Homeopathy Remedy Aloe


      Pain; with sense of rawness and swelling, (<) swallowing, with hawking of thick mucus on waking at 3 A.M.; with expectoration of thick lumpy mucus from fauces and choanae; in arches of velum palati when chewing hard food; in back part on swallowing; in arches of palate on empty swallowing and on yawning, afterwards when not swallowing, (>) swallowing food; in soft palate when yawning; in soft palate as if sore or burnt, on chewing, (<) evening. Soreness of l. arch of palate on opening mouth wide.

Swollen feeling in morning, (<) afternoon; at 8 or 9 A.M., or pressure; in palate at 3 A.M.; in soft palate and uvula in evening, (<) morning, (>) noon. Fulness, sometimes with eructations. Constriction. Rawness, especially in upper part, in soft palate and uvula, (>) after breakfast, returning in open and cold air in afternoon, with raw voice. Scraping, provoking cough; in morning. Tickling irritation to cough, evening and morning, with taste in mouth of ink or iron. Dryness; with inflammation, cough and expectoration. Affection after skating, and again in evening in middle of soft palate, posteriorly. Hawking up thick mucus; thick, tough, lumpy mucus, easily loosened, in morning after rising.


      Appetite increased; at 6 A.M.; 7 A.M., on waking; afternoon; evenings; evenings; with yawning; after breakfast, so that water accumulates in mouth; for bread; for fruit; for juicy food; for stimulating food, with fulness of stomach; canine hunger in forenoon; canine, after morning stool. Frequent appetite, but not great. Diminished appetite; in morning; at noon. Appetite good at noon, but went away on working. Appetite lost, with dyspepsia and constipation; lost, with febrile sensation; no appetite for meat.

Thirst; evenings; at night; after dinner and supper; for water in afternoon; especially for beer. Aversion to drinks, especially cold drinks. Eructations; of air; bitter; bitter, after drinking water; sour; tasting of food; acrid, after dinner; bilious. Nausea; (after sour things, with lassitude); must sit still in order not to vomit; with inability to vomit; with headache; with aching above forehead and heaviness in eyes; with empty feeling in stomach; with diarrhoea and pain in umbilical region, (<) pressure; with weakness; Haematemesis.

Distention; after drinking water, with bilious eructations; in epigastrium, also with appetite for stimulants; in region of stomach (Lycopodium). Flatus rising towards throat, with nausea. Pain; in r. side; in pit after breakfast, (>) eructations; in pit when making a false step on stone pavement; in r. epigastrium, with tension; from epigastric region into both sides of chest; from epigastric region into pharynx; extending into pharynx; from pit through to back, like a weight, with sore pain, sometimes this pain rises into chest and then sinks down again with eructations. Pain drawing up into sides of chest, (<) motion, with nausea. Snatching under pit (in a mesmerized person). Oppression; (<) eructations; with eructations. Twitchings in epigastrium; cutting, tearing, sticking, in epigastrium region. Crawlings. Torpidity, so that he did not know when his appetite was satisfied. Warmth, with hunger. Weakness in pit like a weight and burning.


      Distention (Lycopodium); with motion of flatus (Pulsatilla); D., with periodic movement, (<) after eating; after a meal, also during menses, also mornings, especially in hypochondrium. Rumbling. Gurgling, before a thin stool; with constipation; moving about, also after supper. Rattling, mostly in hypogastrium, as from movement of uterus. Motions, especially in lower part; M., with urging to stool; M., with writhing.

Emission of flatus after every meal; in noon repose; on attempting to go to stool; burning and offensive (Sulphur); offensive in evening; O., with stool; O. after eating; hot; loud, with stool; frequent and loud, also morning and evening; easy, with inclination as for soft stool; vigorous, evenings; copious in evening, also at night, also with stool, also with little faeces; copious, long, lazy, offensive, after stool; copious, offensive, after noon nap and towards evening; the more copious the harder and more delayed the stool, and offensive, (<) in morning.

