Picricum acidum

Throat dry and husky (fourth day). Sensation as if something was in lower part of oesophagus (second day).


Appetite. Appetite increased till to-day; have no desire for any kind of food, though I eat as usual, but without relish (eighth day). Very hungry, in the evening, obliged to eat (eighth day).

Appetite poor, disgust for food (eleventh day). No appetite for breakfast; could not eat anything (eighth day). No appetite (third day); (fourth day). No appetite; disgust for food; at non (second day). No appetite; aversion to food (second day). Thirst.

Great thirst, with bitter taste in mouth (twelfth day); thirst continues (thirteenth and fourteenth days). Very great thirst for cold water, which is drank in large quantities without relief (eighth day). Some thirst (eleventh day). Some thirst with the headache (first day). Eructations. Frequent eructations (third day). Sour eructations of gas and ingesta (after eleven hours and a half, third day). Intense raising of wind (tenth day). Bitter eructations after breakfast (second day). Nausea. Awoke at 5 A.M., with a deathlike, faint, nauseated feeling in stomach and abdomen, aggravated on rising and moving around; went back to bed, fell asleep, and on waking a second time, experienced the same sensation as on first waking (eighth day); awoke with the nauseated feeling this morning, but not so had as yesterday morning (ninth day). Nauseated faint feeling at epigastrium most of the time (eleventh day); occasionally throughout the day (twelfth day). Nausea, accompanied by intermittent griping pains in the epigastric region, continuing until night (second day).

Nausea (second day). Nausea followed the dry cough (after three hours and a half). After retiring, nausea, with headache (tenth day). Nausea, on retiring (eighth day). Nausea, with the vertigo (second day). Slight nausea, for an hour or two after taking the drug (eighth day). Sickness at the stomach, as from a weight, with slight frontal headache (third day). Water brash (fourth day). Stomach. Oppressive feeling in epigastric region (first, second, third, and thirteenth days). Disagreeable pressure as of a weight in pit of stomach, desire to belch wind, with no result, seemingly powerless to do so (after two hours and a half, second day). All the morning have felt a faint feeling at epigastrium (thirteenth day). Intermittent griping pains in the epigastric region, continuing until night, accompanied the nausea (second day). A dull pain in cardiac region of stomach, while eating breakfast, at 7 A.M. (fourth day). Sharp pain in epigastric region (after four hours and a half, third day).


Umbilicus. Shooting pain through left umbilical region, from before backward (after nine hours). During the evening, some pain in umbilical region (third day). Quite a sharp pain about umbilicus, on left side (seventh day). Stitches through the right side in region of liver; seem to be mostly in the muscles (second day). General Abdomen. Fullness of abdomen (after seven hours).

Much flatus, in the evening (third day). Flatus during the day (eleventh day). Wind in the bowels passed up and down, not marked (sixth day). Pass a great deal of wind from the bowels on moving (third day). Flatus, with much rumbling in abdomen (seventh day).

Rumbling and much flatus (fourth day). Rumbling in the abdomen, with crampy pain and flatus (after three hours, third day).

Rumbling in small intestines (after one hour). Awoke at 7 A.M., with dull, rumbling, and colic like pains in the abdomen (sixth day). Rumbling pain in the abdomen (after four hours, fifth day).

Awoke with pain in the abdomen, and strong erections (third day).

Crawling stinging pains in abdomen (fourth day). Some pain in abdomen and neck of bladder (sixth day). Pain in bowels, lasting all the forenoon, with very little headache; pain in bowels less than usual (after third dose, third day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Occasionally, all day long in hypogastrium, a sensation of giving way (second day). A slight vacant and sore feeling in hypogastric region (first day). Slight colicky pains worse (third day). Severe pain in the left inguinal region, on walking, and aggravated by going upstairs (after eight hours). At night (11 o’clock), an aching sharp pain in right iliac region above the ovary, sore on pressure (eighth day).

Rectum and Anus,

Sharp pain shooting around the anus, at 9 P.M. (thirty-ninth day). Stinging and itching at the anus during and after defection (second day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoeic stool, with burning and smarting at the anus (fifth day). Four thin stools, with great prostration. Stool twice before 9 A.M., like gruel, slightly yellow or yellowish- gray (third day). Stool rather copious, oily, yellowish (after one hours); repeated (after two hours); again (after two hours and three- quarters). Stools loose, light-colored, with cutting and smarting at the anus, during and after defecating (second day). Stools light-colored, and passed with much burning and smarting in the anus, continuing an hour afterwards (eighth day).

