Homeopathy Remedy Anacardium

Leg – Tottering when standing. Pulsation and twitches in muscles. Painful twitches, like electric shocks, in l. tibia, over malleolus; wavelike twitches here and there in legs when sitting. Cramp in calves at night; cramp in calves when walking. Stitches on surface of tibia, over r. ankle; dull S. or thrusts just below r. knee when treading. Neuralgic twinges in l. calf; about r. calf and ankle. Aching upon l. tibia when sitting, with uneasiness of whole limb, which decreases when leg is drawn up. Cramplike pressure in calves, more towards outer side, towards tibia; rheumatic tensive P. transversely across tibia, on extending leg when walking; tearing, in tibia, just below ankle, at anterior surface. Pressive lancinating pain in tibia and muscles of legs, sometimes with boring. Burning pain in middle of leg, on anterior and rather on outer part. Drawing in legs; here and there after a walk; with pressure and heaviness, the heaviness (>) by extending foot; cramplike, intermittent, from heels into calves; painful, in tibia; downward in legs when sitting. Tightness in l. calf; in calf when walking and at night in bed, as if muscles were too short. Uneasiness extending up and down, when sitting, (>) walking and returning on sitting, causing pressure inward at places; U. when sitting, as if everything were alive in them and descended in a turning motion into feet, which felt heavy and almost as if they would go to sleep. Heaviness.

Ankle – Sprained feeling in l. tarsal articulation when setting foot on ground. Neuralgic twinges, now and then. Drawing pain in tarsal articulation when he seats himself. Drawing downward over outer malleoli, when standing, with pain in soles.

Foot – Cramplike drawing of r. sole into a curve. Painful twitchings internally on back of foot. Stitches on back of l. Tearing and grinding pain in heel in morning in bed. Cramplike pressure in l. heel; intermittent P. at inner border of sole. Burning sore pain above heel. Painful weakness of feet when sitting.

Toes – Intermittent twitching in r. great. Tearings in great; T. transversely across roots, (>) moving them. Spasmodic drawing and tearing, extending into back of foot.


      Mulatto-like appearance of hands, white, with black spots. Redness of arm (affected part), with pimples, then swelling and redness of face, then redness of abdomen and thighs on which the arm had rested, swelling and redness of l. hand, forearm and lower half of upper arm, vesicles and pustules on forearm, especially at back of forearm, the redness (>) pressure, raised spots on back of r. hand, front of wrist and on lower abdomen, surmounted by white pustules, redness and swellings of eyes (l. closed), upper lip, chin and back of r. cheek, with red raised spots, the color being sharply defined, yellow crusts like eczema on chin, a red patch, with transparent vesicles on inner side of each thigh, the eruption causing itching.

Desquamation, excessive. Roughness around mouth, with exfoliation, herpes and crawling itching. Destruction; leaving an inflamed surface covered with miliary, itching pustules, the itching (<) at night and in warmth, especially when gloves were worn, the pustules discharging a yellow liquid forming crusts, with swelling and heat of whole back of hand.

Swelling of head; of face, beginning at eyes; of l. side of face, with pocklike blisters; passing gradually from eyes down to thighs; of neck after the head; of affected parts, so that the patient looked like a hogs-head; with itching, so that the places were scratched sore. Hypertrophied appearance of skin, with swollen and indurated papillae and wheals and formation of thick folds, which impede motion.

Inflammation of affected parts (hands), with pain and itching, then pustules discharging thin pus, coalescing, appearing like blisters, the blistering being confined to hands and lips, which had been rubbed, while the swelling and pustules extended to other parts, the penis and scrotum were enormously distended, but the eruption was confined to the scrotum, and there were some fever and thirst with the first appearance of the swelling.

Warts covering the hands, even the palms. Itching eruption around knees, as far as calves. Scarlet eruptions of whole body, especially of thigh in contact with the nut, and of abdomen. White, scaly herpes on r. cheek, close by upper lip. Pimples on side of l. index, after nightly itching in hollow of hand and between fingers which was (>), not removed by violent friction; P., with red areola at top of l. temple and at angle of r. wing of nose.

