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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Worms in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the symptoms calling for Cina in worm affections?

Sickly, pale face, with rings around the eyes; gritting of the teeth at night; canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks its nose and cries out in its sleep;jerking of hands and feet; urine milky.

In what intestinal condition is Natrum phosphoricum indicted?

In intestinal worms, wither long or thread worms, with symptoms of acidity, picking at the nose, squinting and twitching of the facial muscles.

What indications has Spigelia in worm affections?

Strabismus, jerkings with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint nauseated feeling and colic about he navel.

How does Stannum act as a vermicide?

According to Hahnemann it so stupefies the worms that purgatives would dislodge them at once.

What is a useful remedy for pin worms?

Teucrium; there is much itching about anus, capricious appetite, picking of nose, offensive breath disturbed sleep and general restlessness.

In what disease is Crot. most often indicted?

In yellow fever, in the stage of black vomit, were there is slow delirium, yellow skin, and oozing of blood from every orifice of the body.

What remedy is said to be preventive of Yellow Fever?

Carbo veg.

When is Argentum nitricum the remedy?

When there are signs indicating hemorrhage from gastric mucus membrane; patient sinks and vomiting. becomes worse

Give indications for Arsenicum.

Vomiting of brown, turbid matter mixed with mucus or blood; great prostration and restlessness.

When is Lachesis indicted?

Brown tongue, tender abdomen, dark vomit, urine almost black; trembling tongue with brown coating on teeth.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.