Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Skin Diseases of in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the skin symptoms of Rhus tox.?

The skin is red and covered with numerous vesicles. There is great itching and tingling. The skin is swollen and oedematous It is especially the remedy for sicula erysipelas.

How does Apis differ from Rhus tox.?

Under Apis there is more burning and stinging than under Rhus. There is also more oedema, and in erysipelas it is more especially indicated in the pale variety than in the vesicular variety.

What are the symptoms of Cantharis in skin troubles?

Cantharis produces large blisters of the skin, an there is especially a great deal of burning and smarting. the blisters ar the characteristic. Burns and scalds.

What is the eruption of Croton tiglium?

The blisters are very small and numerous and itch terribly, and they form pustules which dry into yellow scabs, the characteristics being the confluent vesicles and the itching accompanying.

What is a similar remedy here?

Hura Brasiliensis.

What are the symptoms of Ranunculus bulbosus?

It forms vesicles of he skin, which are filled with serum and burn. They sometimes have a bluish-black appearance, and it is especially indicate when these vesicles l producing thick, high scabs, from which an acrid, thick pus oozes. Crusts and itching and characteristic.

What sort of an eruption does chininum sulph. cause?

It is called erythematous, and resembles greatly scarlet fever.

Mention another remedy which resembles Cantharis in producing large blisters which burst and leafs a raw surface.

Ranunculus scleratus.

What sort of an eruption is characteristic of the Potashes?

Papulous eruption.

What are the characteristic skin symptoms of Psorinum?

Herpetic eruptions of the skin, accompanied by a great deal of itching, which is worse as soon as patient gets in bed. The skin is dirty, greasy, and looks as if it had never been washed. Tinea capitals; oozing of offensive matter.

What are the chief skin symptoms of Sulphur?

the troubles of the skin are apt to alternate with some internal trouble; there is the great aggravation from washing, and the more the eruption, scratches all the more, it itches and burns; the skin is rough, coarse and measles-like, the eruptions are usually pustular, and there is tendency to soreness in the folds of the skin.

Give the scalp symptoms of sulphur.

Great dryness and heat of the scalp with intense itching, and scratching, though it relieving, causes burning; all the eruptions are greatly aggravated by washing and by being wet; wetting produces burning; there may be also an eruption of yellow crusts on the scalp.

What are the skin symptoms of Graphites?

Most, scabby eruptions, especially of the scalp. face, bends of joints, and in the folds of skin, as between the fingers, behind the ears, in the corners of the mouth or eyes; they are cracked, bleeding, or oozing a gluey, honey like, thick and tenacious discharge; the skin may be dirty and horny; there is absence of sweat, the hair is dry and falls out, the nails become loose. Cicatrices are benefited by Graphites.

What drug has dry, scaly eruptions?


What drug has thick, hard, scabby and crusty eruptions?


What symptoms does Arsenicum produce upon the Skin?

1. Pains, itching, biting, gnawing and burning.

2. Watery swellings, from puffiness to oedema.

3. Eruptions, papules, nettle rash and pimples.

4. Painful ulcers, burning and sensitive, with offensive discharges.

What is the eruption of Oleander?

the skin is sensitive; slight friction causes chafing and soreness. it produces eruption on the scalp and back of the ears like a crusta lactea, which oozes fluid and breeds vermin.

How does Vinca minor compare here?

This also produces an eruption which breeds vermin and it produces by the discharge a matted condition of the hair, and there is a very offensive odor arising therefrom. Eczema of scalp and face. Plica polonica.

How does Viola tricolor compare?

It is useful for crusts on the scalp where the exudation is very copious. It mats the hair like Vinca minor and is distinguished by its urinary symptoms; urine smells like that of a cat.

What is the characteristic of the Staphisagria eruption?

It is worse on the occiput, and the characteristic indications is that it itches terribly, but scratching changes the place of the itching.

What two other drugs have this also symptom, cough less marked?

Anacardium and Mezereum.

Mention two other drugs useful for Crusta lactea.

Nux Juglans and Arcticum lappa.

What are the skins symptoms of Petroleum?

