Homeopathy Remedy Argentum Nitricum


      Stitches. Urging during diarrhoea; sudden, waking at 6 A.M., with copious half-liquid yellow stool, then ineffectual urging. Burning spot on anterior wall, about an inch above sphincter, unaffected by stool, (<) micturition and at night. Discharge of ascarides; of taenia. Itching in anus (AEsc. h., Sulphur, Zincum met.); in perineum. Creeping in anus, with burning.


      Liquid, with mucus. Brown, liquid, fetid. Copious, fluid, then vomiting. Diarrhoea; after breakfast; in evening; with pain in abdomen; with retching and vomiting of mucus; scanty, watery about midnight, with flatulent colic and noisy flatulence during stool (Jatro.), after eating sugar in evening. Pasty. Hard. Constipation; or diarrhoea. Dark. Of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in stomach, drawing pain in abdomen and intolerance of lacing around hypochondria. Bloody; with debility; of bloody mucus frequently towards morning. Small, with discharge of mucus. Frequent; with pain in abdomen; with pain in hypogastrium; of a peculiar odor, of a greenish semi-solid mass made up of lumps of undigested food and mucus, passed with flatus. Slowness and diminution of fecal and urinary discharges.

Clinical Diarrhoea of green mucus, like chopped spinach, usually with great flatulence. Evacuations of shreds of mucus or undigested food, with enormous distention of abdomen, emissions of much flatus, stools excessively offensive. Green, fetid, mucous stools. Dysentery, with bloody slimy stools, with symptoms of ulceration of the rectum. Chronic dysentery. Diarrhoea immediately after drinking. Diarrhoea caused by the least excitement; many cases of chronic diarrhoea, the result of shocks, have been cured by this drug, especially with the chronic flatulence so characteristic of it.

Urinary Organs

      Urging to urinate; at 4 and 6 A.M., with scanty urine; frequent, with much yellow urine, then cutting in end of urethra. Micturition. Difficult; at 7 A.M., with burning and discharge of white pellicles, shreds of epithelium from mucous membrane. Accelerated. Rare, urine scanty and dark. Frequent; at night; and copious, also in forenoon. Inability to pass urine in a projecting stream (Causticum, Gelsemium). Divided stream (Cantharis, Thuja). Larger stream. Of a few drops after he had done, with feeling as if interior of urethra were swollen.


      Oozing of mucus; thick white at night, then thinner. Stitches in extremity (Acid nitricum). Cutting from posterior part to anus when emitting last drop of urine Thuja). Ulcerative pain between acts of micturition (Prun. sp.); during micturition, the ineffectual urging; in middle, as from a splinter. Inflammation, with pain (Cannab. s., Cubeb, Thuja, Mercuriusc), increased gonorrhoea, priapism, dysuria, bloody urine and fever (Petrosel.). Dragging pain during micturition. Drawing through end. Painful pushing. Burning in urethra during micturition (Cannab.), with constricted sensation in fore part; during; micturition, with swollen feeling and difficulty in passing last part of urine; during and after micturition, at times amounting to a stabbing pain (Acid nitricum); after micturition; in morning on urinating, with itching and tickling; especially at meatus and below scrotum; with increased gonorrhoea, burning during micturition, painful tension during erections, chordee, bleeding from urethra, and shootings in same from behind forward. Sensitiveness near orifice. Soreness, even after micturition; sore and swollen feeling. Sensation as if swollen, hard and knotty. Pain as if swollen and ulcerated. Peculiar sensation in orifice. Feeling as if a fluid ran along. Feeling as if a burning drop ran along, after urinating (K. bi).


      Copious; at night; pale and frequent. Scanty, concentrated, with disappearance of uric acid; in evening. Dark; and acid. Cloudy at noon; from mucus, with a light red sediment covering vessel as far as the urine reaches. Strong smelling. Inorganic salts increased. Silicic acid abundant.

Clinical With the gastro-intestinal troubles, the urine is generally very scanty; with the nervous symptoms it may be profuse; in paralytic troubles there may be incontinence. Very valuable in the early purulent stage of gonorrhoea, with most profuse discharge and terrible cutting pains, urine bloody, of great value, given internally. Profuse purulent leucorrhoea, with great soreness and bleeding of the vagina, ulcerations of the cervix, which bleed (compare with Arg-met.).

