Homeopathy Remedy Aloe


      Stinging. Cutting during solid stool. Heat (AEsc. h.), with diarrhoea; when faeces pass. Soreness. Annoying sensation, caused by pain in loins. Loose sensation. Heaviness. Dragging down, during menses, with full sensation in pelvis; D. near anus. Feeling as if the stool were solid during a natural, also during a pappy one. Fear least stool should escape with flatus; feeling as if thin stool would escape on passing urine; with the stool always a feeling as if more were at hand. Tenesmus as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of soreness of anus, yet on account of this pain he does not dare to draw the anus together. Urging to stool, with passage of urine (Mercurius c.). Urging to stool; in morning; morning on waking; at 3 A.M.; in evening; at night, also during micturition; after eating; when rising from lying; or standing; during stool, when he thought he had finished more came; after stool; after thin stool; continual; also at night; frequent, with heaviness in pelvis; sudden in morning on rising; sudden, with liquid stool; ineffectual, also with emission of flatus, also with a feeling of softness, also with debility; as for a solid stool, which was soft; near anus, more towards perineum. Tenesmus, with diarrhoea.


      Drawing stitches on walking after morning stool, more on l. side and forward to region of prostate gland and vesiculae seminales. Stitches, extending into loins; S. during stool, as if it would be torn forward, then after stool pain which compels him to draw it together frequently, whereby it becomes tense and aches. Sticking, cutting after stool. Pain, (>) drinking beer. Burning (Berberis, Sulphur); after stool; after emission of hot flatus. Fulness and pressing out; fulness and pressure after a small thin stool. Pulsation while sitting after dinner. Sore feeling. (Berberis. AEsc.h., Iris); during stool, with chapped feeling. Crawling after stool. Itching; in afternoon. Ulcers on edge. Haemorrhoids sore on wiping after stool. H. swollen and sore (AEsc. h., Sulph), (<) through day; sore during stool; sticking in H. in evening on rising from a seat and later when sitting; smarting when sitting and lying; painful during diarrhoea; protrude during stool; protrude, with a full feeling; itching in afternoon; itching, with sticking; itching of soft H. evening and morning. Discharge of blood from anus; during stool, also with pain in loins; after stool; of membranous looking mucus. Weakness of sphincter; so that cleanliness was difficult. Soreness of perineum after walking; soft, painless varicose tumors on perineum.


      Liquid; with sudden urging. Watery, with tenesmus. Thin mornings. Diarrhoea; morning on rising, with raking about umbilicus as from a blow, and with nausea; in evening, with tenesmus; yellowish green after midnight, with griping in abdomen; with pain in hypochondria and chilliness; yellow; yellow, towards morning, also with distention and dull pain under ribs; pappy, after constipation; pappy, towards; the end, at 2 A.M.; yellow pappy, with pain in umbilical region, which is (<) pressure. Pasty.

Constipation; after diarrhoea; C., with growling in abdomen. Omitted; with unendurable condition of mind. Hard; first part, latter part thin, pappy, also at 2 A.M.; H. and indolent; small and tough. Crumbling; and scanty, with feeling as if more ought to come (Sulphur). Lumpy. Dark, pappy and scanty. Yellow; grayish- yellow. Green (i n an infant). Bloody; with pain in loins. Undigested; with traces of blood. Brownish, small, slimy, half- fluid. Evacuation of mucus in large conglomerate pieces; yellow mucus. Small, yellowish, shining stool at 9 A.M., with sputtering flatus, with dread lest faeces and urine escape together, while he would force out, yet he held back. Bilious; partly of bilious- streaked mucus mixed with faeces, partly of thin yellow faeces, after grumblings and motions in abdomen, then crawling in anus.

Copious; late in evening; and difficult; and thin, after waking at 3 O’ clock; and forcible, with noisy flatus then drawing in bowels and limbs. Small; and soft, after much straining; and thin. Sputtering. Involuntary, with passage of flatus (Sulphur). Falling out without exertion; almost unnoticed. Indolent. Difficult; distending rectum at first. Frequent; with flatulence nd tenesmus. Stool at an unusual time; S. during micturition (Acid Muriaticum), also at 5 A.M., with micturition; morning after rising; after breakfast.

