Veratrum viride


Hands and feet shriveled up, as if they had been in water a long time. Feeling of clumsiness in the limbs. Weakness and stiffness of the limbs (after half an hour). Almost entire loss of power of the gastrocnemii muscles (after two hours); all the muscles of the forearm affected in the same manner (after five hours). Sensation of cramp in the gastrocnemii, with inability to exert them. There was no contraction in them, but they were for a time almost paralytic, lasting about an hour (after two hours, second day) repeated in the gastrocnemii and muscles of the forearm (after second dose, second day). Several times, a sensation of cramp in the gastrocnemii and muscles of the forearm. There was no contractions in them, but they were for a time almost paralytic. It seemed to affect indiscriminately those muscles that had been most affected for a short time before, being sometimes the calf of the leg, sometimes the forearm, sometimes the extensors of the knee. Slight drawing pains in the right elbow and calves of the legs, in the evening (first day). Pain returned above left elbow, rose to middle of humerus, and then to shoulder- joint; it was severer than last night; it then went to left instep and outside of left ankle; it also went over to right ankle ( left-right), (half an hour after fourth dose, second day), 31. Pain in middle of right tibia; afterwards a dull steady pain in muscles of left thigh, and a similar pain in muscles above ridge of left scapula (after first dose, third day). Slight, transient pains in right and left knees, left tibia above inner malleolus, above left elbow, the right eye, and left trochanter major (after half an hour, twenty-third day). Momentary pains in knees and elbows, generally about the condyles (after first dose, twenty-fourth day). Pains in left shoulder above clavicle, and in left heel; these were transitory (after second dose, twenty-fourth day). Pain in back part of second joint of right middle finger; also in second phalanx of right great toe; had formerly similar pains in fingers and toes, but did not record them, fearing they were not reliable; for the same reason did not record pain in right pisiform bone, which returned this morning (twenty-fourth day), 31. The pains during the evening severer and steadier than before, chiefly in condyles of legs and arms (twenty-fourth day). During the day felt occasionally the usual pains in the joints, especially in outer left ankle; also felt once the pain in second phalanx of left great toe (twenty-fifth day). Pain in left elbow, in lower third of left tibia, in left ankle, worse in inner malleolus (two hours after second dose, thirty first day). Pain in left inner malleolus, the left great trochanter, the left shoulder, and the inner condyle of left tibia, in the forenoon (thirty-second day). A return of former symptoms in left humerus, left ulna, metacarpal bone of right little finger, middle joint of right middle finger, last joint of right thumb, left external malleolus, left scapula, right pisiform bone, and the thrilling and crawling in left back; this he has felt every day for hours at a time, ever since he took 3d dilution (thirty- seventh day), 31. Pain in right scapula, head of left fibula, inner condyle of left humerus, upper half of right orbit, and in inner side of left thigh, just above condyle (after first dose, thirty-eight day). Pain in outside of middle of left leg, in left trochanter major (immediately after second dose, forty-fifth day). Pain in middle of right tibia and right shoulder (after sixth dose, forty-fifth day). Pains in right trochanter major, external condyle of left humerus, left radius, and ulna, middle of right tibia, left ankle externally and internally, left side of neck about middle, left instep on stretching the foot, and for the first time at the right of the sacrum where it unites with the pelvis; a dull aching in left hip while sitting on it (after second dose, forty-sixth day), 31. At once felt a thrilling ache in left radius below elbow, then in inner condyle of right femur, and next in outer condyle of left femur (at once after first dose, forty-fourth day). Two or three shuddering and momentary pains in radial condyle of left humerus, and outer side of left ankle (after first dose, forty- fifth day).

Upper Limbs

Arms ache at 11 A.M. (third day). Arms and neck ache severely at 4 P.M. (third day). Shoulder. Slight return of the aching on top of left shoulder in muscles above the scapular ridge (twelfth night). Very slight pains in left shoulder, in the forenoon (fourteenth day and sixteenth night). Pain in upper part of left should after going to bed (twenty- third night). Before going to bed noticed a pain in left shoulder, but nearer the neck than formerly (thirtieth day). Pain in left shoulder (one hour after second dose, thirty-first day). Pain in left shoulder and scapula (half an hour after fourth dose, thirty-eight day). Slight aching in left shoulder (immediately after fourth dose, forty-sixth day). On waking has a great deal of slight shuddering in right and left shoulders in succession, and afterwards in the whole chest, extending into abdomen (twenty-fourth day). Shuddering or thrilling throughout the region of left shoulder (twenty-ninth morning). In the first half hour, had an aching pain in left humerus just above the elbow, which soon changed to the left breast about nipple; this was very slight and transient; it then returned to the left humerus about the middle; it soon shifted to the left shoulder-joint, and was more permanent there than elsewhere; pain in shoulder-joint went off on eating at 9 P.M.

