Homeopathy Remedy Amyl Nitrosum


      Trembling, with feeling of weakness. Shifting pains caused by movement, on dorsal surface of r. hand, on l. patella and from l. thumb to axilla. Rheumatic pain in l. leg and knee, then soreness of r. arm and shoulder, then lameness of r. scapula. Soreness of extensor muscles. Uneasy feeling. Tired.

Discomfort in r. shoulder. Arms trembling; pain and stiffness of r. arm, especially near wrist, (<) motion; lameness of flexor muscles of r. arm. Tremulousness of hands, with stiffness and numbness of fingers. Hand tired when writing, with crampy feeling in wrist and thumb, and the thumb grasps the pen so tightly that it is difficult to guide it. Drawing tensive pain in l. wrist and fingers.

Lower extremities stiff. Sharp pain in l. calf.


      Drowsiness; and confusion; overpowering. Sleep restless, full of anxious dreams, frequent waking, with aching in temples, stomach and abdomen.


      Chill creeping over back and sides. Cold and clammy skin, suffused with adhesive perspiration supersaturated with Amyl. Heat. Heat about head; with throbbing; and along oesophagus to stomach. Heat of face; with redness. Burning of r. cheek, extending into eye and around r. ear. Heat in l. ear. Warmth of neck. Sweat; profuse, with cold chills running down back; on forehead; on hands, with warm feeling of head and body, especially abdomen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.