Clinical Engorgement of the haemorrhoidal veins is one of the most constant effects of Aloes, and it is one of the best remedies for haemorrhoids as above characterized. The diarrhoea is particularly treacherous; that is, the patient does not have a proper sense of the accumulation of faecal matter in the rectum, and there is loss of power in the sphincter, so that the stool escapes easily, and when the desire for stool comes the patient is scarcely able to attend to it. Aloes has been prescribed with success in constipation with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen, particularly with a feeling of a plug in the pelvis, as above mentioned; in chronic dysentery, with the abdominal symptoms of flatulence and the burning in anus and rectum, and discharge sometimes of jelly-like lumps, intense pain and soreness in rectum after the stool.

Urinary Organs

      Urging to urinate; frequently at night. Difficult micturition. Interrupted micturition. Frequent M. in afternoon, with copious and light-colored urine. Burning on urinating. Blood from urethra. Urine scanty; and hot; copious; C. and pale, after stool; dark; D. and scanty, with slimy sediment; bloody; fine granular cloudiness, with whitish sediment and putrid ammoniacal smell; yellow sediment, like bran.

Sexual Organs

      Ticking of prepuce, with crawling and spotty redness. Pollution in midday nap. Increase of leucorrhoea. Pain in female genitals as if torn. Cramps in uterus, with loss of white mucus. Determination of blood to uterus (Belladonna). Heaviness in uterus, with pain in back; with pain in loins, and groins. Menses appeared in a woman nursing a child two months old. Menses too early; and too copious (Belladonna); increased, with colic; long- lashing. Menstrual blood dark and clotted (Belladonna).

Clinical Valuable for uterine haemorrhage, with feeling of great heaviness of uterus and the sensation of a plug above noted. The uterus always feels too heavy and engorged, as if haemorrhage would take place at any time.

Respiratory Organs

      Stitching in r. side of larynx with each paroxysm of cough. Scraping in larynx, with tickling in fold of neck. Raw pain in larynx when spitting. Trembling and shocks in larynx and tongue.

Hoarseness; in black of fauces; deep in fauces, after a dream that he was in danger, but could not scream on account of hoarseness, (>) after breakfast. Raw voice in morning. Cough; from scraping in throat, also in morning; dry, (<) towards evening; dry, sometimes from determination of blood to chest: hoarse, crepitant, deep-sounding cough, as if trachea were raw, dry and full of mucus.

Expectoration constantly, from scraping and tickling in larynx; lumpy; yellow tenacious, after cough; thick, also in morning, also at 3 A.M.; jelly-like in morning after rising. Haemoptysis. Asthma and wheezing, Dyspnoea. Inspiration wheezing, panting, evenings after smoking. Whistling in throat. Whistling and labored respiration.


      Cutting, tearing, sticking jerks, which suddenly stop the breath, (<) recovering himself from a stooping or twisted posture. Stitches; through I;, also when crouching on account of pain in abdomen; in lower, with dyspnoea; in l. breast, (<) bending body; under r. mamma; anteriorly in region of l. sixth rib, at 9 P.M., (<) deep respiration; moving about; obstructing respiration; pinching at back of l. side and under l. nipple, on bending to the left, sometimes impeding respiration; twitching, also when lying, impeding respiration, with palpitation.

Pain in ribs under r. axilla, extending in region of shoulder towards back; behind sternum; under sternum; in anterior part on deep inspiration; at costal attachments of muscles that go to arms, on motion of arms; as if she would choke; hard, under upper part of sternum, alternating with some pain in region of r. lower ribs. Sprained pain behind middle of sternum on rising, only on moving arms, on stooping and crouching together, (>) stretching chest and throwing it forward. Bruised feeling between bones and flesh in anterior part and sides up into axillae. Sticking drawing in region of l. sixth and seventh ribs in morning on stretching, superficial but preventing respiration. Constriction, with periodic pressure and squeezing, (<) l. Determination of blood. Weakness; on bodily exertion.

Heart and Pulse

      Stitches in praecordium on deep inspiration. Pain in praecordial region, extending to l. scapula, also extending under l. scapula. Palpitations, with stitches in chest. Heart’s action strong. Action quicker, in bed, (<) after 2 A.M., with frequently a strong beat. Pulse rapid; slow; intermittent; irregular in force and frequency; sunken; sunken after vomiting; weak and changeable; weak and suppressed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.