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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Seasickness in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Skin Diseases of in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Sleeplessness in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Sore throat in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Spermatorrhoea in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Spinal Irritation in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Spleen Diseases of in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Sunstroke in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Synovitis in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Syphilisin an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Teeth Affections of in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Tetanus in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Tonsillitis in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Tumors in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Typhoid Fever in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Ulceration in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Urinary Disorders in an easy question-answer format.

Urine scanty or suppressed with general oedema and drowsiness, lack of thirst and suffocation on lying down. Albuminous urine with tube casts.

What has Asparagus been used for?

Cystitis, enlarged prostate and catarrh of the neck of the bladder.

In hat urinary trouble is Belladonna frequency indicted?

Involuntary urination during sleep in children

Give the urinary symptoms of Benzoic acid

Irritable bladder, with dribbling of strong smelling urine; it is high colored and a very offensive ammoniacal odor,, like that of the horse.

What are the kidneys symptoms of berberis?

Sticking, tearing pains in. the renal region worse from deep pressure. the pains extend down the back, and down the ureters in to the bladder;t the black feels stiff and numb and the pains radiate from the kidneys to it.

Continue and give bladder bladder symptoms of Berberis.

Cutting in. the bladder, extending down the urethra; burning pain on urinating; the urine is yellow, turbid and flocculent, with whitish or red sediment; tearing pains in the bladder.

Give in brief the urinary symptoms of Cantharis.

persistent and violent urging to urinate, with great tenesmus; the urine is passed only in drops, and seems like molten lead passing through the urethra; intense burning on ruination, and aching in the small of the back.

Give the bladder symptoms of Causticum.

Paralysis of the bladder; involuntary urination while coughing;l nocturnal enuresis of children during the first sleep.

Give two other drugs that have involuntary spurting of urine during coughing.

Squilla and Natrum mur.

What are the indications for Chimaphilia in urinary disorder?

Catarrh of the bladder, with offensive, turbid urine and great difficulty in commencing to urinate.

What are the urinary symptoms of Digitalis?

Strangury and frequent urging to urinate; urging at night from enlarged prostate; relief from lying down; thick, yellow discharge from the urethra; useful in gonorrhoea.

What are the urinary symptoms of Equisetum?

Enuresis, with marked vesical irritation, cystitis, painful urination and urging;l bladder sore and tender; great desire to pass ate from pressure on the bladder.

Give the indications for Eupatorium purpureum in the vesicle irritation of women.

Dysuria, frequent painful urging with either excessive or scanty flow of urine, which is high colored and contains mucus; there is also aching in the region of the kidneys.

What are the symptoms of Ferrum phosphoricum in. the urinary sphere?

Incontinence of urine from weakness of the sphincter, constant dribbling of urine during the day time.

What is the characteristic about he urine of Ignatia ”

It is very profuse and pale.

Give indications for Kali phosphoricum in enuresis or wetting the bed.

Where it is due to a paralytic or paretic condition of the bladder or from nervous debility; the is inability to retain the urine.

What are the urinary symptoms of Lycopodium?

The urine is turbid and bad smelling and deposits a sand; child cries before passing water on account of lithic acid in. the urine, the despair is stained yellow.

What are the urinary symptoms of Nitric acid?

The urine smells as strong as a horse’s urine;l burning, tenesmus, and a sensations if stick were in the urethra when urinating.

What are the urinary symptoms of Nux?

Painful, ineffectual efforts to pass urine, with scanty discharge and burning; strangury, dribbling of urine in old people and enlarged prostate.

What are the characteristic symptoms of Pareira brava?

Constant urging to urinate, with pain in the glands penis and down thighs patient sometimes has to get down on all fours to urinate, the straining is so severe; urine passes in drops and contains much thick and viscid mucus.

Give the chief use of Petroselinum.

A sudden desire to urinate, which if not attended to at once causes severe pain; children dance up and down and cry when this desire sexes them.

What effect has Phosphorus on the kidneys?

It produces a married nephritis, with profuse discharge of bloody urine which contains casts.

What are the urinary symptoms of Sepia?

Irritable bladder, involuntary escape of urine during first sleep. Red sediment in the urine which is acid and fetid.

What effect has Stramonium upon the urinary secretion?

It causes suppression of the urinary secretion

It causes suppression of urine, and has been found of use in suppression of urine in typhoid fever.

What are the chief symptoms of Terebinth?

Dull, aching pains in the renal region; drawing pains and distressing strangury; urinary scanty, bloody, dark and smoky looking and smelling like violent there may be also excessive tympanitis.

What symptoms call for Uva ursi?

Burning, scalding urination;l urine stops suddenly, as if a stone had rolled in front of the internal orifice of the urethra. Urine is ropy and bloody.

Give indications for Opium.

Retention foreign from fright and after parturition.

What other drugs have retention of urine after labor?

Hyoscyamus, Causticum and Arsenicum

What drugs produce suppression of urine?

Stramonium,. Zingiber, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla.

What are the urinary symptoms of Hepar?

There is atony of the muscular coats of the bladder, The urine is voided very slowly by drops instead stream, and it take as long time to empty the bladder. Nocturnal enuresis.

What are the indications fro Pulsatilla in Cystitis?

Frequent urging to urinate, A useful remedy for Cystic symptoms during pregnancy.

What is a peculiar symptom of Kreosote?

The patient urinate while dreaming of the act….


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Vertigo in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Vomiting in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Whooping Cough in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Women Disease of in an easy question-answer format. …


Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Worms in an easy question-answer format. …