Homeopathy Remedy Anacardium

Respiratory Organs

      Cough in morning; evening in bed, causing blood to rush to head; nightly, with rawness of throat; after dinner, with vomiting of food; (<) night; with vain desire to sneeze; resembling whooping- cough, whenever he talks; shaking, at night, preventing sleep; in severe attacks, with shivering; beginning with tickling in larynx and suffocation; periodical, only by day, with arrest of breathing; hacking, after eating, affecting throat as if it were raw; short, with purulent expectoration; short, (<) afternoon, with tenacious, gray-yellow expectoration. Expectoration of blood when coughing. Asthma. Short respiration, (<) after eating and when sitting; S., with oppression in region of sternum. Interrupted respiration when drinking.


      Twitching of pectoral muscle, when raising arm. Stitches; a hand’s breadth below l. axilla; in upper part of l. mamma, preventing rising from her seat, afterwards a weight at that place; pulsating above heart; intermittent pulsating, close to l. side of throat; constrictive, externally at l. false ribs; corrosively itching, at last false rib. Tearing in l., reaching to heart, with pressure as if the whole were being crushed, (<) sitting bent.

Pressure upon part of r. border of sternum; P. on chest, (<) sitting, with fulness and desire to get rid of this symptom by vomiting; dull P., as from a plug, in r.; sudden P. close to r. axilla, and at the same time on opposite side of back; P. upon sternum, as from a blow, when falling asleep during the day; inward P. over r. nipple. Oppression; during expiration, with pressure upon sternum; with internal anxiety and heat; with weeping, which relieves it; extending towards axillae, with difficulty of breathing. Oppressive anxiety in region of sternum, as if he must go into the open air and be busy. Drawing pain in muscles. Wavelike drawing in l. chest. Soreness in a spot behind sternum; S. in chest, (<) inspiration, with rawness.

Heart and Pulse

      Stitches in praecordial region when breathing; at night when breathing; in l. praecordial region, (<) breathing and walking; in praecordial region, extending to small of back; short, through and through heart, succeeding each other two by two. Cutting in praecordial region. Uneasiness apparently about heart; (<) forenoon. Weak feeling, as if working too slowly. Pulse weak and accelerated. Slow P.

Clinical Palpitation, especially in old people, when complicated with such slight difficulties as an ordinary coryza, rheumatic affections of the pericardium. Rheumatic pericarditis, with double stitches through the cardiac region, one stitch is quickly followed by another, then there is a long interval.


      Cracking in cervical vertebrae when stooping. Intermittent pressure at angle formed by neck and top of l. shoulder; intermittent, as from a heavy burden, on r. side of neck and on top of l. shoulder, apparently in bone. Rheumatic drawing down- ward along nape.

Stiffness of nape; painful, in r. side of neck, mornings on waking after lying on that side, (<) turning head toward painful side; with tensive pain, (<) turning head quickly after keeping it still, less during constant motion; in nape, occiput and between scapulae on waking, with pressive tension; painful contractive, on l. side close to occiput, when at rest, not affected by motion.


      Painful stiffness when raising oneself while sitting, (>) sitting bent.

Scapulae – Cracking on raising arm. Stitches in external side of l.; in l., returning slowly and causing a tearing to extend to all sides; tearing, near r., extending outward. Tearing between scapulae. Intermittent thrusts externally in r. half of external surface of l. Pain in r., near spine, as from continually sitting bent. Neuralgic pain over r. Cramplike pressure inward, under and near scapulae; lancinating P. close under l. Bruised pain in r. scapula and upper arm, (<) lifting arm. Formication, or sensation as if asleep.

Small of Back – Stitches.

Clinical Diseases of the spinal cord, sensation of a band around the body, feeling of a plug in the spine so that any motion of the body causes a pain as if the plug were sticking still further into the body, paralyzed feeling in knees, the patient is scarcely able to walk, feeling as if the knees were bandaged.


      Paroxysmal tearings simultaneously through upper and lower. Neuralgia in region of outer metatarsal bone of l. foot and in fingers and knees. Heaviness in l. arm and leg when walking.

Upper Extremities

      Itching pricking below shoulders, (>) rubbing.

