
Itching sticking sensation in the sole of the right foot, during rest (after twelve hours). An itching stitch on the right inner malleolus, that disappears on scratching (after ten hours).

Burning in the tip of the right great toe, while sitting (after thirty-one hours). Painful throbbing above the ball of the left great toe. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left great toe (after thirty-two hours). A pain in the little toe and its ball, as if it had been pressed hard. Dull stitches in the left fifth toe, during rest and motion (after three hours).


Violent spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the entire body, but more remarkably so in the superior than inferior extremities; during the intervals of spasms the patient lay evenly upon his back, but when action commenced, the superior contraction of the left side threw him over on the right, in which position he remained during the paroxysm, after the subsidence of which he fell back into the natural position of exhaustion; the spasms were apparently produced by any attempts to move or rouse him; towards evening they decreased. The arms are drawn up against the chest, the lower extremities to the abdomen, and the chin down towards the chest (after four hours). Sudden shuddering as in most violent chill, or as from a violent fright. I found the girl out-stretched, stiff, very pale, the extremities cool. She lay as in a slumber, though conscious and able to move. Swelling. (The symptoms are more severe on the second day than on the first).

Weakness of the whole body; he was unable to walk alone, and was obliged to be carried home and put to bed, where he lay and slumbered till evening, and when slept well through the night.

Weakness of the body. Weakness (third day). Weakness, worse on rising up. Great muscular weakness. Weakness and weariness of all the limbs; could scarcely walk across the room because the knees were so weak. General sick feeling and weakness of the limbs. A bad feeling, and weakness in the abdomen and chest; he did not feel at all well. Faintness. Exhaustion, as if every breath would be his last. Great general prostration (after four hours). Very much prostrated and exhausted; general giving way. A forcible pressing inward, in several parts of the body, gradually increasing or diminishing.


Red swelling below the eye, looking as if an eruption would break out. Pustules on the right and left sides of the chin (after forty-eight, and seventy-eight hours). Itching vesicles on the nates. Great sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body; it becomes sore, raw, and painful from slight rubbing of the clothes, as for example on the neck, from the neck band, on the thighs from the rubbing of the clothes when walking. General itching. Itching, here and there, over the body, so that he was obliged to scratch. Biting itching over the whole body, as from an eruption, on undressing compelling him to scratch (after forty hours). Burning itching on the forehead, left cheek, and tip of the chin, whereupon small pimples appear, with hard elevated margins, that are painless when touched and when not. An itching biting on the right cheek. Itching about the nose, all the afternoon. Fine sticking itching on the root of the nose and left malar bone near the eye. Itching on the right scapula. Itching on the tip of the right elbow (after thirty-four hours). Sensation of itching above the bend of the elbow. Fine sticking and itching on the first phalanx of the middle finger. Itching on the right thumb, so that he was obliged to scratch, whereupon at first it disappeared, but soon changed to a gnawing. Itching on the outer and anterior portion of the right thigh, disappearing for a time after scratching. Itching, that compels scratching, upon the nates. Fine sticking and itching on the left heel.


Frequent yawning, always with shivering, running over the whole body, causing all the muscles at first to shake and then to tremble (immediately). Marked sleepiness. Inclined to sleep (after four hours). He went to sleep about the usual time and seemed to sleep quietly; but when his father spoke to him he made no answer; he was lying with the eyes open, face and body pale, pupils very small, the head and other portions of the body cold and insensible; pulse and respiration small and irregular, and he could not be aroused; after emetics the child vomited, but whenever aroused soon sank back into deep sleep. No rest and no sleep at night. Sleeplessness. Voluptuous dreams, with emissions (second and third nights). Uneasy dreams.


Chilliness. Shaking chill all over, with cold hands and warm cheeks, without thirst, during rest and motion (after three hours and a half). Febrile shivering over the body, without thirst and without subsequent heat, during rest and motion (after one hour and a half). Shivering while yawning. General coldness, with cold sweat. Feeling of coldness, as of a cold breath upon the right side of the lower abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the right side of the abdomen. Sudden sensation of coldness on the left chest. Extremities rapidly became cold. Cold extremities (after four hours). Heat and Sweat. Hot skin. Sensation of heat, and it the same time chilliness in the whole body, without thirst; wherewith he was warmer to the touch than usual (after seven hours). Heat forces itself out of the body while reading. Head hot and perspiring. Heat commencing at one time on the top of the right, at another on the top of the left concha, and extending over the side of the head, and thence over the whole face.

Sensation of heat, and heat of the cheeks without redness, with dryness of the palate and throat. A sensation of heat in the side of the thigh, followed by a sensation of coldness low down.

Flushing of heat all over, especially if he was doing anything eagerly (even while sitting); also if he walked rapidly he became very warm, and the heat causes a prickling in the face, as from many needles. Cold sweat.



(Morning), After rising, face pale, blue rings about eyes, cheeks sunken; on rising, tenacious mucus in trachea, requiring hawking.

(Afternoon), Lively; itching about nose.

(Towards evening), Face pale; pain in left side of neck and in left scapula; tearing in temple and left molar tooth.

(Evening), Pain in canthus; pulse full and rapid; flat and nauseous taste to food.

(Night), Biting itching on scalp; in bed, toothache; tearing in temple and left molar tooth; pain in left side of neck and in left scapula; sleeplessness.

(While chewing), Pressive pain in temple; toothache; sensitiveness of back teeth.

(During dinner), Dizziness; hearing and vision vanish.

(While eating), Ravenous hunger, with trembling of hands; empty eructations.

(Exercise), Flushes of heat over body.

(Expiration), Pressure beneath left short ribs; stitches in chest.

(Looking toward ground), On standing, double vision.

(Looking sideways), Black before eyes.

(Lying in bed), After sleeping, qualmishness.

(Lying down), Oppression of chest; tightness in chest; stitches in diaphragm.

(During and after motion), Pain in lower lip.

(Moving), After rising, slow pulse.

(After qualmishness), Great hunger.

(External pressure), Pressure beneath left short ribs; aching in right costal cartilage; pressure in thigh.

(Raising arm), Pain in shoulder-joint.

(While reading), Mind distracted; tension in left eyelids; lachrymation.

(During rest), Itching sticking in soles of feet.

(Rising up), Vertigo; black before eyes; weakness.

(While sitting), Surging sensation in legs; cramp in right calf; sore feet; burning in right great toe.

(Standing), compression of chest; stitches in spine; pressure above left ankle.

(Stooping), Stitches in sternum; drawing pain above heart.

(While studying), Mind distracted.

(Touching part), Pain in right eyebrow.

(Walking in open air), Vertigo.

(While walking), Pinching sticking in abdomen; stitches in the left side of chest; compression of chest; stitches in spine; weakness of thighs and legs; pain in gluteal muscles of thighs; pain in forepart of thigh; tearing in left calf.

(After walking), Weakness of whole body; pain in soles of feet.


(Open air), Pain in left temple.

(Inspiration), Pain beneath left short ribs.

(Lying down), Headache.

(Moving about), stitch in back. (Pressure of hand), Pressure in left frontal eminence.

(Rising from bed), Toothache.

(Rising up), Oppression of chest; stitches in diaphragm.

(Rubbing), Stitch in left axilla.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.