Sexual Organs

Male. The genitals organs have a strong and offensive odor. Falling of the hair of the mons veneris and beard (eighth day). Redness of the tip of the glans penis. The prepuce was retracted from the glans, and the accumulated smegma had a strong odor, of Chenopodium vulvaria (fifth day). The prepuce is retracted behind the glans; causing a dry rubbing sensation when the clothes touched the glans. The prepuce is retracted from the glans, whereby a disagreeable dry sensation is produced, that is aggravated by walking, whenever the glans touched the clothes (third day). Erections in the morning (tenth and fourteenth days); before taking (seventh day). Erections and dreams at night. Frequent erections at night. Frequent erections at night, with discharge of glutinous moisture. Violent erections (fifth and tenth days); without cause (after two hours, second day). Violent erections in the night and morning (after six hours); afterwards none at all, or very infrequent. Painful erections disturbing rest at night. Lack of erections (first day). No erections, and no emission for five weeks. Voluptuous irritation suddenly while sitting, disappearing on walking about. Feeling of weakness of the genitals. Sticking in the penis when urinating and when not (twenty- sixth day). Stitches in the penis towards the glans (eleventh day). Rhythmical throbbing stitches in the glans penis, with transient fine stitches in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening (twenty-fourth day). Jerking in the penis. Jerking in the penis when not urinating (thirteenth day). Itching and crawling in the corona glandis, provoking scratching (fifth day). Great itching and moisture on the corona glandis. Prickling itching on the corona glandis (seventh day). Scrotum relaxed for several days (after twenty days). Sensitiveness and swelling of the scrotum, with tension in the inguinal region, aggravated by motion, extending from the small of the back toward the groin, accompanied the stools (three months after the proving). Pinching pains in the testicles. Drawing aching in the testicles coming from the abdominal ring. Pressive pain in the right testicle (seventh day). Transient stitches in the right spermatic cord, extending into the testicle, in the evening (after 5th dil.). Sensitiveness of the right spermatic cord (after 3D trit.). Increased sexual desire. Unusual sexual desire (first to ninth day). Great inclination to coition (fifth day). Amorous thoughts, in the evening in bed (thirteenth day). The sexual desire is rather physical (after eight days). Very much diminished sexual desire. Sexual desire dormant, very unexcitable. The sexual desire was unusually weak during the whole proving. Slight sexual desire, and delayed emission during coition (after thirteen days). Absence of sexual desire during the whole proving. Remarkable loss of sexual desire during the whole proving. Indifference, almost aversion, to women (second day). Aversion to coition (twenty-third day). Coition weak; emission speedy, and rather cold (seventh day). The first twelve days it causes sexual desire, erections, and an unusual voluptuous sensation during coition; but afterwards a corresponding degree of depression. Emissions; at times; in a married man (first and tenth nights). Emission, with biting on the glans penis. Nocturnal emissions. Nocturnal emission (exceedingly unusual), (first night). Emission every night. Emission towards morning. Emission soon after coition, and again the third night afterwards. Emission five hours after coition (eighteenth day). Inefficient coition, and yet some emission towards morning (first night). Emission during sleep, without erection or voluptuous sensation (after 10th dil.). Emission with the usual morning stool (sixth day). Frequent emissions, even in addition to the usual coition. Fiery coition, though with speedy emission (twenty-sixth day). Profuse emission in one impotent, with much sexual desire, followed the whole night by excessive erections that were almost painful (after six days). He became very much affected by coition, to which he had not been accustomed for a long time; followed by an exhausting emission in deep sleep at night (after fifty-six days). Lack of emission of abstinence from coition for five weeks. Female. Sticking pains extending from the right lumbar region towards the uterus, violent and persistent in the forenoon, frequently intermitting in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day). Stitches extending from the region of the kidneys to the uterus, relieved by bending up, pressure upon the abdomen, or sitting down, aggravated by walking, in the morning (twenty-fifth day). After the menses, female impotency, aversion to coition, with dry painful vagina on coition (twelfth day). Increased mucous secretions from the genitals (after 10 grains of crude). Leucorrhoea, for an hour in the morning (thirty-second day). Leucorrhoea, preceded by constricting and pressing colic, pressing down ward as before menses, in the morning. Leucorrhoea, at night. Leucorrhoea, with itching of the pudenda when discharged. Very profuse leucorrhoea (after four hours and second day). Leucorrhoea of a greenish color, worse while walking. Dryness of the vagina, and painful coition (secondary effects?). During the leucorrhoea, smarting pain. Biting in the pudenda while urinating. Menses seven days too early (after eight days). Menses seven days too early, scanty, with headache as if the head would burst, on coughing, on stooping, and sneezing. Menses three days too early. Menses two days too early (after thirty-three days); they reappeared after fourteen days, rather profuse though without any pain, so that she was unconscious of it (usually she had some pain). Menses four days too late (twenty-second, twenty-seventh, and thirty- third days). Menses delayed five days; during this time she felt weak and prostrated, feet heavy; at last the menses came on with violent pain in the hypogastric region, nausea, and qualmishness (1st trit.). Menses usually punctual, very obstinately suppressed for eight weeks (after fourteen days). At first it shortens the menstrual period, but afterwards lengthens it. The periods are very uncertain; at the commencement of her illness they appeared every fourteen days; now, six or seven weeks frequently intervene. Menses after eighteen days; then