Veratrum viride


Very sleepy (third day). Somnolency. Slept but little during the night; restless (first night). Did not sleep well during the night (third night). Sleep very poorly during the night (first night). Slept well, but had frightful dreams of being on the water (second day); sleep sound; frightful dreams of the water, as usual (third night). Dreamed of water, and had much lively dreaming, in which he was continually provoked and baffled (twelfth night). An odd dream, in which the Atlantic figured largely (nineteenth day). Dreamed about water (several nights). Much dreaming, but not of water (twenty fifth night); at midnight much dreaming of water, fishing, etc. (twenty sixth night), 31.


Chilliness. Chills and coldness of the body, but moisture of the skin. A shuddering, twice during the night, towards morning (fourteenth night). After five hours, attacked by one or two cold shivers. My hands and feet became cold and benumbed, though there was a large fire blazing in the grate. The cold numb feeling crept up my legs and arms, and at last my whole body felt as if enveloped in cold damp clothing, and I became quite prostrate. During the greatest depression he complained of being very cold, and his limbs were bathed with a cold perspiration. General coldness of the body (after three hours and a half). Felt cold in the morning, after being up half an hour (third day). Skin cold, and covered with a profuse clammy sweat. Skin cool (first day). Cold extremities, 4 23 25. Extremities cold as far as the elbows and knees (after half and hour). At 6 P.M., feet and hands cold, with frontal headache (second day). Hands and feet cold. Feet cold and chilly, with pressing pain in eyes (first day). Heat. Slight heat of body and cold sweat of forehead (first day). Heat of the surface followed the dizziness and nausea; icy coldness followed the heat (fourth day). Skin of head hot and moist (second day). Sweat. General perspiration. Profuse diaphoresis and sense of utter prostration (after third dose). Colliquative sweats. Free perspiration and cool surface. (Cold sweat with the vomiting), (first and second days). Bathed in cold perspiration, 22 23. The cold sweat was fearful. Cold perspiration pouring off me for a quarter of an hour (after four hours). VOL. X.-8 Clammy cold sweat on brow (after four hours). Profuse cold perspiration over the hands and face (after half an hour).


Peculiar sensation in the skin (first day). Itching in right mastoid process and inside of left thigh, at the middle (before third dose is dissolved); itching in first of left thumb, in ala nasi, in left cartilage of nose, in left upper lip just under ala nasi, in left ear (after fourth dose); itching below corner of mouth (after second dose, forty fifth day), 31. After going to bed, had itching of right eyebrow, in right ala nasi, and in left malar prominence (twenty fifth night). An itching which he had felt several times before at the line between right ala nasi and face (sixteenth and twenty nights). After going to bed had the itching, first in right, then in left side of ala nasi (thirty-first day). The itching on right ala nasi was very distinct, while lying on right side, and changed to left ala when he turned over on to the left side (thirty seventh night). Itching in left malar prominence, in orifice of left ear and left groin in bed (first night). Itching in left malar prominence (twenty ninth morning). After going to bed itching in left malar prominence, and about the line of the ala nasi and cheek (thirtieth day). Itching in right malar region (thirty fourth night). Itching right malar region (thirty fourth night). Itching and crawling in left malar prominence (at once, after first dose, forty fourth day), 3 Itching in left malar prominence, etc. (after second dose, forty sixth day). Itching in left side of neck, about the middle of the sternomastoid (twenty fourth night). Intense, painful itching in back of first joint of left index finger; it was precisely limited to the line of the joint, like the edge of a dissecting knife; had the feeling before in the same joint, and the corresponding joint of the finger next it, on going to bed (twenty fourth night), 31. After going to bed, had the itching in right ala nasi, then a stinging pain in right jugum of malar; was obliged to rub the spot, when the pain went off; afterwards felt the itching in felt ala nasi (forty fourth night).


Amelioration, (Bending forward), Cramp in stomach. Amelioration, (Closing eyes), Vertigo and photophobia.


Aggravation, (Morning), On rising vertigo; photo phobia; on waking, most symptoms. Aggravation, (Evening), Most symptoms. Aggravation, (Lying down), Headache. Aggravation, (Motion), Headache; tearing pain in stomach; aching in neck. Aggravation, (Noise), Headache. Aggravation, (Stopping), Heavy feeling over left eye.