Pustules, with red areola on lower part of upper arm, with itching during motion of arm; P. on index, with red areola and stinging, voluptuous itching, which spreads over whole palm, red and white lymph and afterwards a scurf appear, beneath which is a plug of pus, with a drawing sore pain in the ulcer in the evening. Hard, red, sore pustules on forehead and in angle of l. wing of nose. Suppuration and pain under chin where there was a boil two years ago. Blisters on backs of hands; on chin, discharging liquid when broken; discharging a yellowish transparent liquid, which hardened to a crust in open air. Raised crusts on chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum, thighs, discharging a thick yellowish liquid, partly changing into wartlike excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the intermediate skin being of an erythematous redness and the itching fearful.

Itching; at night; (<) in evening and when he went to bed; burning, at affected parts, (<) scratching; burning, on thighs in evening; the burning changes to painful itching, with stitching, like stings of insects; stinging, here and there, especially on back and thighs, (>) for a short time by scratching; voluptuous, over whole body, (<) scratching; voluptuous, on scrotum, which excites sexual desire. Itching of the wound (on l. wrist), then vesicles, with heat, inflammation and redness, extending above elbow, covering anterior and under aspects of the limb, the itching (<) at night, followed by soreness, redness and inflammation of scrotum, then eyelids and upper part of r. cheek appeared as in erysipelas, with heat, stiffness and burning in skin, also red patches on bend of r. arm and on r. hand, after- wards swelling and tension of r. arm, with redness, which disappeared on pressure.

Irritation, with feverishness, loss of appetite and constipation. Desire to scratch in many places, without itching, (>) scratching. Tetters which had itched before now burn and sting. Dry feeling in hands and fingers. Insensibility to itching irritants.

Clinical Extremely valuable in eczema, especially with great irritability of mind, the eruptions itch excessively and burn. The symptoms of this drug are to be compared with Rhus, to which they are very similar.


      Yawning after an attack of cough; Y. after stool. Sleepiness in afternoon when sitting or reading, with weariness; evening and morning in bed, with weakness; at 8 P.M., after dinner; after eating, with indisposition to work; as from weakness. Sound sleep till 9 A.M. Difficult waking in morning. Slumber day and night, with heat, thirst, heat of skin, and with grumbling and anxious sighing when asleep.

Sleeplessness; often for half hours at night; till 2 A.M., with uneasiness. Frequent waking, with general sweat. Anxious sleep his head lay either too low or too high, which caused confusion. Anxious screams in sleep.

Dreams of fire. Anxious, full of danger; A. about fire. That he had to preach without having committed his sermon, causing anxious meditation, without ability to accomplish it. Of dead bodies, a near tomb or a steep precipice. Of loathsome diseases of others. That his face is covered with white, ugly pustules. Of the smell of tinder and sulphur, with continuance of the illusion after waking. Mixed with plans he had made. Vivid; about old events; with great mental exertion. Oppressive, that everything one did would end in vanity and vexation, and that nothing could extricate me from poverty.


      Chilliness; after midday nap; of limbs in morning, causing trembling; of hands and feet; of feet in morning; of feet when walking; of feet, (<) walking. Cold creepings. Shivering as if he had caught cold; S. in back, as from cold water thrown over him; over whole body, with heat in face, without thirst.

Heat; in head; face; face and brain in afternoon, with redness of cheeks; face after dinner, with accumulation of sweetish saliva and thirst; H. in face every day at 4 P.M., with nausea and heaviness in whole body, obliging lying down, (>) eating; in face after eating, with weakness; spreading quickly over face after supper, followed by thirst. Burning in chin; B. between chin and lower lip, as if scraped with a dull razor. Heat of palms; with coldness of backs of hands. Legs burn as from glowing sparks. Soles burn when sitting. Heat on upper part of body, with thirst, sweat and hot breath, complaints of chilliness, causing him to shake, and coldness of feet, which were formerly sweaty.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.