
Violent pressure on the right cheek, near the angle of the lower jaw. A dull, numb, painless pressure on the left zygoma, close to the ear. Pressure upon the malar bone, more stupefying than painful, that extends deeply inward into the head and root of the nose; a tensive, stupefying, troublesome sensation. A benumbing compression in both malar bones, as if they were pinched with pincers. Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing upon the left cheek; when touched with the hand the sensation disappears, and it feels hot to the hand and warmer than the other cheek. Lips and Jaw. Lips, especially the lower, brown; the color of the face in other respects unchanged, scarcely paler than usual. Burning pain in the right side of the lower lip, persistent during and after motion (after seventy-nine hours). A painless sensation as if the upper lip were swollen (a kind of numb sensation). Dull pressive pain in the right upper jaw, below the malar bone (after forty-eight hours).


Teeth. Sharp drawing toothache in the second left molar. Constant toothache, during the night, tearing drawing in the first left molar, and at times in the next hollow tooth; this toothache immediately ceased on rising from bed, and immediately reappeared as soon as he returned to bed, with anxiety as if he were to die, with frequent micturition, qualmishness, and heat of the left cheek (first night). A cutting-pressive toothache while chewing, disappearing immediately after chewing; the tooth, however, was not painful to touch or pressure (after two hours). A simple drawing in the right lower molars. Sensitiveness of the back teeth on chewing, as if they were all hollow. Tongue and Taste.

Tongue coated white, with a sensation of dryness in the mouth and parched lips (after thirty-one hours). The papillae of the tongue were all elevated, that caused the tongue to have a rough look and a dirty-white color. Fine stitches in the tongue. Burning stitches in the left side of the tongue (after two hours and a half). Insipid taste in the mouth when not eating, as from a disordered stomach. In the evening all food has a flat and nauseous taste. Bitter taste. Speech. Loss of speech for two days. Power of speech almost entirely lost, with natural respiration; when questioned she endeavored to answer, and was able to utter sounds, but no intelligible words. (* With small and feeble pulse, death following in four hours.-HUGHES. *) General Mouth. Sudden swelling about the left corner of the mouth. Convulsive twitching outwardly of the left corner of the mouth. Foaming at the mouth. Burning sticking over the left corner of the mouth. In the mouth sensation as if all the teeth were loose, with bluish-white gum over the whole upper and lower jaw (after thirty-four hours).


A remarkably numb sensation ascending form the throat externally to the head. Sensation as if a cool wind were blowing upon the left side of the throat. Sharp pressive pain in the left side of the throat, near Adam’s apple. Irritation of the pharynx. Pain as if a dull point were pressing upon the oesophagus, on the right side of the throat; the cervical muscles are also painful to external pressure.


Appetite and Thirst. Ravenous hunger, with trembling of the hands while eating and great weakness over the whole body, after walking rapidly for half an hour. The longing for the food before him causes his hands to tremble. Great hunger, with much appetite (after six hours). Great hunger, after the qualmishness. He relishes his dinner, but is obliged to stop eating soon, because he becomes nauseated and qualmish. He is without appetite, though not without hunger; he eats very little, and more with discomfort than with satisfaction. Loss of appetite; he relished his food, but was speedily satiated (after five hours and a half). No appetite, and yet a ravenous hunger; he greedily swallowed large amounts. Loss of appetite. No appetite; everything nauseates him, as if afterwards he would vomit or have diarrhoea. She relished nothing, took nothing. No appetite for food for smoking. Aversion to cheese, which he usually relished. Thirst; he drinks more than usual. Thirst for cold drinks, especially for cold water (after thirty hours). Eructations. Violent frequent empty eructations, while eating, at noon. Frequent violent empty eructations. During eructations, something rises from the stomach into the mouth.

