Picricum acidum

Twitching of muscles on back of left hip, at 9 P.M. (first day).

Great heaviness of the hips and legs, lasting all day (eighth day). Thigh. Dull pain in the muscles on the anterior part of the thigh, and in lumbar region, accompanied with feeling of lassitude and weakness in the same, especially in the legs, aggravated by moving (second day). Pain in left anterior portion of thigh; can hardly flex and extend the legs, lasting fifteen minutes (after three hours, third day). Knee. Knees feel weak (sixth day). Weakness of the legs at the knees (after four hours, fifth day). Leg. Great weakness of legs, especially the left, which trembles (fifth day). Legs heavy, like lead; lifted from the floor with difficulty (left leg worse), after two hours (fourth day). Legs felt heavy and very weak; also great weakness in the region of the hips (second day). Great heaviness of both legs, at 9 P.M. (sixth day). Legs dull, heavy, weak, and moved with difficulty (fifth day). Numb sleepy pain in the legs, extending to the bottoms of the feet, relieved by cold water and open air (sixth day). Legs anterior or extensor muscles (feel numb (second day). Legs feel tired and sore, as after a long journey (seventh day). Calves of both legs feel lame and sore (twelfth day). Legs, below the knees, feel very sore and tender to the touch (second day). Legs and small of back sensitive to pressure (second day). Twitching of flesh between knee and ankle of right leg (eighth day). Deep-seated sore pain, almost unbearable, in upper part of Scarpa’s triangle of left leg; not relieved by pressure, cold, or warmth; worse at night, absent during sleep, and coming on awaking, for several days (after four days). Severe pain in back portion of left leg, extending to the sole of the foot, with sensation as if foot would go to sleep, relieved by motion and open air (third day). Pain in the calves of the legs, lasting all night (eighth night). Severe pain in the anterior portion of the leg, when touched (second day). Four or five times, during the afternoon, a dull pain would come in calf of right leg, occupying a space about the size of a silver half dollar; it would last but a few seconds, then an interval of relief, followed by a return of the pain (fifth day); pain occupying the same space as yesterday; the spot feels a little sore on hard pressure (sixth day). Pricking sensation, as from needles, in the legs and feet (after four hours, tenth day). Feet and Toes. Feet feel as if frostbitten (after seven hours, twelfth day). Numbness in the left foot (after eleven hours, eighth day).

Crawling pain in the sole of the left foot and under the patella (fourth day). In afternoon and evening, soreness in ball of big toe on left foot, which passes off with continued walking (fourth day).


Veins sunken and small, especially on the left side (fifth day).

(A general feeling of well being, a renewed vigor, in the morning, and an ability to rise much earlier than usual).

Trembling of all the muscles (sixth day). Great trembling of the muscles (after second dose, thirteenth day). General debility (after second dose, thirteenth day). Weakness of muscles (fourth day). Tired feeling (second day). At 7 in the evening, while walking, a tired feeling came over me, as though I had made some great exertion; it seemed as though my strength was all gone; legs felt heavy and could hardly go another step; feet unusually tired all the evening (third day). Get very tired on the least exertion (fourth day). On taking a short walk, in the afternoon, find that I am more than usually tired (fifth day). Lame and tired sensations all over the body (sixth day). Very tired, lame, and weak sensation, when arising from bed (eighth day). Very tired on going upstairs (sixth day). On walking down town, am more tired than common (seventeenth day). Awoke at 6 A.M., feeling tired and unrefreshed (fifth day). General dull feeling (tenth day). General sense of lassitude (after four hours). The excessive languor began to return and unfitted me for my daily work, so I discontinued the medicine (fourth day). Disagreeable feeling generally; lassitude (eighth day). Excessive languor throughout the day (the weather may, however, account for that), (fifth day); with a weak feeling in sacral and lumbar regions (seventh day). Excessive languor (tenth day). Very languid, feel better when out of doors (eighth day). Languor most of the time, for past two weeks (thirty-sixth day). Languid; no desire to talk or do anything; indifferent to everything around me; sleepy, and want to lie down (third day). Great prostration, so that he was obliged to lie down; it seemed difficult to move the limbs, but without anxiety and with profound quiet (after three hours).