Sexual Organs

      Pain on coition, with stretched feeling in urethra and absence of pleasure. Chancrelike ulcers on prepuce with pus at their tips, then diffusion of the ulcers through a spacious depression, with a tallowlike coating. Enlargement of r. testicle, with hardness. Pain extending into and along course of spermatic cord. Pain as if from pins and needles in testes and scrotum, (<) r. side. Spasmodic contraction of cremaster muscle, drawing testicle high up into scrotum, with a drawing pain extending into testes. Desire wanting, with shrivelling of genitals. Emissions at night; with lascivious dreams; frequent and copious at night.

Female. – Uterus, haemorrhages; congestions; excitement of capillaries. Orgasms at night. Menses copious, with cutting in small of back and groin and contractive sensation in latter; suppression of menses, miscarriage and metrorrhagia.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Whizzing and whistling as regular as the pulse, caused by movement of blood when lying on l. ear after dinner. Balls of soaplike mucus, causing cough. Soreness, (<) morning, and in pit of throat. Scratching, causing hawking and cough. Irritation and tickling, then accumulation of mucus, causing rattling and whizzing breathing until the mucus is thrown off in lumps. Tickling at 2 P.M.; at 3 P.M., with lessened inspiration, then short, dry, shaking cough, (>) sitting; dry T. in daytime, causing cough. Hoarseness at night, with dry cough and expectoration of blood-tinged mucus mixed with saliva; with roughness in throat.


      In evening, (<) tobacco smoke; at night; at night from tickling in larynx; at night, with sweat; several days before dinner from tickling in throat; from tickling in throat; from scraping in throat, with hawking. Suffocative at noon for several days; impeding speech, after dinner. Violent, short, dry, at night in bed, from sudden pressure in throat. Fatiguing hacking, at noon, with lachrymation, from tickling in throat and palate. Dry, fatiguing evening and morning from tickling in throat; dry, paroxysmal, at night, sometimes causing vomiting; dry and hacking.

Dyspnoea. Suffocative respiration. Sighing form oppression of chest.

Clinical Chronic inflammation of larynx in singers (compare with Argentum met.). Threatening paralysis of the lungs, the patient could scarcely breathe, fear of suffocation, distress in stomach, great accumulation of gases.


      Mucus. Stitches in l. side; in breasts; longitudinally in sides; superficially about centre of eighth rib. Pinching moving about in pleura costalis and pulmonaris, with oppression of chest. Pain at night; externally in l. in evening when drawing on boots, then sore pain in pectoral muscles, (<) stretching arms, especially near l. nipple; externally on touch; caused by walking, with need of deep inspiration, (>) walking; tensive, internally in spots; as if it would burst, in middle of upper part after ascending stairs; ulcerative, in r. mamma, towards axilla, (<) touch, and when stretching arm and turning trunk speedily to one side an oblong protrusion is felt; almost in heart, causing uneasiness in chest, forcing him to walk. Pressure outward from r. nipple. Burning; warmth between scapulae and sternum, changing to pressure in epigastric region, also with eructations; warmth between scapulae and sternum, changing to pinching and pressure in epigastric region. Stuffed sensation. Oppression; with wandering clawing. Fulness, with anxiety and disposition to sigh. Heaviness, with disposition to sigh; as from a stone in middle. Aggravation of symptoms from lying, especially evenings.

Clinical Threatening paralysis, with feeling of a bar around chest. Angina pectoris, intense pan, can hardly breath.


      Pressure when walking, with necessity to breathe deeper. Pain in praecordial region. Anxiety; paroxysmal; in praecordial after dinner, also with sighing and feeling of disease. Fulness in praecordial region. Faintness in praecordial region. Feeling as if beating once or twice stronger when walking. Irregular action, intermitting sometimes, with discomfort in chest, also with increase of irregularity from attention to it, (>) motion in open air. Palpitation; in afternoon with faintish nausea; towards evening on motion; at night; from sudden muscular exertion or excitement; from rapid motion; (>) lying and in evening in bed; with restless sensation in heart; like a sudden falling from above towards middle, with pain in middle of upper part of chest as if it would burst. Trembling when walking rapidly.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.