Arm – Tearing in l., with drawing. Pressure in bones and muscles of r., with lassitude in them. Bruised feeling if he lies on them at night. Lancinating tension from joints down flexor muscles, on stretching and extending them, and on bending arms back there is a cracking in the joints, especially in shoulders, with pain as if dislocated. Rheumatic sensation in r. Pulsation when sitting quietly after they had been loosely crossed, and even in whole body (after exercise). Going to sleep of l.

Upper Arm – Painful twitching above bend of l. elbow. Intermittent pressure, like a grumbling in l., apparently in marrow. Aching (spasmodically) in muscles in evening when walking in open air and when sitting. Rheumatic drawing pain from r. shoulder to bend of elbow, stiff feeling in arm. Pulsation as with a heavy body in middle of l.

Elbow – Pressure in bend of l., which draws the arm drawn and makes its motion difficult, when walking in the open air.

Forearm – Cramplike twitches a hand’s breadth above l. wrist. Cramplike pain in l. at night in bed, and in back of hand. Cramplike pressure in l., (<) pressure, becoming a tearing pressure on motion. Pressure inward here and there. Cramplike drawing in r., from wrist to elbow. Pressive drawing on upper surface of l. Aching in muscles when writing. Pressive scratchings on bone when at rest.

Wrist – Twitches in flexor tendons.

Hand – Stitches on back of l.; on external knuckle of r., with itching; burning S. in border of l. where little finger joins metacarpus; tearing S. in ball of r. Tearing on back. Cutting at metacarpal bone of r. index. Sprained feeling in metacarpal bone of r. little finger. Cramplike drawing in region of metacarpal bone of little finger. Cramplike contraction of l., so that she cannot straighten her finger.

Pain in palm on moving it; cramplike, where r. metacarpal bones join phalanges; cramplike, where l. index joins metacarpal bone; intermittent lancinating, cramplike, on l. border where little finger joins metacarpus; cramplike, twitching, in anterior extremities of metacarpal bones; pressive spasmodic, in muscles transversely across back of l.; grumbling, between metacarpal bones of l. index and middle fingers, just behind knuckles.

Fingers – Cramplike twitches in lowest phalanges of l., synchronous with pulse. Tearings in little; in r. thumb, extending to elbow, as if a whitlow would form. Intermittent cramplike pain in lowest joints of r. thumb and index. Intermittent neuralgia in flexors of r. thumb, (<) pressure. Contractive lancinating pain in muscles of l. thumb, (>) motion and touch. Tickling itching in little, seemingly seated deeper than the flesh, evening after lying down. Numbness.

Lower Extremities

      Uneasiness when standing, as if they ought to be drawn up, with anxiety. Weariness, as from too much walking, with sleepiness.

Thigh – Cracking in r. hip-joint on moving it while sitting. Twitchings and drawings, especially in and about knees, as after a long walk, with painful uneasiness when sitting, like a tremulous agitation. Boring stitch in muscles of lower part of r. in front; burning S. here and there in muscles, obliging scratching; itching, in l., (>) rubbing. Sprained and bruised pain over r. hip when rising from a seat and when moving trunk while sitting, (<) then by rising, and compelling him to walk stooping.

Pressure at inner side of r. thigh, with twitching sensation; P. in thigh some times intermittent, rhythmical; as from a plug in l. gluteal muscles; in middle of external side of r. thigh, synchronous with pulse and always accompanied by a lancination; cramplike, anteriorly and posteriorly in l. Dull pain just above l. knee; above knee on lifting foot high, with soreness, and with painful weakness about knees and cramplike pinching between bend of knee and calf. Drawing pain down outer side of r.; drawing pain above knees when sitting, felt as mere weakness when walking. Tearing contraction in spot on external side of l., then pain as from subcutaneous ulceration. Painless weakness above knees when walking, with pain when sitting as after great fatigue.

Knee – Stitches in r. Pain on long stooping, and in muscles above and below them; at inner side when walking, also with drawing; drawing, in l. when bending it (while sitting), (>) stretching; drawing, at internal surface of r. when sitting; drawing, apparently behind r. patella. Burning sore pain at outer side of l., as if scraped. Painful uneasiness when sitting, with stiff feeling as if bandaged or made tense. Weakness when standing after eating, with sleepiness and indisposition to work. Paralyzed feeling, with stiffness and lassitude.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.