Veratrum viride


Hypochondria. Dull, heavy, aching pains in the region of the gall-bladder, with dull pains in the umbilical region, at 10 A.M. (third day). Pain in the region of the gall-bladder, at 8 P.M. (third day); dull pains in the region of the gall- bladder, at 8 A.M. (fourth day). Umbilicus. Quite severe drawing pains in the umbilical region, with the headache, at 11 A.M.; frequent drawing pains in the umbilical region, at 12 M. (first day). Neuralgic pains in the right side of the umbilicus, passing down to the groin, in the evening (first day). Dull aching pains in the umbilical region, at 2 P.M. (second day); constant and severe cutting, aching pains in the umbilical region, with rumbling in the bowels, with a soft stool, at 10 A.M.; dull aching pains in the umbilical region, with rumbling, at 4 P.M.; with sharp, neuralgic pains in the left groin, at 5 P.M.; constant dull pain in the umbilicus, at 8 P.M. (third day); dull aching pain in the umbilicus; by spells they are very sharp and shooting, at 8 A.M. and 12 M.; with distress in the umbilical region, at 1 P.M., and with desire for stool, mushy stool, followed by an aching sensation in the rectum, at 10 P.M. (fourth day), 12. Pain below navel (after second dose, thirty- second day). General Abdomen. Flatulence (after four hours). Sore across the abdomen (second morning). Griping of the bowels, with considerable pain over the epigastrium (after four hours); pain in stomach and bowels much more severe (after four hours and a quarter). Pain in abdomen (first day); (third day). Pain in the bowels, with the nausea (second day). Pain and soreness across the abdomen, just above the pelvis, which continued all day, gradually decreasing (third day). Pain in abdomen, as if drawn in, for half a minute, almost directly after the cramp in the stomach (second day). Slight dull pains in the bowels, in the morning (fourth day). Dull pain in the bowels, at 2 and 6 P.M. (fourth day). Pain in bowels, with flatulence; this is a very marked symptom, as the prover seldom passes flatulence (second day); flatulence continued all day (third day); a marked symptom (fourth day). Pain in bowels ran down into the scrotum (fourth day); the pain in the scrotum was the last to disappear. (Severe cutting pains in lower part of abdomen), (fifth day). C Pain in lower portion of bowels (second day).


Sensation about anus as if something were crawling out or about it, it seemed like a worm (third day). Tenesmus and diarrhoea, copious and offensive stool, with burning of anus and pale face; felt better stool (third day). At 1 P.M., while riding, was attacked with sudden and fearful tenesmus, which doubled me up in spite of all I could do; an offensive, watery stool came with a gush and great force, it came all at once, and that was the end of it; after the stool there was pain in the bowels, with ineffectual desire for stool; pains in the abdomen continued all the afternoon (fourth day). Desire for stool woke me, with urging tenesmus, at 6.30 A.M.; stool soft, stringy, and doughy, at 7.30 A.M.; another stool of about the same consistence, but not with so much tenesmus (fifth day). (Frequent desire for stool, which is preceded and followed by cutting pain in rectum), (first and second days). Desire for stool, with nausea; some wind passed but not much faeces (first day). Urgent desire for stool, with no passage, but felt weak and faint (second day).


Soft papescent stool in the morning, another with pains in the umbilical region and rumbling in the bowels, at 10 A.M. (second day); mushy stool without pain (third day); natural stool, followed by aching in the rectum, at 12 M.; mushy stool, with dull pain in the umbilicus, followed by an aching sensation in the rectum, art 10 P.M. (fourth day), 12. Three loose stringy stools, with tenesmus and burning in the anus up to stool, relieved by stool (fourth day). One loose stool (sixth day); several loose stools during the same day, with tenesmus, felt better after each stool (seventh day). Usual morning stool, but scanty and soft; at noon tenesmus, followed by loose stool, with burning of anus; stool relieves tenesmus; four stools by all the same (second day); constipated (third day). Had a stool before 5 A.M., larger softer, brighter in color, prompter, and some after rising than usual (fifth day). Stool unusually copious, free, and lighter in color than usual (third-first and thirty-second mornings)8 31. Bowels move twice a day, morning and evening (before the proving); two soft stools in evening, one at 6 and the other at 7 P.M. (second day). Soft stool, discharged easily (first day); soft stool, with slight tenesmus, in the morning; during the day several soft stools, but no tenesmus (second day). Evacuation of bowels regular, but soft and stringy, had to use some force to start stool from sphincter, it seemed to stick, but after passing it was roughly and stringy (first day); two soft stools after 5 P.M., which was doughy any stringy, with tenesmus, which was relieved by stool (fourth day); alternating soft and hard stool every two hours; the soft stool was doughy, stringy, and large; the hard stool was of medium size, and followed by pain (fifth day), 40B. Stool at 9 P.M., which was doughy and hard to expel; the same again at 12 M., with tenesmus (first day); one soft stool ( second day).

