
Urinary and Respiratory Organs

Frequent discharge of much urine (after twenty-four hours).

Involuntary emission of urine. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (after twenty-seven hours). A kind of burning in the pharynx, extending to the stomach (after nine hours). Fine stitches in the thyroid cartilage. Tickling in the larynx, that on inspiration causes a short cough, shaking the whole body.

Tenacious mucus in the trachea; he was obliged to hawk very much, on rising in the morning. Stertorous breathing.


External soreness of the right chest, as if pressed hard.

Oppression of the chest, in the pit of the stomach, while lying down, and a quarter of an hour after lying down vomiting of mucus, water, and small bits of bread previously eaten; the oppression of the chest was relieved on rising up (after seven hours and a half). While lying down the chest seems too tight; he is obliged to take long and deep breaths (after six hours).

Sensation as though something heavy were lying upon the chest that compresses it, causing deep anxious inspiration, while walking, standing, and lying (after ten hours). Violent palpitation, with sensation as if the chest had become larger; he then breathes with great heaving of the chest, with anxiety.

Stitches in the diaphragm, while lying down, during in-and expiration, that ceases on rising up (after thirty-one hours).

Dull stitches in the chest, while walking, aggravated by expiration (after eight hours). Great emptiness in the chest, as if it were eviscerated. Front and Sides. A dull continuous stitch in the sternum (after twenty-four hours). Tensive stitches in the sternum, more violent on stooping (after twelve hours). Tensive stitch in the middle of the chest (after thirty-one hours).

Crawling stitches in the sternum. Dull pressure on the upper part of the sternum. Dull pain in the sternum (after ten hours). Some intermitting gnawing on one of the ribs of the left side.

Intermitting gnawing on one of the ribs of the left side, opposite the pit of the stomach. Jerking in the right pectoral muscles (after fifteen hours). A beating, like dull thrust, on the chest, below the right shoulder. A burrowing aching in the costal cartilages of the right side, with intermitting pressure upon a small spot, aggravated by pressing upon it. Dull stitch in the left chest, persisting during inspiration and expiration (after twenty-nine hours). A stitch, as with a knife, in the left chest (after forty- eight hours). Fine stitches in the left chest (after one and a half). Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, while walking pinching stitch in the left side of the chest, coming out at the first ribs (after six hours). Dull stitch in the right chest, persisting during inspiration and expiration (after five hours and a half). Dull stitches in one of the false ribs, near the right side of the sternum, where it hurts when pressed upon.

Heart and Pulse

Dull drawing pain about the heart, more violent on stooping, and lasting during expiration (after fifty-five hours). Distress at the heart and anxiety. (* Original revised by Hughes. *) Anxiety about the heart, without anxious thought, with trembling of the whole body, lasting several hours (after seven hours). Several attacks of palpitation. Pulse full and rapid, in the evening.

Quick pulse; later it sank to a thread. Pulse slower than usual, in the morning, after rising. Pulse small, irregular, periodically intermitting. Pulse weak, very slow. Intermission of the pulse very four or five beats; afterwards every ten to twelve beats, then thirteen, etc. (second day). Pulse very irregular, at one time rapid, at another slower; at one time full, at another soft, small, and weak.

Neck and Back.

Perceptible, violent and full, though slow, pulsation of the carotids. A pressure, seeming to press from below upward, in the anterior cervical muscles, so that he was obliged to loosen the neck band; a suffocating choking sensation. A dull tearing pain in the left side of the neck and in the left scapula, alternating with tearing in the temple and second left molar, towards evening and in the night. A burning stitch in the back, below the left scapula, while sitting, that disappears on moving about (after seventy-eight hours). Tensive stitches in the spine, when walking and standing (after twenty-nine hours). Sudden fine stitch in the right half of the back, deep internally, so that he almost started up in fright. Pain in the right side of the back, as if the hand were forcibly pressed against it, or as from a sprain.


Excessive stiffness of the extremities, especially of the fingers of the left hand; rising up in bed was difficult on account of stiffness of the back. Stretching of the limbs, associated with a general feeling of comfort (after four hours and a half). Some convulsions of the limbs. Pain in the joints. Pinching pressure in several parts of the body, and of the limbs, fingers, and toes, as if the bones were crushed. Cramp like pain (a cramp like drawing) in several parts of limbs, as, for example, balls of the thumb, soles of the feet, etc.

