Homeopathy Remedy Arnica


      Sunken, glassy, with dilated insensible pupils. Protrusion of r. Staring, denoting anguish. Aching in l. Burning. Itching. Tension and sensitiveness to pressure. Burning lachrymation. Ball, aching in inner half of r. and in corresponding part of forehead; drawing A. in r.; also (>) motion in open air. Pupils contracted; dilated. Pain as if too dry and sore in margin of upper lid along contact with ball when the ball is moved. Stitches in inner canthus. Itching in canthi. Intermittent pressure on margin of l. orbit. Cramplike tearing in l. eyebrow. Vision of sparks. Blurred V. Diplopia, hallucinations of V., could not judge of distances and saw only half of an object, saw a bright light with l. eye, which disappeared on closing that eye but reappeared on closing both.

Clinical Useful to hasten absorption of haemorrhages in conjunctiva or retina, paralysis of the muscles from a blow.


      Stitches; behind; through r., then l., then through eyes, with feeling as if the eyes were forcibly turned upward; extending inward through middle ear; then tearing. Bruised pain internally in cartilage of l. Painful drawing extending into l. half of skull. Pressure in; intermittent P. in region of tympanum. Hearing more acute; less acute. Humming. Roaring. Ringing in l. Singing in r.

Clinical Meniere’s disease, with vertigo (inclined to fall to the left) and salivation, deafness, vomiting and coldness in the occiput.


      Twitching on bone under l. eye, extending over eyeball. Sticking tearing. Bruised pain from above downward. Cramplike pain at root. Pressure on bone, with benumbing. Ulcerated feeling in nostrils. Sneezing; frequent. Blown frequently, with traces of blood. Coryza; evening on going to sleep, then catarrh on chest in morning on waking. Bleeding (Hamamelis, Sec-c., Carbo vegetabilis); morning on blowing; at night (nitricum acidum).

Clinical The nosebleed of Arnica is characterized by dark fluid blood; especially during low forms of fever or in whooping cough (compare Carbo veg.)


      Pale. Flushed and swollen. Sunken. Twitchings (intermittent tearings) in muscles of ramus of lower jaw. Twitching throbbing in l. cheek. Cramplike pain in cheek when yawning. Creeping over l. cheek, like a shivering without coldness, extending to side of occiput. (Bruised pain in r. articulation of jaw on moving jaw to and fro.). Incipient paralysis of lower jaw.

Lips. – Trembling of lower. Swelling. Chapped; external margin, especially of upper lip. Hydroa. Pimple on both sides of upper; in groove of upper, with redness all around and tensive pain. Vesicles in middle of lower. Ulceration in corners, with burning pain, (<) motion of parts. Dryness. Formication as if asleep. Itching of upper, with burning if rubbed.

Clinical The face of the Arnica patient is usually cold and pale; in apoplexy paralyzed; in low fevers a dusky red.


      Teeth. Covered with mucus (Bovista). Wabbling and elongation. Tearing in l. upper molars when eating. Aching in l. lower molar; in teeth as if roots were scraped; (as if teeth had been bitten out, were dislocated, wabbling, throbbing, with feeling as if pressed outward by blood, the pain then (<) by touch). Gums, pain as if ulcerated when chewing, especially under the tongue; as from a leaden bullet on lower and internal G.; formication in G. as if asleep.

Tongue – Coated white (Bryonia). White and yellow, with want of appetite. Biting; stinging, at root. Burning, and in palate; in anterior third, and in soft palate. Burning scraping from root through oesophagus into stomach. Sore feeling. Dry feeling tip and in palate and lips, with shivering over arms and thighs.

Aching in hard palate. Dry mouth (Bryonia); in morning without thirst, but with foul taste; without thirst with thirst. Burning in palate. Puckered feeling in palate. Scraping, especially at the root of the tongue and in oesophagus; burning scraping, and in oesophagus. Cool, with thirst, desire for strong drink. Salivation; thin, with nausea. Breath fetid (Nit.ac., Secale c.). Taste of rotten eggs between meals; putrid, slimy T; bitter; bitter morning on waking; sour; (sour to everything).

Clinical Serviceable for toothache after filling. Persistent haemorrhage after drawing teeth. The tongue, in fever, is dry and sore, sometimes blackish.