Urinary organs

Smarting in urethra on urinating (thirty-second morning). Moderate diuresis; the same effect was also noticed in two other individuals, who experimented with, it at same time. Average daily amount of urine 25.5 fluid ounces; sp. gr. 1024.6 (before experiment); amount 35 ounces; sp. gr. 1020 (during experiment). Urine scanty (second day). Decreased amount of clear urine (second day). Urine very clear (first day). On rising in the morning, found the urine passed the night before turbid, dark, depositing a reddish sediment, and covered with a scum (thirty-second day).

Respiratory organs

In the evening has a tickling spasmodic cough coming from just above the sternum (second day). Respiration (normal, 20) 18 (after one hour); 16 (after two hours); 14 (after three hours); 12 (after four hours); 8 (after four hours and ten minutes); 6 (after four hours and a quarter). Difficulty of breathing. Difficult respiration, with nausea (second day). Slow and difficult respiration between the vomiting spells. Breathing heavy, almost stertorous (after seven hours). When a fit of retching came on, felt as if going to be asphyxiated. Convulsive breathing, almost to suffocation (after half an hour).


Stricture of the chest. When the vomiting ceased he complained of severe constriction about the chest, with great anguish; for ten to fifteen minutes. (Chest feels oppressed as from a heavy load), (first and second days). Drawing pain in lower thoracic region, with nausea (first day). Pain most severe over the front of the chest, with occasional twitchings of the small intestines (after five hours) 17. Feeling of dislocation in left side, while walking (right, left), for half an hour, in the afternoon (thirty-eight day). (Complains of pain in left side of chest of heart), (first and second days). Throbbing in right side of chest for five minutes (twenty minutes after first dose, second day). A steady pain of some pain (a steady about left nipple, in the afternoon (fifth day). The former pain (a steady aching) under the left nipple, but more marked than formerly (twenty- fourth evening). Pain about the spot below left nipple (after second dose, thirty-second day).

Back and neck

Neck. Neck and arms ache severely (third day). Back of neck and arms ache severely; almost impossible to hold my head up, at 1 p. m. (fourth day). Severe aching in the neck, very much worse by moving, at 2 p. m. (fourth day). Very severe aching in the back of the neck; very difficult to hold to hold my head up, at 1 p. m. (third day). Pain in back of neck, feels as if the cords were loose (first day). Pain in middle of left neck (one hour after second dose, thirty-first day). A new pain in right sternomastoid near the process (twenty-fourth evening). Pain in right side of neck about middle of sternomastoid, and afterwards an itching in same place on the left (right-left), (twenty-fourth night). Distinct pain in middle of left neck (after third dose, thirtieth day, and one hour after second dose, thirty-first day). Pain in right side of seventh vertebrae (after fourth dose, forty-fifth day). Pain in left side of neck about middle (after second dose, forty-sixth day). Back. Back very weak (after five hours). Pain in back (half an hour after first dose, twenty-fifth day). Aching in right scapula (in bone) for ten minutes, and at the same time a dart from right clavicle to scapula (half an hour after first dose, second day). For the first time had a pain on right side of dorsal spine (after second dose, thirty-second day). A long-continued, steady thrilling about an inch to left of dorsal vertebrae four inches below scapula (twenty-fourth evening). The thrilling quivering sensation about an inch from spine, and about four inches below left scapula, has been felt nearly the whole evening; it is about the size of a half-crown in extent (after third dose, thirty-first day). The thrilling in the back changed once into a severe ache, on rising from a reclining posture (after second dose, thirty-second day). Thrilling and crawling in left back (thirty-seventh day). Much thrill and crawling in the spot on left of dorsal spine, in the afternoon (thirty-eight day); in the evening (forty-fourth day). Pain at the right of the sacrum where it unites with the pelvis (after second dose, forty-sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.