Stitches before stool. Cutting; morning after rising; when eating; after vinegar; with diarrhoea; drawing across though abdomen, with ill humor, anthropophobia, no disposed to go into open air, though it is better thereby. Griping; before stool, also during and after stool; after midnight, with diarrhoea; with small stools; as from taking cold, also from 10 to 12 A.M., after a thin stool, Pain; at night before and after diarrhoea; in muscles when rising from lying, with pressing to stool, as from taking cold, also morning and evening; compelling one to bend body. Anxious feeling. Inflammation; on intestinal mucous membrane, with ulceration. Sensation of a stone in abdomen if she lies on it, but the stone seems to be in the side if she lies on the side; with sweat, next day coryza and diarrhoea. Dragging down. Drawing, crawling; pleasant, with diarrhoea. Soreness on pressure. Chilliness. Feeling as if he had taken cold, after morning stool. Heat. Determination of blood; ebullition of blood in organs. Pulsation; at night when lying down; (during rest, (<) lying at night). Indolent feeling with the stool. Weak feeling, s if diarrhoea would occur.

Upper abdomen.- Distention (Lycopodium). Aching in upper and middle part of abdomen, going downward. Griping in upper after dinner and supper, with twisting; G. i upper and around umbilicus, (>) sitting bent and emission of offensive burning flatus, with twisting and ineffectual urging to stool. Cutting; in afternoon, (<) motion, especially stretching body outward, (>) sitting bent; in small intestines, also with gurgling.

Sides.- Stitches now in I., now in r. Aching in r. Soreness; especially insides and down sides of umbilicus, on touch, with pain.

Hypochondria.- Distention, (>) passage of flatus, with pain in l. hypochondrium. Stitches in hepatic region; from liver into chest, interrupting respiration; periodic, in hepatic region, sometimes moving into chest, interrupting respiration; in spleen; drawing, from splenic region into loins, waking at night; extending from splenic region through l. breast; in l. hypochondrium, as if in l. hypochondrium; from hypochondria, around umbilicus, and then into rectum. Cutting; in afternoon, (<) by motion, especially stretching body outward, (<) by sitting bent. Cramplike pain in region of spleen. Pain; (<) by standing, so that he stoops; in hepatic region (Lycopodium, Sul., Podophyllum); (>) by emission of flatus; towards morning, with distention, pain in forehead and diarrhoea, with painful weakness of leg, diarrhoea and chilliness; in r., with tension; jerking in l., extending downward and inward in morning when walking; hard, alternating with the same under upper part of sternum. Inner pressure. Pinching in both. Bile increased and irritation of liver. Uneasiness in region of liver, with heat, pressure and tension (Podophyllum) Strained feeling in liver by the last ribs.

Umbilicus.- Motions in region, at 6 A.M., with urging to stool and hunger. Retraction. Stitches; on sneezing; throbbing boring S. in region. Pinching around. Cutting about, after stool. Raking in a circle about, as from a blow, morning on rising, (<) pressure, with yellowish diarrhoea and nausea. Pain in region; (<) Pressure, with diarrhoea and nausea; P. especially in region, (<) touch, especially in deeper tissues, (<) morning; P. in a spot in middle abdomen, in morning, (<) lying bent and pressing upon it, pressing into cutting after rising, then two pappy stools. Griping in umbilical region, with shivering through whole body. Digging around. Boring in region. Twisting about.

Lower Abdomen.- Distention; flatulent, along colon, (<) motion; (>) passage of hot flatus, with a pressing outward; pain; moving along colon in evening, then copious discharge of flatus. Rumbling, with pinching. Gurgling at night, with sudden urging to stool. Shocks over hips, with distention. Stitches over arch of pubis. Pain as if another stool would follow after a stool; P. as before menses (in a nursing woman); in groins. Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis (compare Belladonna), with urging to stool. P. sure and drawing, with drawing in spermatic colon with griping in transverse colon, (>) by pressing flatus. Heaviness. Determination of blood to large intestines; to pelvic region. Cramps, and in r. groin, passing beyond r. knee. Soreness, with tension. Inflammation of lower part of intestinal canal. Irritation at end of intestine. Periodic drawing in r. inguinal region. Affection of lower end of intestinal canal and of pelvic organs.

Clinical The abdominal symptoms are apt to be associated with pressure and fulness in the region of the liver. There is always great accumulation of flatus, which presses downward and causes distress in the lower bowel.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.