Homeopathy Remedy Argentum Nitricum


      Rhythmical bounding pulsations in l. carotid. Clawing like a cramp in r. anterior cervical muscles. Drawing in r. side, with pressure. Muscles of r. side sore and stiff.


      Tensive clawing pain. Pain at night; P. in middle; in centre at r. of spine. Pressure between shoulders, penetrating deeply in morning on waking, especially at angle or r. shoulder; on spots in dorsal muscles. Pain at back of r. scapula on motion, with tenderness of muscles.

Loins – Cutting and in abdomen; on touch. Digging, (<) bending. Pain; in kidneys; (>) standing or walking; passing off into flatus; as from a band. Sprained feeling in morning when sitting; in morning, (<) rising, and preventing walking, except crooked. Bruised feeling. Rigid and stretched feeling. Weakness; in lower lumbar and sacral regions and in gastrocnemii. Heaviness, (<) sitting; with drawing in the same, with trembling of lower limbs and debility; paralytic H. in l. extending into hip-joint.

Sacrum – Pain; in afternoon on standing, and in thigh; in r. sacro-sciatic notch, where the nerve passes out, on rising, (<) blowing and sneezing. Heaviness in os, extending along pelvis, with painful drawing, as before menses; H., with paralytic sensation, preventing long sitting and obliging him when walking to stretch the dorsal spine; extending along pelvis and hips, with stiffness and paralytic pain.


      Chorea like motions. Trembling, with general debility. Stitches in last phalanx of l. index, then in first r. toes; in knuckle of r. third finger and on dorsum of foot. Pain in soft parts of arm and legs. Boring in l. outer malleolus at 5.30 A.M. in bed, and in l. shoulder; in spots in ankles and in soft parts of limbs. Drawing internally in centre of r. upper arm after rising, then in flesh of r. thigh, below and internally. Weariness, with heaviness. Sensation as if they would go to sleep or become rigid. Paralysis.

Upper Extremities

      Paralytic drawing in r. Pain in r. axilla as if sprained or torn, and upon raising the shoulder the pain extended along arm to hand, where there was a prickling. Tension in glands of r. axilla.

Shoulder – Pressure in l.; in spot on r.; on top; on top of l. while resting arm; in l. joint. Boring; l. in morning in bed; r. at 4 P.M.; l. joint, (<) motion. Drawing in l.; in top of l., with pressure. Skin of r. tender, irritated by brace.

Arm. – Pain in r. on motion, (<) at shoulder, with tenderness; P. through whole r., at times more violent on back of hand or in upper arm; in muscles of l. side at 6 P.M., while walking, towards lower part of thorax, into muscles of loins, (<) inspiration and walking. Stitching about r. olecranon, (<) resting the joint. tearing internally on r. elbow. Pressure in elbows, extending to forearms. Boring in r. elbow. Pain in ulna at night. Drawing in r. forearm; r. or l., with pressure; in lower part of l. forearm; paralytic, in bones of forearm.

Wrist. – Pressure in r.; in l.; in l., always at 10.30 P.M. Boring in l. at 8 A.M. Sprained pain in l., waking at night, with heat and uneasiness in hand, then in morning a pustule on a red hard base, with stinging pain in it, near joint. Tension and stiffness of l. on bending and on leaning on it, (>) towards morning, with a deep-seated pain. Stitches in knuckles or r. hand. Drawing in l. hand; on dorsum of r.

Fingers. – Spasmodic contraction; of adductors. Cramp in ring, when seizing anything. Sticking in tip of l. little. Tearing in first phalanx of l. index at 6 A.M. in bed; rheumatic, in thumb where the phalanx joins the metacarpus. Pain through joints of l. index at 9 P.M., (<) bending, when there is a stiffness as from swelling, which lasts till morning. Boring in several joints; in l. little; in l. thumb; r. thumb; in single joints; in second joint of l. index. Tenderness of tendons of back of r. index and l. middle, with hyperaesthesia of skin over them extending to outer condyle, spreading during the day over dorsum of r. hand to ulnar side, up back of forearm, outer side of upper arm, shoulder and r. side of face, finger joints became tender and stiff, outer side of head of ulna and olecranon tender to touch, shooting through metacarpal joint of index and at elbow, increased sensitiveness of skin, with diminished power of distinguishing sensations, afterwards spread to r. side of body, metacarpal joints of l. third and fourth fingers tender.