      Swelling of submaxillary glands; with pain, (<) raising or turning head and on touch. Mucus, tasting bitter when hawked up. Subdued whistling. Noise when swallowing. Stinging in back part when not swallowing. Pain as if something hard or rough had lodged in fauces in afternoon when lying, (>) rising. Scraping. Soreness. Constriction. Swollen feeling. Dryness. Swallowing difficult; prevented by nausea, as if food would not go down. Burning when swallowing; in back part, with feeling of internal heat, or rather that sort of anguish that originates in heat, without external heat; with scraping causing shuddering and nausea, afterwards the burning and scraping extended down oesophagus to stomach, causing nausea, fulness and pressure, with warmth over whole body and sweat; in palate and pharynx, changing into scratching; extending gradually to stomach, and ending in mouth and oesophagus; scraping burning, extending to stomach, becoming a pressure in stomach; scraping burning in uvula and oesophagus.


      Pressure on l. side, extending upward, sometimes with stitches. Scraping; burning scraping. Burning. Dryness.


      Hunger increased; in evening; then after eating repletion, with coliclike pressure in places in abdomen, especially in sides; H., with decreased appetite; ravenous, which could not be satisfied on account of want of appetite and a certain aversion to food; desire for vinegar. Appetite lost; in evening; at dinner; with nausea. Repugnance to food, to meat and broth; to tobacco; (to milk).

Thirst; at night; during the yawning before the fever, with much drinking, afterwards during the hot stage, but little drinking; without external heat, the pupils being little capable of dilatation; desire to drink constantly, but she knows not what, because everything is offensive to her.

Eructations; bitter and like bad eggs (Elaps., Phosphorus); like rotten eggs, in morning; of bitter mucus; empty; of salt water. Imperfect hiccough after dinner. Nausea; in morning; forenoon, with general relaxation; on opening eyes during siesta, (>) closing eyes; from the usual tobacco; with eructations; with burning scratching in throat; with distended feeling in stomach; with pressure in stomach. Retching; violent; empty; empty at night, with weight as from a lump in pit of stomach. Vomiting; caused by cough; of bitter yellow bile; inclination to, without nausea.

Digging movement in epigastric region, (>) after dinner, with pain in forehead. Grumbling, unpleasant motions; grumbling, with colic. Cramps. Griping, with sticking and frequent gagging; pinching, spasmodic griping. Pinching; pinching and pressure, extending through small intestines as a constriction, with many movements. Pain; in upper and anterior part; in epigastrium; in epigastrium, (<) pressure; especially at posterior wall and extending to spine; with heaviness on anterior wall of chest; transversely across above pit, with dyspnoea; in pit as from pressure of a hand, gradually ascending to throat, where there was nausea, with salivation, (>) lying, leaving pressure in abdomen; as from a stone; contractive; spasmodically contractive, also (>) eating; spasmodic contraction moving up and down in stomach, causing general pain, especially in posterior wall of stomach, with sensation as if wall of S. would be pressed against spine and spine would be made painful; as if posterior wall were pressed against spine; flying pain in epigastrium and in r. hypochondrium; intermittent; in region of cardia; as if xiphoid process were pressed inward. Digging pain in pit, with sensation as if something were rolling up like a ball. Burrowing in pit, with sensation as if something were knotting itself up. Drawing in epigastric region. Cardialgia. Emptiness; after a meal, as if she had not eaten enough, but feeling as if she had drunk much, with a swashing feeling in abdomen.

Fulness; in pit after eating, with pressure in a spot deep in hypogastrium behind pubis, (<) standing, and almost urging to micturition; with pressure and with burning pain in upper part. Repletion, with loathing. Satiety even though stomach was empty, with frequent acidity in mouth. Heaviness. Oppression. Tension; in lower part of epigastric region morning in bed.


      Distention; before diarrhoea; after supper, especially in lower part, with tension and with pressure, especially in side of abdomen, lasting all night, with heat of limbs, fatiguing dreams, hourly waking and with emissions of flatus; with frequent urging to stool, also with emission of flatus; with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated; tympanitic. Flatulence. Flatus, with pressure in stomach; fermenting; frequent emissions, also night and morning; offensive (Sulphur); smelling like rotten egg. (Sulphur). Movings. Rumbling; grunting, from flatus. Gurgling. Grunting, then tenesmus, with emission of flatus; as from emptiness. Twitchings under stomach. Tearing in muscles. Cutting, then tenesmus, then lumpy stool, with flatus; C. as after a cold. Pain; after a light meal, with tenesmus; flatulent; flying.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.