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Marum Verum Or Teucrium Marum Verum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common names: (Germ), Katzenkraut; (Fr.), Germandree maritime.


Teucrium marum, Linn. Natural order: Labiatae. Preparation: Tincture of whole plant.


Gradual exaltation of mind; special inclination to talk much, with increased bodily warmth; towards evening. Almost irresistible inclination to sing (after some hours). Very fretful. Peevish mood during and soon after dinner, with so great irritability that he was greatly offended by the conversation of others that did not concern him; with pressure in the forehead.


Vertigo. Dizziness of the head. Somewhat dizzy; on walking he puts one foot over the other, and reels (soon). General Head. Dulness of the head. Dulness in the head, with weariness, so that she was constantly obliged to lie down. Very frequent dull pinching headache. Tearing in the head, coming from both temples. Forehead. Pressure in the forehead above the eyes. On bending the body forward, a painful pressure immediately in the left frontal eminence, that disappears on becoming again erect. Pressive pain in the whole forepart of the head, that extended outward from deep in the middle of the forehead, and then in both temples, where it was felt most and for the longest time. Pressive pain in a small spot just above the frontal eminence. Pressive headache in the right half of the forehead. Transient pressive and pressing sensation in the right frontal eminence. Temples. Very painful pressure in the right temple, frequently alternating with the same sensation in the right frontal eminence, and in the left temple. Parietals. Jerk like tearing within the right side of the head. Occiput. A painful pressive sensation in the whole occiput. Sticking in the occiput, and even over the whole head. External Head. Burning pressive sensation on the forehead externally. Burning-pressive and tensive sensation externally, now in the right, now in the left frontal eminence. The skin of the forehead seems sensitive to the pressure of the hand; on pressing a long time, a painful aching is felt in the forehead, though only in the place on which the hand lies.


Objective. Eyes red and inflamed, with coryza. The eyes look watery, as from weeping with biting in them. Subjective. Pressure as from a grain of sand in the right eye. Biting in both internal canthi, with increased redness of the conjunctivae. Tearing beneath the right eye. Both upper eyelids are redder than usual and somewhat congested. The left eye waters very much in the open air, for several days.


Some aching in both ears. Stitches in the left ear. Sticking- tearing within in the left ear. At times very fine ringing in the right ear on blowing the nose, a peculiar crackling sound as if air were forced through mucus, after which the ear seemed closed for a while, and then opened with a dull sound (thirtieth day). On passing the hand through the hair and over the right ear, there followed a hissing sound, extending down the parietal bone and through the whole inner ear; the experiment could be repeated with a similar result for a quarter of an hour, now disappearing, soon returning and lasting a longer time; a similar sound was afterwards caused by talking, and even eructations caused slight or loud sounds; so also forcibly drawing air through the nose in the morning (second day).


Objective. Very frequent sneezing, with crawling in the nose, without coryza. Violent sneezing, and then constant fluent coryza. Coryza, with moist stoppage of the left nostril, together with tearing in the left side of the neck below the jaw. Fluent coryza, immediately, in the open air for several days. Subjective. Sensation as if he would have coryza. A sensation in the right nostril as if it were partly stopped; he was obliged to blow the nose and sneeze, but could not thereby remove the obstruction (after three and four days). Both sides of the nose are very much obstructed on reading aloud, several times during the day, and especially in the evening (second and fifth days). Short sticking-tearing very high up in the right nostril. Crawling in the nose, soon after taking. Violent crawling in the right nostril, with lachrymation of the right eye.


Face red and swollen. Remarkably pale, suffering expression, with deeply sunken eyes and a sensation as if they lay deep, lasting two or three hours (first forenoon). Pressive tearing in the right cheek-bones, extending to the teeth of the same side.


Teeth. Violent tearing in the roots and gum of the right lower incisors (after two hours). The incisor and gums are sore when chewing. Grumbling pain in the incisors. Drawing toothache in the last upper back teeth. Frequent short drawing toothache in the anterior molars of both sides. Tongue. Pain on the right side of the tip of the tongue, as if sore or crushed with the teeth, corrosive, especially when touched by the teeth. Biting as from pepper on the left, and afterwards on the right side of the root of the tongue. General Mouth. A few fissures with elevated edges internally on both sides of the lower lip, and on the left side a very small painless pimple; on touching with the tongue these places seem sore, velvety, but painless; lasting three days. Taste. Bitter taste in the upper part of the throat after dinner; also uprising of slightly bitter food a few times (after several days). After he had hawked up the adherent mucus, he noticed for several hours a mouldy taste in the mouth (after four days).


An unusual inclination to hawk, and more mucus than usual is raised (first day). Pressive pain in the throat at the left side near the pharynx. Sticking pain in the throat impeding swallowing. Biting and scraping sensation posteriorly in the fauces, especially on the left side. A feeling of warmth extending down the pharynx (immediately). Slight drawing and tearing at times in the pharynx.


Appetite. Increased appetite, which was not usually the case in the morning (after two and six hours). A feeling of hunger, that prevents falling asleep (relieved by Ignatia). An unusual sensation of hunger, as if the stomach was not properly filled and satisfied by food; for several days. Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations tasting of the drug (immediately). Frequent, very violent hiccough, with violent shocks in the pit of the stomach, on eating. Nausea. Sensation of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, without eructations or nausea. Stomach. Sensation of emptiness, with rumbling in the epigastric region, at an unusual time, when no hunger could have been the cause; this also extended low down in the intestines, and constantly returned. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressing-in pain in the pit of the stomach, without anxiety. Anxious, oppressed sensation in the pit of the stomach while standing.


Hypochondria. Frequent fine griping, almost as from incarcerated flatus in the right hypochondrium, at various times, especially in the morning and evening. Umbilical and Sides. Dull pressive pain transversely through the abdomen, in the region of the umbilicus, with rumbling as from flatus, which also at times passes (after five hours). Pressure outwards in the left side of the upper abdomen. Dull griping in the right side of the abdomen, towards the small of the back, transient (after a few minutes). Tearing-drawing in the right, afterwards also in the left side, beneath the short ribs, exactly in the soft spot between that and the ilium, recurring by paroxysms of varying severity. Pressive pain in a small spot in the left side of the upper abdomen, a hand’s breath to the left of and above the navel, aggravated by external pressure. General abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen (after a few minutes). Rumbling in the abdomen, with griping colic and loud emission of odorless flatus. Very frequent emission of noiseless but very warm flatus, often a “hepatic” odor (first day). Griping colic, with emission of flatus. After taking a little pure brown beer at noon, some flatulent colic and emission of very offensive flatus, followed by a sensation of impending diarrhoea and a copious evacuation of a papescent offensive stool (thirteenth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. A griping sensation low down in the abdomen, extending into the testicles, as if they had been violently squeezed. A dragging down in the right side of the lower abdomen, towards the inguinal ring, in the spermatic cord, not painful, but accompanied by a sensation as if the spermatic cord, not painful, but accompanied by a sensation as if the spermatic cord were compressed, in the evening in bed; it returned at short intervals next morning after breakfast while sitting, but without flatus; at stool nothing was noticed; it returned about 5 P.M., after eating a little. Pressure in the lower abdomen, above the right inguinal region. Sudden colic, transversely across the abdomen low down, at various times, in the morning, evening, fasting, or after eating bread, if he drinks water; or a very transient sensation of nausea, as if he would vomit and could not tolerate the water. Pressure from within outward in the right inguinal region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.