What is the characteristic Headache of Palladium?

It is a headache which extends across the tope of the head from ear to ear,. accompanied by mental fatigue and a great deal of irritability.

What is the Headache of Phellandrium?

A pain as though a weight were on top of the head,, and it involves the nerves going to the eyes; there is burning of the eyes and lachrymation.

What is the characteristic Headache of Rhus tox.?

It is a headache as if a board were strapped on to the frontal region; aching in occipital protuberances with much soreness of scalp.

What is the Headache of Kali bichromicum?

Periodical supra-orbital headache; as the headache starts the sight become lost, but it returns as the headache increases; it is more on the right side.

What are the head symptoms of Hepar.?

Headache as if a nail were being driven into the right side of the head; offensive eruptions on the scalp. with non-excoriating discharges and great tenderness.

What other drugs have Headache as if a nail were being driven into the head?

Ignatia, as if driven into the top of he head; Thuja, as if driven into the frontal eminence

What is the Headache over the left eye, worse from the heat of the sun, and especially is it useful in headaches due to excessive use of tea.

When is Natrum card. indicated in headache?

When caused by walking in the sub. Dullness of the head. Patient is greatly fatigued by a short walk.

What is the peculiar head symptom of Cannabis Indica?

There is a sensation s if the head were opening and shutting along the vertex.

What are the head symptoms of Lachesis?

Headache over the left eye accompanying a cold, but as soon as discharge is established headache is better.

What are the head symptoms of Coffea?

Congestions, with excited state of the mind; headache, as if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone; worse in open air; hemicrania.

What is the characteristic head symptoms of Antimonium crudum?

Headache from bathing; all symptoms of he drug are worse from bathing. Headache from deranged stomach.

Give Headache of Onosmodium?

Pain in occiput with vertex. Headaches caused by straining the eyes, with strained feeling in the eyes.

What are the special characteristic head symptoms or head indications of Natrum sulphuricum?

It is a useful remedy for ill effects of falls and injuries to the head, and especially so if mental troubles arise therefrom.

What are the head symptoms of Apis?

In meningitis it is indicated by the shrill outcries in sleep, and especially if due to a suppressed eruption.

What peculiar symptoms has Oleander in the head?

Headache relieved by looking sideways.

What is the Headache of Aloes?

Dull headache across the forehead or a weight on the vertex; heaviness in the eyelids and nausea relief from partially closing the eyes.

What is the characteristic Headache of Ferrum?

It is a throbbing headache at the base of the brain. It seems as if the head would burst; thee is congestion and pulsating in the head, worse after midnight, with red face and cold feet.

What is the Headache of Anacardium?

Tearing headache from mental exertion; pains in forehead and back part of head, or a sensation as if a plug were in some part of the head. There is much mental irritably with these headaches.

When is Phosphoric acid indicated?

In headaches of school-girls, coming on and continuing as long as they study.

What are the Headaches of Pulsatilla?

Either gastric, rheumatic or uterine; mostly frontal or supra- orbital; worse by warmth and mental exertion, and one apart of the head to another.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.