Great prostration on walking, in afternoon and evening (ninth day). Great prostration, on walking or making the least exertion (fourteenth day). Great prostration, on walking (fifteenth day).

Prostration; need, of repose after a short walk (second morning).

Prostration, on slight exertion (sixth day). At 1 P.M., a prostrate feeling came over me, while walking a short distance, which was quite unnatural to me (fifth day). I has peculiar nervous symptom which I never have, except when a fever is leaving me. I felt as if I was about to be crushed by the bedclothes; arms, face, tongue, and forepart of brain seemed to reach to the clouds when I was going to sleep (sixteenth day).

Great soreness and lameness, especially on left side, when rising, in the morning, accompanied by heavy throbbing pains in the head, extending from behind the ears forward to the supraorbital notch, and thence downward into the eye, with burning throbbing pains and dilated pupils, conjunctivitis, and lachrymation (fifth day). Felt a numbness of the whole body, with pains, as felt when taking a cold (tenth day). Throbbing and jerking in muscles in different parts of the body, with the severe, chills, and great pain between the hips (after two hours, fourth day). Rheumatic stitches in different parts of the body, with great muscular debility (second day). All pain worse in left side (seventh day). Pain in eight side (tenth day). Every hour in the day darting pains in various parts of the;body, extending into the bones (eighth day). All pains lasted till 8 P.M. (fifth day). The symptoms of the head, eyes, legs, and of fever, grew worse until after 2 P.M. (fifth day). The symptoms lasted till 7 P.M., when they commenced to ameliorate (second day).

Aggravation, between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Aggravation, between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M. (second day). All pains relieved by sitting still, and aggravated by the least motion, and from getting up; symptoms lasted till 11 P.M. (fourth day). Better in the afternoon, and from motion; worse again in the evening (first, second, and third days). All symptoms relieved by cold water, and walking in the open air (fourth day). Symptoms not so marked, in the open air (sixteenth day). Scarcely any symptoms, when at rest (eleventh day).


Yellow color of the skin persisted for nine days. Yellow color of the skin, lasting for a week. Small, painful, reddish elevations like furuncles around the mouth and face; when opened they exude a thin clear serum, which soon dries into a transparent scab; they then become pustular, and very painful, and contain a thick, opaque pus, like condensed milk (eighth day). Small, reddish elevations, resembling furuncles, on the face, which become pustular, and are accompanied by burning, stinging pains when touched (ninth day). Have had pimples on the face and neck for several years before taking the drug. On the next day after last dose I noticed they were remarkably increased in number and size.

A sensation as though the skin was drawn tight over the epigastrium (eighth day). Itching of body during night (sixth day).


Sleepiness. Drowsiness; slept an hour this afternoon, after which I felt better (after second dose, thirteenth day). Gaping quite frequently while in church (fifth day). Can’t keep the eyes open in studying (after four hours); very sleepy; can’t keep my eyes open, at 9 P.M. (eighth day); very sleepy and tired, at 9 P.M.

(after seven hours, twelfth day). In the evening great sleepiness, which was relieved by walking in the open air (thirteenth day). Sleep sound, but unrefreshing (second day).

Sleeplessness. Could not get to sleep last night for a long time, from ideas crowding upon the mind (ninth day). Sleep very restless, until 12 (fourth, fifth and seventh nights). Sleep restless, until 11 P.M. (fourth day); till about midnight (sixth day); restless and tossing, till 12 (eighth night). Sleep restless, with terrible erections (first night); sleep restless (fifth and twelfth nights); sleeplessness all night restless sleep; awoke unrefreshed (after ten hours). Awoke this morning an hour earlier than usual, and dozed until time to get up (seven), (ninth day). Awoke at 3 A.M., and found it difficult to go to sleep (seventh day). Dreams. Was dreaming constantly during the night, dreamed I was pregnant (fifth night). Dreaming all night (fourteenth night).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.