Lower Extremities

      Starting up, especially of knees, waking him at night. Staggering in open air. Vacillating gait, with discomfort in whole body and crawling in limbs, as in incipient fever. Weakness; especially of legs, with at times feeling as if they would suddenly fail him; in forenoon, with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness and sickly appearance; with vertigo as form intoxication; paralytic, with emaciation. Paralytic heaviness and debility, so that he did not know where to put them.

Thigh. – Pressure above r. patella when sitting.. Drawing through r. T; sticking, from hip to tarsal-joint; paroxysmal nervous (“cramplike”), in hips, along ischias antica, to knees, paralytic painful, as if bruised, in rectus cruris muscles above l. patella.

Knee – Tearing, raging, digging up, pain under patella, l. then r. Drawing tearing, extending into legs; drawing T. on l. side of patella and near it; internal T. in l. then r. Pressure when sitting; when walking, (<) on stepping; in r.; r. when walking; r. when sitting and walking and on dorsum of l. foot; in r. anteriorly, l. anteriorly. Boring on r., and in spot on outer side of r. calf. Drawing; r.; internally in l. when sitting and walking. Throbbing, with weariness.

Leg. – Drawn up to abdomen by muscular contraction. Tearing on r. anteriorly; on r. tibia. Pressure on anteriorly; on r. tibia. Pressure on anteriorly; anteriorly in r. leg, afterwards in l. knee; internally in a spot, then on l. inner malleolus. Boring in spots, with tearing. Compressive sensation in whole l. when walking. Drawing through l. when sitting; through whole r. on sitting; with pressure; anteriorly on l.; anteriorly when when walking; anteriorly in lower half of tibia, with scraping. Weariness; in morning.

Calf. – Cramp at night. Cramplike pain in l. when walking. Sensation like a stitching or hot fluid running over skin o l. when walking. Pain in a spot on outside of l. when walking, causing bending of knees, also on standing. Drawing when ascending stairs. Weariness; with rigidity.

Ankle. – Stinging in r. outer. Tearing in l.; below l. inner malleolus when sitting at 1 P.M., (>) walking rapidly, with stitching. Pressure in r. when sitting; in l.; l., with drawing. Painful drawing below l. inner malleolus, beginning and passing off when walking. Boring in r. malleolus; in l. outer malleolus in morning in bed; internally behind and below l. malleolus when walking. Bends easily.

Foot. – Tearing in bend of r.; on dorsum of r. Pressure on spot on dorsum of l., (>) walking. Boring on sides of l. tendo- achillis; on dorsum of r. foot, drawing from without inward, when sitting. Drawing on outer margin of r.; on dorsum of l.; in bend of l. when sitting at 7 A.M.; arthritic, in r. Prickling in r. sole when sitting. Tenderness of under part of r. heel on treading.

Toes – Stitches in r., with drawing. Drawing in r. at 11 P.M.; in l. at 11 P.M., shifting to other parts.


      Discoloration (argyria) from blue-gray, violet or bronze or black. brownish on lower limbs; brown spots on upper chest and on hands; brown, tense and hard. Blotches on border of nape of neck, etc.; irregularly-shaped B. on border of nape and scalp, with itching, soreness when scratched, and after scratching inflammation and moisture; red, on dorsum of r. hand and index, changing to yellow blisters on a red base.

Pimple, painful, inflamed, in l. corner of mouth, forming a pock-shaped pustule, which after efflorescence passed into a hard pimple; itching, blotched shaped, on lower limbs; hard, on lower limbs and in bend of knee, with itching at night and burning after scratching; itch, covered after scratching with bleeding scurfs.

Pustules in l. canthus; on chin and cheek. Pustulous ecthyma preceded by itching and pain. Itch like eruption, especially on back. Itching vesicles on back, the itching (<) evening; itching V., resembling itching stigmata, especially on chest and back, towards shoulders. Elevation with red base, looking like a blister, but only semi-fluid, under l. eye, with burning, later a similar spot on margin of r. lower lid, afterwards below lashes on both lower lids. Irritable urticarious spot on back of r. shoulder.

Stitches alternately above and at sides of r. knee when walking at 7. P.M. Boring in skin of tip of nose, with crawling in skin of l. side of nose. Drawing in cheeks; on l. forehead and l. cheek as from a spider’s web. Crawling on l. cheek. Itching of chest and axillae; in various parts at night, also prickling; stinging, especially around l. nipple. Itching smarting when getting warm in night, especially in thighs, hypochondria, chest and axillae.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.