Frequent eructations of a bad odor (after four days). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, as if in the mouth, and frequently, with every attack of retching, water rises form the mouth, as in water brash, for two hours, wherewith the cervical muscles are spasmodically and painfully contracted, as if it would strangle him; at the same time the abdomen and abdominal muscles are similarly affected; at first, with much retching, he raises only some mucus from the fauces, afterwards some liquid tasting of the food, and afterwards of a sour taste, for two hours (after six hours). Nausea in the mouth, as if he must vomit (after four hours). Nausea, worse on rising up. Nausea. Nausea and vomiting.

Qualmishness increases on stooping, and is for the moment relieved by eructations. He becomes qualmish, and water collects in the mouth. Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, while lying in bed, after sleeping, as though he would vomit, with difficult breathing, that was relieved on rising up (after five hours and a half). He becomes very qualmishness disappears for the moment, with a flat taste swallows it, the qualmishness disappears fro the moment, with a flat taste in the mouth. General sick feeling, with qualmishness. Violent vomiting of a green liquid of a bloody appearance. Frightful vomiting, followed by thirst. Repeated vomiting of mucus and bile (after four hours). Vomiting of a yellow-green water of a bitter taste (after twelve hours).

Copious painful vomiting. Retching and vomiting, soon. Vomiting (after a few minutes). Heaving of the stomach immediately after eating a bite of bread, and he was obliged to vomit, but he vomited only small bits of bread, which he had just eaten, with a quantity of water (after six hours and a half). General Stomach.

Pain in the stomach. Pain in the epigastric region. Heat, with constrictive pain, in the stomach. Painful pressure beneath the left short ribs, in the epigastric region, in only a small spot, on every expiration, disappearing on every inspiration, aggravated by external pressure, and lasting half an hour (after three hours). Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest, as after being greatly heated, though he noticed nothing of it when touched with the finger, and the heart beat no more violently or perceptibly than at other times. Feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of fullness of the abdomen. Intermitting throbbing in the left side of the pit of the stomach.


Umbilicus and Sides. Rumbling and gurgling in the umbilical region, with a sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, soon followed by emission of some flatus (after half an hour). Painful sensitiveness about the umbilicus, with a feeling of discomfort in the whole lower abdomen and an uneasiness about the umbilicus, that at times became a pressure, at times a gnawing. Pain, like needle stitches, below the umbilicus (after fifty-eight hours). A gnawing internally below the navel. Gnawing pain in the left side, just above the navel. A long-drawn stick like pain, as if winding out of the abdomen, near the right side of the navel.

Dull stitches or blows in the left side, below the navel. Itching fine stitches in left side of the abdomen, just beneath the short ribs. A kind of jerking pressive pain in the side of the abdomen, above the left hip-bone. General Abdomen. Rumbling in the upper and lower abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Emission of much very offensive flatus, having the odor of bad eggs (after twenty-six, and thirty hours). Profuse emission of flatus. Colic, followed by thin stools (after two hours). Violent colic (followed by death).

Great emptiness in the upper abdomen. Intermitting griping in the abdomen at times, with indications of diarrhoea. Griping in the bowels (after twenty-four hours). He feels as if the bowels were weakened by laxity, and as though he would have diarrhoea.

Pinching sticking in the abdomen, while walking (after sixty hours). Transient jerking thrusts, that made him start, above the root of the penis, very low down in the lower abdomen. Dull stitches in the ileum posteriorly, that hurts on pressure.

Rectum, Anus, and Stool.

Burning in the anus when not at stool; it also precedes and follows the stool. Ineffectual urging to stool. Ineffectual pressure and urging to stool. Diarrhoea. Involuntary evacuations of the bowels. Soft stool (after forty-eight hours). Stool very thin and yellow, preceded by rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (after thirty-nine hours). Bloody stools (after four hours).

Stool scanty, thin, watery (after six hours and a quarter). The first portion of the stool is like diarrhoea, the last harder, so that he is obliged to strain. No stool (first days). Stool hard and difficult (after thirty-one hours). The food eaten the preceding evening passed rather undigested, and almost without effort; he thought he had emitted only flatus (after forty-eight hours). Stool only after twenty-four hours, the first part of which was hard and crumbly, the rest thin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.