after seven weeks, then not again. The menses, that had ceased in the morning, returned in the evening, after violent anger (twenty-ninth day). Menses returned after suppression for six months, in a woman fifty years old (third day). Menses suppressed for eighty-five days returned, immediately followed by great heaviness in the lower extremities (fifteenth day). The menses, already flowing, were increased. It lengthens the menses already flowing to eight days. Appearance of the menses, which were shortly expected, almost instantly and more profuse than usual; the secondary action, however, seems to delay them and make them more scanty. Menses more profuse than usual, and the blood darker-colored (twenty-sixth day). Menses of profuse blackish blood, even at night (after forty-five days). Menses more profuse than usual, with chilliness during the first day, and much yawning, in the afternoon (fifth day). Menses scanty (first and second days); very profuse, with colic like soreness (third day). The menses last only three days, and are followed by dulness of the head, and great rush of blood to it. Menses only one-third as profuse as usual, though at the right time (fifth day). Aversion to coition and to men, during the latter part of the proving.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Pharynx. Dryness in the larynx, in the morning on waking. A peculiar pressure on the posterior wall of the larynx and fauces, extending along the Eustachian tube, and towards the tonsils (first day). Frequently, when coughing, a sore sensation in the larynx and trachea. A scraped, scratching sensation in the larynx, as after rancid heartburn (after six hours). A scraping and scratching in the larynx; the voice became rough (after twenty-hours). Tickling in the larynx, provoking dry cough, for an hour, at 6 P.M. Tickling in the larynx, and short, dry cough, at 5 P.M. A hoarse, whistling sound in the bronchi on expiration. Voice. Voice rough, with stopped coryza and some sneezing. Her voice, I am told, has completely changed; it is now husky and monotonous, resembling that of a woman addicted to ardent spirits. Hoarseness in the morning, after a sound sleep, with much mucus in the throat, and cough. Great hoarseness, in the morning. Excessive hoarseness (first days). Cough and Expectoration. Irritation to cough, caused by empty swallowing. Irritation to cough, and oppression of the chest, from talking. Cough in the morning. Cough, in the evening, after laying down in bed. Cough, worse from 8 to 11 P.M. Cough at night; with a scraping sensation in the chest in the morning. Cough at night, with bruised pain in all the limbs. Cough more violent at night than during the day. Cough, caused by tickling in the throat. Cough, caused by tickling in the pit of the stomach, with great dyspnoea. Cough, with vomiting of food. Cough, with complete loss of breath, day and night. Cough, with tickling in the chest (2d trit.). Cough, with tickling in the chest (1st and 2d trit.). Violent cough, almost to vomiting, though not exhausting, for four weeks. Raw, hoarse, hacking cough. Dry, tickling cough and scraping, at night. Frequent paroxysms of dry, tickling cough (first day). Hacking and dry tickling cough, at night, not during the day. Dry, hacking cough, frequently recurring at longer or shorter intervals during the day. Dry, racking cough, at 10 P.M. (third day). Cough, with expectoration, day and night. Tickling cough, with hawking of mucus, especially in the morning (after the proving). Hacking cough, with rales in the chest, and some expectoration of mucus. Cough, and tickling in the larynx, on waking, at 2 A.M.; he always expectorated considerable frothy mucus; the inclination to cough was increased by lying on the back; yawning alternated with the cough. Paroxysms of ticking cough, in the evening, with scraping in the throat, lasting nearly a quarter of an hour, and ending with expectoration of tenacious mucus. Paroxysm of tickling cough, towards evening, ending with expectoration of salty mucus. Retching and choking cough, with expectoration of bloody mucus, that seems to come from the dry tetter in the larynx. Cough, with expectoration of blood. Expectoration of an offensive taste, in the morning, with some cough, and pain in the chest, as if it would be torn open. Purulent expectoration, with cough, that almost always consists of only one attack. Blood is expectorated and blown from the nose. (An attack of hemoptysis, coming on after violent exertion, repeated after nine days without any cause). Respiration. The breath seems hot. The breath is foul. Offensive breath. Frequent deep breathing, with pain in the abdomen. Shortness of breath (1st trit.). Her breath became short, and chest tight, as if a dry stick of wood were down the throat, with cough. Paroxysm of shortness of breath and palpitation, though without anxiety, at night. Sometimes, after eating, the breathing becomes much impeded; this is accompanied by violent palpitation of the heart. Oppression of the breath, with pain in the chest. Difficulty of breathing, even when she kept quiet (twenty- third day). Difficulty of breathing, in the afternoon (thirty-second day). Difficult respiration, especially between 5 and 7 P.M.; also whenever she was quiet (seventeenth day). Difficult breathing, on ascending steps (twenty-first day). Difficulty of breathing and palpitation, on going upstairs (thirty-first day). Difficult breathing; rapid breathing, on standing, still more on walking (sixteenth day). Difficult breathing, while walking (thirty-first day). Difficult breathing all day, aggravated by walking (eighteenth day). Difficult breathing, and trembling of the hands and feet (twenty first day). Want of breath on lying down, in the evening. The chest troubles became so severe at night, that she was obliged to rise from bed to get her breath (after 1st trit.). Violent pains at night (for example, those caused by the boil on the back) take away the breath, even to suffocation, and cause a kind of one-sided paralysis, so that the arm and leg were powerless. Dyspnoea. Dyspnoea and short breath, on walking rapidly. Dyspnoea, “almost indescribable,” during the rigors. When laughing while drinking, she chokes herself, so that the drink regurgitates through the nose, and she comes near suffocating.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.