Homeopathy Remedy Arnica

Upper Abdomen. – Stitches below last ribs; below r. ribs (Mercurius s., Chelidonium); under l. false ribs when standing intercepting breathing (Bryonia, Seneg., Zincum met.). Pressure below last ribs. Constriction at level of attachments of diaphragm. Clawing throbbing in l. side between pit of stomach and umbilicus; pinching throbbing in same place. Pinching in splenic region.

Umbilical Region. – Stitches, apparently in small intestines. Tearing over. Cutting in small intestines; over umbilicus, (<) breathing deeply and at every step, (>) before and during stool. Pinching over umbilicus. Aching in spot on r. side of U., with sensitiveness to touch, as from accumulation of flatus.

Sides. – Distention of r. every day from morning till 2 P.M., at rest, (>) emission of flatus, with pain as form an internal wound, and with pain as if shaken, torn or cut when coughing, blowing nose or setting down foot, and with pain as if cutting into a wound when touched. Stitches during cough; in spleen, shooting upward when walking. Thrusts from one side to other. Cutting in l. darting like a stitch to vertex. Sudden bruised pain in r. when walking. Pressure in liver region; as from a stone when lying on l. side during inspiration and expiration. Intermittent aching, seemingly in liver or duodenum.

Hypogastrium. – Fermenting flatus below umbilical region. Stitches in muscles, leaving an itching, (>) scratching. Intermittent tearing in l. half of pubic eminence. Deep-seated digging within hips on both sides, as in dysentery, with nausea and drowsiness.


      Rumbling. Squeezing and pressing when standing. Aching. Straining. Tenesmus; then copious, thin or paplike sour-smelling stool, with relief; every half hour with passage of only mucus. Sudden urging as before diarrhoea, but only a few faces. Ineffectual urging; frequent. Swelling of haemorrhoidal vessel (Hamamelis). Burning in anus, with shooting (Sulphur).

Clinical Diffuse, subacute gastroenteritis of a low type, the above symptoms especially, offensive gases passed upward and downward, and general soreness as if bruised.


      Thinner and darker. Diarrhoea; at night, with flatulent colic; with cutting in intestines; with tenesmus; like brown yeast (Kali. bi.); choleraic; white; sometimes scanty and tough stool, with flatus. Increased, soft, with blood from haemorrhoids. Brown, paplike with grumbling in abdomen. Constipation. Hard, difficult, with pressure in abdomen; hard and less frequent. Undigested. Involuntary at night in sleep (Hyosc., Bryonia, con.). Frequent, with necessity to lie down after every stool; small, consisting of mucus.

Clinical The diarrhoea, as above, is associated with great prostration. Involuntary, putrid stools in typhoid. Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid, dark, venous. Dysentery (with tenesmus) of a low type. Prolapsus ani.

Urinary Organs

      Tenesmus of bladder, with involuntary dropping of urine; tenesmus of neck, with ineffectual urging. Desire to urinate, with biting burning, (<) after urinating; frequent, also with copious urine; frequent, with scanty yellow-red urine. Urging, with copious watery urine. Frequent micturition; with watery urine; with scanty white watery urine, with difficult emission of last drops. Urine retained, with aching and pressing in bladder. Has to stand a long time before urine is emitted.

Urethra. – Stitches; after micturition. Cutting in orifice, at end of micturition. Itching in anterior part, in region of glans, when not urinating.

Urine. – Copious and dark; copious, with inability to retain it long, especially at night; in morning flowing slowly, as if urethra were constricted. Scanty; and red. Brown, clear, becoming whitish and turbid; dark brown. Brown, with brick-red sediment. Sulphur colored, turbid, frothy, with neutral reaction, depositing a sediment. Watery. Earthy phosphates increased. Acid; and dark, of high specific gravity, opalescent on boiling, but clear on adding Nitric acid. Sediment contains crystals of phosphoric acid, ammonia, magnesia and urates, the latter adhering to sides of glass.

Clinical Pain as from knives in the region of kidneys. Haematuria. The bladder symptoms, above have been found associated with the dysenteric symptoms, with paralytic conditions or as the result of injuries.

Sexual Organs

      Stitches through glans; in afternoon. Itching of glans or itching stitches. Erections after waking without amorous thoughts or desires. Stitches in scrotum. Testes hard, swollen and tender. Desire, with continued erections. Little desire. Emission by day during a caress; several in one night, with voluptuous dreams.