Heart and Pulse

Precordium. Pricking pains in the region of the heart, with the headache, at 12 M. and 3 P.M. (first day). Constant burning distress in the region of the heart, at 1 P.M.

(third day). Burning pain in the region of the heart, under the sternum, at 2, 3, and 6 P.M. (fourth day). Dull, hot aching pain in the region of the heart, at 3 P.M. (fourth day). Neuralgic pains in the region of the heart and cardiac portion of the heart, 5 P.M. (first day). Heart’s Action. (Throbbing carotids), (fifth day). Slowness of the heart’s action (fourth day). (Beats of heart slow and weak), (first and second day). Pulse. Pulse as frequent but softer than usual (first night), 58 standing (second night). Normal pulse 80; 70 and weak (fourth day); slow (seventh day). Pulse immediately rose from 63 to 71, and became much more feeble; in twenty minutes it was 60. Pulse rose at once from 74 to 80, and in five minutes fell to 70. Pulse 80 and irregular, at 7.15 A.M.; normal (72 to 76) the remainder of the day (second day); 78, full and strong (fourth day). Pulse 80, in the evening (first day); 78 at 7.30 A.M. (second day); 68, regular at 8 A.M.; 72, irregular and soft at 9; 80, regular at 10; 84, regular and full at 11; 83, regular and soft at 12 M.; 72, regular and full at 2 P.M.; 76, regular and full at 3 P.M.; 83 at 4.30; 82 at 6; 85 at 9 P.M.; 76, regular at 11 P.M. (third day). Pulse 70 at 8 A.M., 85 at 11, 84 at 12, 75 at 1 P.M., 80 at 2 P.M. (fourth day). Normal pulse, 74 to 76; 72 at 9 A.M., 68 at 12 M., 58 at 1 P.M.; 76 and full at 4.30 (first day); 90, very weak, hardly perceptible, at 9 A.M.; 72 at 12 M. (second day); normal, 74 at 7 A.M. (third day). Pulse 85 (before experiment); 1 P.M. 76; 80 at 2.10 P.M.; 74 at 2.40 P.M.; 69 at 3.15 P.M.; 66 at 3.40 P.M.; 72 at 4 P.M. 73 at 4.30 P.M.; 67 at 5.15; 68 at 5.30 P.M.; any exertion an effort, and when forced, rapidly sending pulse up to 110, walking once or twice around the room sufficient to do this; 70 at 6 P.M.; nearly 70, down at times to 62, at 6.15 P. m.; 66 at 6.40 P.M.; 70 at 7 P.M., 30. Pulse 60, before experiment; 52 (after half an hour); 48 (after four hours). Pulse 70 (before experiment); 65 (in one hour); 60 (in two hours); 50 (in four hours); 46 (in six hours and a half). Pulse 70 (before experiment); with the nausea, pulse diminished both in force and frequency, 64 (after four hours); 40 (after five hours); 56 (after five hours and three- quarters); natural (after nine hours). Pulse 74 (before proving); 67 at 11 A.M.; 70 at 12 M.; 66 in the evening (first day); 79 in the morning; 76 at 9.30 A.M.; 71 at 11 A.M.; 74 at 2 P.M.; 70 at 4 P.M. (second day); 70 in the morning; 46, soft and very weak, at 1 P.M.; 44, soft and very weak, at 2 and 4 P.M.; 46 at 5 P.M.; 61, soft and weak, at 8 P.M. (third day); 64, soft and full, in the morning; 55, soft and very weak, at 12 M.; 44, soft and very weak, can just be felt, at 1 P.M.; 46, sitting or lying, at 2; 57, soft and very weak at 5; 60 at 6 P.M.; 66 at 10 P.M.