Superior Extremities.

Stretching of the upper part of the body and of the arms (after nine hours and a half). Twitching of the muscles of the left arm (after thirty-six hours). Shoulder and Arm. If he raises the arm high, or puts it under the head, when in bed, there is pain in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated. Dull pressure of the top of the right shoulder. A persistent stitch in the left axilla, relieved by rubbing (after twenty-seven hours). A pinching pain, externally, in the upper part of the left upper arm. Cramp like drawing in the left humerus, by the elbow, in rhythmical jerks.

Itching, somewhat persistent, stitch in the left upper arm (after thirty-one hours). Sensation of jerking in the right upper arm.

Forearm and Hand. Dull pressure in thee forearm, as if caused by a hard blow. Dull pressure in the forearm, just below the elbow.

Drawing in the right forearm, above the wrist. Pulsating pain on the inner side of the right forearm, near the wrist. Intermitting pressure, in a small spot, on the outer side of the left forearm.

Burning stitch in the left forearm (after twenty-eight hours).

Trembling of the wrists. Veins of the hands swollen, without heat. Trembling of the hands, while writing (before eating).

Cramp in the left hand (second day). Intermitting dull pressure in the palm of the hand. Fingers. Sudden swelling of the ring finger, with burning pain; he could not bend it. Tensive burning on the tip of the left thumb (after two hours). Pain in the last phalanx of the thumb, and as if he had received a hard blow upon it, so that the thumb trembled. Fine pinching on the finger.

Cramp like jerking tearing in the first phalanx of the left middle finger. Cramp like pain in the fingers (a cramp like drawing). Drawing in the first (metacarpal) finger-joints. A burning stitch in the last phalanx of the right finger, making the finger tremble. Burning stitches in the tip of the left index finger (after twelve hours).

Inferior Extremities.

Weakness of the thighs and legs, and a sensation in the forepart of the feet, mostly in the soles, as if they were asleep, while walking (after twelve hours). Whizzing, extending down through the lower extremities. Surging sensation in the legs, while sitting, as after a journey on foot. Thigh, knee, and Leg.

Bubbling sensation in the right thigh. (Burning tension in the right thigh). A constrictive pain in the gluteal muscles of one thigh, when walking, as if sprained. A pain in the forepart of the thigh, while walking rapidly, as if some one pressed upon a bruised spot. Dull sticking pressure on the right thigh.

Benumbing pressure on the outer side of the left thigh, as if the part were tightly bound up, and the circulation thereby arrested.

Intermitting pressure on the upper part of the right thigh, aggravated by pressing upon it. A simple pressure on the thigh just above the knee. Pain, like needle-stitches, in the muscles on the inner side of the left thigh (after one hour and a quarter). Drawing stitches in the right thigh; unnoticed on standing or ascending steps (after thirty-seven hours). A stitch on the right thigh, just above the knee, with burning and fine sticking pain. A painless jerk on the under surface of the left thigh, as if a muscle were moving. Itching stitch in the posterior muscles of the thigh, with burning after scratching.

Cramp like drawing in the right knee, that was bent. Pulsating pain in the hollow of the knee, while the leg was drawn up.

Wavelike drawing in the bones of the leg. Tearing in the left calf, while walking (after thirty-four hours). Painless cramp in the right calf, while sitting. Twitching sensation in the right calf. Painful pressure just above the right ankle, at long intervals, while standing. Ankle, Foot, and Toes. Itching, somewhat persistent, stitch in the right ankle, towards the forepart, continuing even during motion (after twenty-nine hours). Painless sensation of weakness in the feet, as after a long journey on foot. After sitting for a while with the feet drawn up, he notices, while walking, a paralytic weakness in them. The feet ached while sitting; at one time he was obliged to stretch them out, at another to draw them up, in order to obtain momentary relief. A simple pressure on the back of the forepart of the foot. Weariness and pain in the soles of the feet, after a short walk. Intermitting dull pressure in a small spot in the sole of the right foot, as if he had received a blow upon it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.