Soft, light-colored stool, passed with much straining (sixth day); soft stool, with tenesmus (tenth day). Scanty, soft stool, with burning at the anus, at 3 P.M. (second day). Small, ineffectual, soft stool, followed by drawing up of the anus, and accompanied by some tenesmus (third day). Stools shoot away in soft plugs, followed by much flatus; bowels move very easily (after eight hours, second day). For some time had been quite constipated, but now have a passage every day (seventh day).

Bowels continue regular, passing easily at night and morning; passage very quick, as if greased, followed by much wind; stools have a strange odor, but not disagreeable, rather a sweetish smell, as of boiling sap (seventh day). Constipation. Bowels constipated; only one difficult passage to-day (eight day); very much constipated in evening, no movement of bowels; pressing-down sensation in rectum, with desire for stool, but could pass nothing (ninth day); bowels regular (eleventh day).

Urinary organs

Bladder and Urethra. In the evening, a sharp pain in region of bladder, worse on the right side, lasting only a few seconds (fourth day). Some pain in region of bladder and in abdomen generally (fourth day). Burning during urinating, and after (second day). A sensation of jerking drawing in the urethra (after second dose, thirteenth day). Slight pain after micturition (twelfth day). Micturition. During the morning more frequent micturition than usual (fifth and sixth days). In passing urine it kept dribbling after I got through (second day).

Urine. Urine profuse (second day); urine had become scanty (sixth day); dark-yellow, with strong odor (eighth day). Increased flow of pale urine (second day). Increased flow of urine (fifth, eleventh, and thirteenth days). Urine increased, light-colored; specific gravity, 10.23 (ninth day). Before the proving, it had given acid reaction; specific gravity, 1020. Urine profuse; color normal; very hot when passed, accompanied with burning pain in urethra (fifth day); urine passed with burning, scalding pain (seventh day). Urine increased, and of a light-amber color (eighth day); increased and of a light color, at & P.M. (ninth day); still pale and increased (twelfth day). Urine yellow in the;morning, and of an increased quantity during the day (twelfth day). Urine continued yellow for some time after discontinuance of drug. Urine dark-red, in the evening (third day). Urine dark, specific gravity, 1030; indications of sugar; the test was good with the copper solution, also by fermentation test (fourth day); very highly colored (fifth day). (* As I have not been able to get such testimony from any other prover, I hold his evidence sub judice.-S.A. JONES. *) Urine dark, high-colored; specific gravity 1025 to 1028;; quantity about normal; urination followed by burning (fifth day). Urine highly colored (tenth day). Urine of a milky olive hue (thirteenth day). Urine red (after two hours).

Urine light-colored and profuse, burning in the urethra, during and after urinating; urethra feels as if burnt (second day).

Urine normal in color, but much less in the previous twenty- four hours has a heavy deposit of urates (third day). Urine rather scanty, of a dark-yellow color (tenth day); yellow and profuse (twelfth day); very profuse (thirteenth and fourteenth days).

Urine passed in the previous twenty-four hours has a heavy deposit of urates (third day). Urine passed in the previous twenty-four hours shows urates quite abundant (seventh day). The Laboratory Daily Record, for May 18-19, 19-20, 20-21, gives the following data for urohaematin using HNO3 test. May 18-19, color between Plates V and VI, N. and V.; May 19-20, color between Plates Vi and Vii; May 20-21 color between Plates VII and VIII; The actual color-plates used for comparison, are those given in Thudicum, on the Pathology of the Urine, 1st edition.- (NOTE by DR. S.A. JONES.).

Sexual Organs

Male. Terrible erections, with restless sleep (first night); long-continued and violent erections, all night (fourth night); erections like hell, violent, strong, and long-lasting, which I thought would surely rupture the penis; followed by profuse seminal emissions (fifth night); violent erections, all night; could not sleep for them; had to get up, walk around, and bathe the parts in cold water (eighth night); sleep broken up by violent erections, lasting all night; had to sit up (eleventh night); violent erections (twelfth night); erections, with severe pain in left testicle, as if bruised, extending up the cord as far as the external abdominal rings, at 11 A.M. (thirteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.