema; red patches, with swelling and burning; points and vesicles with red areola, smarting and itching; erysipelatous, with turgescence, heat and papular elevations, which on touch itch and are tipped with a vesicle; over front of feet, with puffing and infiltration of cellular tissue, causing the hard caked feeling of true erysipelas, with soreness, the latter (>) walking.

Swelling of nose, also erysipelatous and vesicated; under l. eye; of face, with smarting pain, especially under eyes, heat of face, blotches on cheeks and forehead; hot, red, shining, stiff, of l. cheek; red, of r. cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lips, heat in head, cold body and sometimes hot feeling in feet; S. of cheek, with throbbing and pinching as if two hammers beat against each other, crushing the flesh; of arm, with papules, then vesicles, then excoriations, with redness, itching, burning; of ankle, extending to thigh, with heat and pain, afterwards blackness of whole limb, with feeling as if a weight were attached to it, then skin began to peel off, and the blackness changed to purple, l. then r.; sudden S. of (sick) foot.

Inflammation of hand, then redness and erysipelas; erysipelatous, l. hand dark blue and covered with vesicles, giving the appearance of a rhinoceros hide, then pustules; erythematous I., with Oedema of face and whole body, becoming vesicular and scaling. Erysipelas; over l. cheek, from under border of lower maxilla to scalp, with irritation and constitutional disturbance. Erythema of face, less about margins of hair, worse on lids, with redness and swelling of cheeks, upper lips and nose, and concha, especially its margin, lids oedematous, oedematous sacs hanging from lower lids, with heat of face and biting (itching).

Eruption with burning and smarting; over malar-bone; like pin- heads, with red skin; on palms, causing exfoliation, with scaly look of hands and cracking of skin in folds. Eczema, with crowded bullae and pain; on back and down to knees, on abdomen and genitals, with general hyperaemia, papules, vesicles, excoriating and exuding surface and crusts, itching, stinging and burning. Rash coming and going on face, especially on forehead. Nettle-rash, erythematous and vesicular rash, then bullous, but on nose it was inclined to be pustular, forming crusts, when the bullae burst much serum exuded and vesicles appeared in the places over which the serum ran.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.