(fourth day), 12. Natural pulse 90; before experiment 94; 87 (after one hour); 80 (after two hours); 75 (after three hours); 65 (after four hours); 50 (after four hours and ten minutes); 42 (after four hours and a quarter). Pulse 80 (before experiment); 60 (in three hours and a half); 55 (in four hours); somewhat depressed (second day). Pulse diminished about ten beats per minute. Pulse rose at once from 74 to 80, and in five minutes fell to 70 (after first dose); fell at once from 76 two or three beats (after second dose); fell from 82 to 80 (twenty minutes after third dose, fist day); rose at once from 60 to 66, and in fifteen minutes had fallen nearly to 60 (after first dose); rose at once from 76 to 82, and in fifteen minutes fell to 76 (after fourth dose); rose from 66 to 72, and fell in half an hour to 66 (after fifth dose, second play). Fell from 70 to 62 in thirty minutes (after first dose, third day). Rose at once from 82 to 92, in twenty-five minutes it was 73, in twenty minutes it was 72 (after first dose); arose at once from 72 to 80, and in five minutes fell to 76 (after second dose, twelfth day). Rose at once from 64 to 76, and fell in ten minutes to 64 (after first dose); rose at once from 72 to 80, and in seven minutes to 64 (after first dose); rose at once from 72 to 80, and in seven minutes fell to 70 (after second dose, fourteenth day). Fell from 82 to 76 while sipping the dose (fifteenth day). Rose at once from 70 to 80 (after first dose, sixteenth day). Rose at once from 64 to 76, and in a few minutes fell to 70 (twenty-third day). Rose at once from 78 to 82, and in five minutes fell to 74 (after first dose); 92 (after a meal, and before the dose); rose at once to 98, and in twenty minutes was 88 (after second dose); rose at once from 68 to 70, but fell to 68 in a minute or two (after third dose, twenty-fourth day). Rose from 64 to 66, and in a minute or two fell to 64 (after first dose); rose at once from 74 to 78, and in five minutes fell to 74 (after second dose, twenty-fifth day). Rose at once from 82 to 98 (after first and second doses); rose in three or four minutes from 82 to 88 (after third dose, thirtieth day). No rise in first minutes, but in fifteen minutes fell from 63 to 62 (after first dose); rose from 72 to 78 (after fourth dose, thirty-first day). Rose from 66 to 72 (after first dose); rose from 66 to 68 (one or two minutes after second dose); rose from 64 to 72, and had not come down in twenty-five minutes (after third dose, thirty-second day). Rose from 64 to 70 (after first dose); rose five or six beats (after second and third doses); rose at once from 72 to 78 (after fourth dose, thirty-seventh day). Rose at once from 80 to 90, and in half an hour fell to 70 (after first dose); rose six beats (after second dose); rose from 76 to 84, and in five minutes fell to 76 (after third dose); rose at once from 66 to 76, and fell in half an hour to 66 (after fourth dose, thirty- eight day). Rose twenty beats (forty-third day). Rose at once from 70 to 80 (after first dose); rose from 70 to 79, and in two or three minutes had fallen to 78 (after second dose ); rose to 86, in twenty minutes had fallen to 68 (after third dose, forty-fourth day). Rose from 60 to 68, and in fifteen minutes had fallen to 60 (after wards 66 (after second dose); 70 (before third dose is dissolved); 80, in half an hour 66 (after fourth dose); rose from 82 to 86, and fell in a few minutes to 76 (after fifth-dose rose from 74 to 78, and in fifteen minutes had fallen to 64 (after sixty dose, forty-fifth day). While the globules were melting on tongue, pulse rose from 94 to 96, and at once began to fall, and in ten minutes had sunk to 88 (after first dose); rose at once to 100, and in ten minutes was 88 (after second dose); rose at once from 78 to 86 (after third dose); rose at once from 70 to 74 (after fourth dose, forty-sixth day), 31. Pulse small and creeping, and 34 in a minute; the ordinary frequency ranging from 56 to 58. Pulse reduced from 100 to 40. Pulse at the wrist 40 in the minute, scarcely perceptible. Pulse very small, about 40 (after half an hour). Pulse very weak, small, and soft, 34 in a minute (first day). Reduced pulse to 38 beats a minute. (slow pulse), (first and second days). Pulse slow (30) and not perceptible at the wrist (after four hours). Pulse reduced to 24, full and intermitting every sixth or seventh beat. Pulse weakened so as to be scarcely perceptible, and reduced from 68 to 52. Pulse scarcely perceptible in the radial artery, 9 11 22. Pulseless for three hours; then it could be counted;it was 36, very weak and soft. No pulse could be found in the radial arteries, and but slight in the carotids (in two persons), (after three hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.