(first day), 31. Arm. Pain in the humerus above the elbow (twelfth and sixteenth nights). The pain in outer condyle of left humerus was protracted (twenty-fourth night). Pain in outer condyle of left humerus, in the forenoon (thirty- first day). Elbow. While riding in omnibus has a pain in right elbow, which went up to right scapula (after second dose, second day). Felt at once a distinct transient pain at extremity of right elbow (after second dose, twelfth day). Forearm. This morning a steady ache for a minute or two in middle of left ulna (sixteenth day). Pain in right ulna, two inches above wrist, in third phalanx of right index finger, in the forenoon (thirty-first day). Felt at once the pains at carpal end of right ulna (after fourth dose, thirty-eight day). Hands and Fingers. Pain in right pisiform bone (twenty-fourth morning). Severe pulsating pains in first joint of right middle finger, of about a minute’s duration (two hours after third dose, thirty first day). Before going to bed had two very severe sudden pains at thirty minutes’ interval, in first joint of right ring finger (forty-fifth night). Aching in second phalanx of right thumb, also in right scapula, in the afternoon and evening (forty sixth day).

Lower Limbs

Total loss of locomotion for some hours. I went out for a walk; I had not gone far when I experienced a sense of weariness in all the muscles of progression, this feeling particularly referable to the gastrocnemius; however, I cannot altogether attribute this muscular soreness to Veratrum inasmuch as I had taken some active, exercise on gymnastics the day before; I remained out for about an hour, and was scarcely able to get home, from muscular weakness; in a few minutes I was obliged to lie down (after three hours), 25. Hip and Thigh. Pain in left hip-joint, which soon went to the right, but was more severe (left-right), on waking (third day). On going to bed had a very sudden severe lancing pain in right hip, where the glutei are lost in the thigh (twelfth day and sixteenth night). A sudden severe ache in right trochanter (immediately after second dose, third day). Slight pain in great trochanter, in the forenoon (fourteenth day). Pain in left great trochanter and right knee, as were sometimes simultaneous, sometimes alternate (twenty-fourth night). Pain in right great trochanter when lying on right side: on changing to the left the pain also changed to the left great trochanter (thirty-seventh night). Pain in inner condyle of left femur (one hour after second dose, thirty-first day). Knee. Pain in tendons about left popliteal space, then in left instep; at same time pain in middle of right tibia (after first dose third day). Woke his morning with a kind of throbbing aching in right knee, on which he was lying; on turning on left side and rubbing knee, the pain gradually went off; it then came into left side and rubbing knee, the pain gradually went off; it then came into left knee in a milder and less steady form ( right-left); it then went back to the right, went off while dressing, but returned and continues now; all day noticed that the pains were apt to come on while limb was in a constrained position; the pain in arm came on when holding something in the hand; and went off on setting it down (eight day); every night (except one) has had the pain in right knee, and always while lying on right side (his usual position); it went off on turning and rubbing slight return of pain in right knee, and in left thigh just above knee, in the evening; on going to bed frequent return of the throbbing aching in right knee, and once in the left (twelfth day), 31. Aching in right knee, about inner condyle of femur; the pain soon extended to inner middle of thigh; the pain wanders to the front of the thigh and above the knee; the inner condyle of left femur beings to the similarly affected ( right-left); also the inner condyle of left humerus and left instep; the pains then seemed all to settle in right ankle outside (fourteenth day) pain in right knee felt on walking; this morning, slight pain in right knee and ankle (fifteenth day); above left knee (sixteenth night), 31. Leg. Slight spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the leg (after half an hour). Cramps in the legs. Slight tendency to cramp on touching legs. Same paralyzed sensation in extensors of feet. An unmistakable tendency to cramp existed in my legs when touched or moved. Aching in inner condyle of left tibia, and in head of left fibula (half an hour after first dose), (twenty-fourth day). Aching in left tibia about middle, for a minute or two (one hour after second dose, first day); while sitting (second day). Slight return of aching in middle of left tibia (twelfth night). Pain in lower third of left tibia (immediately after fourth dose, thirty-first day). Pain in right tibia and ankle, in the afternoon (thirty eighth day). Pains in left tibia at top of lower third, and then at lower part of left calf (two hours after second dose, thirty-eight day) 31. Woke with violent cramps in both calves (fifth morning). Aching in back of right leg, two or three inches above the ankle, seemingly in the flexors of great toe, as it was increased by moving the toe (forty-fourth night). Continual drawing in right calf, while walking (forty-fifth day). Ankle. A sharp steady pain about middle of left instep towards inside, going off gradually in about a minute (after second dose, twelfth day). A feeling of dislocation in right ankle, so severe as to make walking almost impossible (he has in former years had such a pain occasionally, very seldom of late, except when taking high potencies of Causticum five or six weeks ago; the peculiarity just now is the extreme severity of the pain on attempting to walk); this pain on walking lasted more or less severe all day (twelfth day); returned in the afternoon (fourteenth day), 31. Aching in left inner malleolus, right knee, etc. (twenty-ninth morning). While eating (9 A.M.) a distinct aching in bend of left foot inside (fifteen minutes after fifth dose, second day). Foot and Toes. While on his right side (his usual posture) had a pain on the right side of the sole of the left foot; had the same before under the same circumstances (twenty-fourth night). Pain in second phalanx of left great toe, and a sprained feeling in left knee at inner condyle of femur on walking (forty-fifth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.