Clinical Uterine haemorrhage resulting from a mechanical injury. Uterine disorders from injuries, with easy bleeding; prolapsus; haemorrhage after coition. After parturition excessive soreness and lameness, especially useful after instrumental delivery. Sore nipples. Mastitis from injury.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx sore. Swollen sensation in larynx, causing cough and hawking, which brings up nothing or only a little thick mucus, with out relief. Hoarseness in morning. Voice low, muttering. Agreeable cooling in trachea on expiration, as if walls were too thin. (Crackling sense in trachea when walking and in evening when lying down.)

Cough; at night in sleep in children caused by weeping and lamenting; in children caused by cries, with anger and tossing about; during siesta, from itching in upper part of larynx; on yawning; irritation (with expectoration, which seems to come from posterior nares.) Dry, from tickling in lowest part of trachea; short, hacking, dry, also every morning after rising, from tickling deep in trachea; constant, shaking the whole frame, Haemoptysis. Expectoration bloody (Bryonia, Phosphorus, Secale c., Acid nitricum); of glairy mucus, with blackish points.

Suffocation. Short, panting respiration. Dyspnoea; quick inspirations and expirations. ( Difficult quick inspirations, with slow expirations.) Frequent, slow, deep breathing, with pressure below chest. Loud, blowing B. in sleep. Breathes with open mouth at night and mouth is dry on waking. Desires open air; open country air.

Clinical Spasmodic cough (whooping cough), with nose-bleed, haemorrhage into conjunctiva, etc. Bloody expectoration in chronic cases; too weak to spit it out, must be swallowed.


      Stitches; in sides (Bryonia, Sulphur, Ranunculus bulbosus); r., near ribs; l. side; in middle of l.; under sternum; in sternum, (<) walking; in l. near sternum during deep inspiration; in one side, with short cough, which aggravates the pain, and with tightness of chest; in sternum, extending into chest; as from flatulence, in sides under ribs. Pain; in spot in r. side; on sternum over pit; lower part of sternum, (<) deep inspiration; cutting outward; on both sides, (<) inspiration; twitching, in l; (drawing, with anxiety). Bruised feeling in ribs from coughing; bruised pain in joints of bones and cartilages during motion and breathing. Sprained pain in connections of part of chest with back. Raw feeling, (<) walking, with bloody sputa; (pain as if raw, with clawing in larynx during cough). Soreness of walls.

Anguish across, with nausea. Suffocative oppression (Nat. arsen.). Tightness, with difficult breathing (Phosphorus). (Tension across, as far as neck, (>) lying on back, (<) walking and standing.) Weight on; on upper part; in chest in morning on waking, (>) exercise. Painless constriction in middle of l., which tightens breathing, with pain on touch in pit of stomach, which arrests breathing. Blood seems to have accumulated in morning, (>) exercise. Coldness internally.

Clinical Soreness of the walls of the chest, as if bruised, with sharp pains like neuralgia, serves to indicate this drug in rheumatoid affections of the pectoral muscles.


      Stitches in region; from l. to r. side of heart. Squeezing pain or pain os from shock. Anguish (praecordial), with feeble and intermittent cardiac contractions and feeling as if heart stopped. Palpitation. Action stronger; jerking; rapid, then suddenly slow. Rhythm irregular. Pulse – Feeble, rapid and irregular (Apocynum, Digitalis). Rapid; and strong. Thready. Irregular; in evening. Small and slow.

Clinical Bruised pain about the region of the heart and stitches, with other symptoms, have led to its use in affections of the cardiac muscle, hypertrophy and fatty degeneration (compare Baryta-c.). Angina pectoris. Palpitation and pain about the heart, as the result of excessive straining.


      Swelling of glands, with pain, (<) moving neck or speaking. Pain in last cervical vertebra on bending head with tension; on spinal processes of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae, with tension; in nucha on standing; in muscles as if cravat were too tight; where r. external carotid emerges from sterno-cleido mastoid muscle, as if a lymphatic gland were swollen, (<) suddenly turning head to left, by forcible pressure and by severe throbbing in arteries of neck; cramplike, in muscles of nape, with stitches extending inward; cramplike tensive pain in muscles of nape when sneezing or yawning. Lameness of muscles. Rough drawing in l. muscles, with bruised pain.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.