Homeopathy Remedy Aloe


      Cracking of cervical vertebrae at 8 A.M., on motion. Drawing pain in r. side, only on moving neck after rising from midday rest, afterwards the same pain on motion, but tensive, almost burning. Drawing; tensive, burning in r. side, as if in muscles, forenoon when sitting, (>) motion, an on sitting in afternoon the same tensive drawing, and on stooping in morning and afternoon, burning. Tension in nape behind ears, with compression. Soreness on r. side, on motion, as if a muscle were stretched.


      Pain at nights; P., with heaviness in uterus. Bruised pain in whole back, on and between scapulae, as after long stooping. Stitches under the scapula, with outward pressing pain; S. between scapulae, (<) r. side, with squeezing. pain in region of last, dorsal vertebrae, as if in. spinal cord, at night after eating much, (<) lying on back,(>) rising.

Sacral Region

      Stitches in r., shooting towards anus, hips and lower abdomen. Lumbago alternating with headache. Pain; morning on rising, also (<) evening; at appearance of menses; involving pelvis; drawing about in sacrum during the day,(<) sitting, with heaviness; drawing, in sacrum, spreading over pelvis, (<) evenings, with ill humor; acute drawing through flank into middle of thigh. Drawing, with burning; D. in r. kidney region, with pressure. Heaviness, (<) sitting, (>) motion, with pressure. H. involving pelvis and rectum. Weight on rising form a seat, and in pelvis. Stiff feeling after sitting. Biting, burning and sticking as from a mustard plaster, between skin and flesh, in afternoon.

Coccyx.– Bruised feeling. Periodic clucking in region.


      Jerking, drawing, dull sticking in the finger, knee and elbow- joints. Asleep on lying down after eating. Cracking in l. shoulder-joint, morning on moving it. Sticking in shoulder, extending into ulna. Outward pressing pain in S.; in l. S. Shock extending from arm into head. Pressive or paralytic drawing in r. arm near shoulder. Heaviness of r. arm. Arms weak. Pain in elbow.

Forearm.– Pain ending in wrist; beginning in middle of r., ending in wrist, where it seemed as if it would press the bones asunder, at night in bed. Paralytic drawing in anterior parts; jerking drawing in l., as if in flesh, extending into palm, 3 to 4 P.M., when sitting still and writing.

Stitches in metacarpal joint. Pressing-asunder pain in bones of wrist. Weakness of wrists. Swelling of hand, 8 to 10 P.M., especially balls of thumb, with heat and tickling-itching, feeling as as if frozen. On stretching out l. hand it feels as if the nerves were too short and were dragged like an electric shock. Drawing in metacarpal bones and joints of r. middle finger at 3 P.M. Drawing into palm. L. hand asleep, forenoon, sitting in a wagon. In L. hand nd forearm sensation as if internally asleep, and now and then an internal jerking. Symptom of chilblains on hands.

Fingers. — Stitches; in joints; tearing S. in second joint of l. fourth; twitching drawing S. in joints. Sprained feeling or as after taking cold, in last joint of l; fourth. Pain in lower condyles of first phalanges of r. hand, evenings; under nail of l. index; in r. fourth, with stiffness; drawing, in l. middle, especially in metacarpal joint, with stiffness; drawing, in metacarpal joint of fourth, with sticking; jerking drawing, in metacarpal joint of l; fourth. Drawing in joint of l. thumb, also in forenoon and in midday rest.

Lower Extremities

      Weariness and heaviness.

Thigh.– Cracking in r. hip-joint morning on rising and on walking. Shocks from hips towards inguinal regions, preceded by chilliness. Stitches in middle of buttock when stooping. Tearing in r. thigh; above r. knee. Pain in inside of l.; outward- pressing P. Drawing in l. buttock. Heaviness in thigh; in r. upper, with pain from prostration.

Stitches in r. knee; while-walking. Pain in knee.

Drawing in knee; r. on sitting still; in r. tibia.

Heaviness of legs. Painful weakness of legs, with pain in hypochondrium. Whole l. leg asleep. Sprained feeling in outer bone of l. ankle when walking; sprained feeling in ankle, evening in bed and in morning, or in l. great toe, or in a finger or thumb that had been sprained a few months before. Weak ankles.

Cramp in r. foot. pain in foot; in sole during rest; in soles as after a long journey, when walking on pavement; P. on inner margin of metatarsal bone of l. great toe, beginning as a pressure, then becoming a drawing. Painful pullings in r. foot. Sprained and bruised feeling in tendo-achillis, (<) l. in evening. Sprained pain in great toe, sometimes r. sometimes l. in joint, at night on every motion, with chilliness. Pain in r. little toe as from chilblains; pain in r. third toe as if frozen, afternoon on walking.


      Golden – colored. Redness, especially of face. Eruption around mouth. Swelling in various places, with pain. Blotches on abdomen. Painful nodules; under chin behind r. jaw. Pimples on various places; under lower jaw; small elevated, raw. itching P, with circumscribed redness, on abdomen. Cracks and discharge of thick matter. Inflammation of a comedone on l. side of upper arm. Suppuration where hard skin had been torn from foot. Red, inflamed ulcerous spot on r. third finger, with tearing. Ill looking vesicles on genitals.

Pain after being scratched sore. Feeling of a hair on back of hand and backs of fingers. Feeling as if the hairs on last phalanges of l. fingers rose slowly. Crawling, itching, biting on various places; on knee-caps, calves, and inner surface of thigh. Itching at umbilicus; around anus; of arms, of hands, with heat and swelling, as if frozen; of inner side of l. thigh above knee; on popliteal space, also l., then (<) r.; behind knee and on scalp; in various parts; biting, at umbilicus in evening.


      Yawning in evening, with hunger; much at 8 P.M.; frequently and violently after midday sleep, also in evening in open air without sleepiness; violently in forenoon. With stretching. Sleepiness at midday; evenings, also with indifference; after eating; half senseless after eating; dozy sleep long in morning, also only at noon, also after dinner; dozy lying after waking. Midday sleep with chasing visions. Sleeplessness; before midnight; from midnight to 5 A.M.; in evening. Sleep restless. Walking early. Sleep interrupted by haemorrhoidal irritation and sexual excitement; during sleep emission without dream. Dreams confused; D. that he was in danger but could not cry on account of hoarseness; towards morning, that he had defecated in his breeches; heavy; indistinct.


      Chilliness; at night; at appearance of menses; during stool; during soft stool; on moving; with diarrhoea and pain in hypochondria; with confusion of sinciput. Cold feeling in occiput with throbbing of arteries; tip of nose externally, in evening; legs and feet; hands, to touch; feet, afterwards heat of them. Shivering; through whole body, with griping in umbilical region. Heat. Internal fever, with rapid pulse and loss of appetite. Warm sensation on scalp. Heat in inner and outer ear. Burning in nose, with coryza. Warmth and redness of face; periodic heat of face, with pressure in temples and flickering vision; in r. foot. Sweat at night; at night after drinking; at night after drinking cold water; in axilla; under axilla; offensive, (<) night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.