Petroleum has an eruptions which particularly occurs behind the ears; it is a pure eczema; the skin is harsh and dry, and there are deep cracked and fissures which bleed and, suppurate the fingers tips and cracked and painful and hands chap.

How is Petroleum distinguished from Graphites in its Skin symptoms?

Graphites picture more or a herpes and Petroleum more of an eczema.

What are the skin symptoms of Natrum muriaticum?

It is a dry, scaly eruption, or a herpetic eruption of the knees; also, it is a remedy for affections of the scalp accompanied by a falling of the hair and the brows.

Eruptions of flexor surfaces.

What drug has eruptions on the extensor surfaces?


What are the indications for Apis in Urticaria?

The eruption suddenly appears on the surface of the skin in long pinkish-white welts, with terrible itching.

What two drug are especially useful for Urticaria caused by eating shell fish?

Urtica urens and Terebinth.

What is the action of Sepia on the Skin?

It causes yellowish-brown spots on the skin with itching, redness and rawness. It is especially a remedy for ringworms. Herpetic conditions about knees and ankles.

Mention two other drugs useful for Ringworms.

Tellurium and Calcarea carb.

What are the indications for Belladonna in skin diseases?

It causes a bright scarlet redness of the skin, which is extremely sensitive to the touch. It has an erysipelatous condition, and there is a great deal of throbbing as if the deeper parts of the skin were effected.

What is the action of Anacardium on the skin?

It is useful where the skin is covered with small blisters, which have an umbilicated center; they discharge yellow serum which hardens into crusts with extreme itchiness. It is one of the antidotes to Rhus poisoning.

Mention two other drugs useful for Rhus poisoning.

Croton tiglium, ammonium carb. and Grindelia robusta.

What of anacardium occidentale or he Cashew nut?

Useful in a vesicular eruption on the skin, which is umbilicated and which itches terribly.

Give the skin symptoms of Antimonium crudum.

It produces thick, horny callosities on the skin it causes efficient growth of the mails, and the eruptions are crusty-the crusts being of a honey yellow character; the skin cracks easily.

Give a remedy which produces Acne.

Kali bromatum.

What are three remedies from Psoriasis?

Arsenic, ARsenicum iodide and Rhus tox.

Mention a use of Thuja in skin affections.

it is remedy for warts and diseases of the epidermal tissue, such as affections of the nails, etc.

How do the Warts calling for Thuja differ from those calling for causticum

The Causticum warts have a solid body and are very horny. Thuja warts are fissured, cup up, having a cauliflower appearance.

What is the action of Arnica on the Skin?

It produces a peculiar form of erysipelas- a dermatitis with much itching and soreness, dark blue in color. Boils with great soreness.

What remedy antidote the skin symptoms of Arnica?


Why should Arsenic be diluted before being applied externally?

Because the tincture is resinous and not only liable to produce the condition above referred to insensitive skins, but this quality interferes with its easy abortion.

What is our principal of use of Comocladia dentata?

It has many symptoms on the skin similar to Rhus tox., but its peculiar symptom is a pain in the right eye as if it were pushed out of the head; worse near a warm stove.

What is our use of Dolichos, another of the same family?

A violent itching all over the body without and visible eruption; useful in intense itching of jaundice, which is worse at night.

What effect has Dulcamara on the skin?

It produces an eruption of large wheals, and it is useful in such be brought on by digestive troubles, with aggravation from cold air.

What are the skin symptoms of Hepar? The skin is sensitive to the open air; inflamed skin; injuries suppurate easily; eruptions and ulcerations are sensitive, and bleed easily, and discharge a foul smelling exertion;l around the principal ulcerations the are little pimples excretion; around the principal ulcerations there are little pimples.

What symptoms has Hippomane mancinella?

It produces vesicles on the skin, with an intense erythema; so irritating is it that water dropping from its leaves; non the skin will produce vesicles.. It has been utilized in scarlet fever then this intense irritation of the skin exists.

What is Hydrocotyle Asiatica used for?

Skin disease, with an immense amount of desquamation.

Tell the uses of Sarsaparilla.

Sycotic eruptions looking like the roseola or Syphilis and itching intolerably; eruptions exuding an irritating pus; moist eruption about genitals. is an anti-sycotic remedy.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.