Chilliness. Chilliness always after eating, for several days so that he cannot get as warm as usual, with a feeling in the abdomen as if a stool would occur, and as if the chilliness were dependent upon it. Chilliness over the whole body, with icy-cold hands, accompanied by frequent yawning and a sensation as if he must frequently stretch (after a quarter of an hour). In the evening, as he sat in a warm room and conversed with great interest upon a disagreeable subject, he was attacked with chilly trembling of the whole trunk, which with slight interruptions constantly returned and disappeared after the close of the conversation. Heat. Frequent feeling of flushing heat in the face, without external redness.
A bright red painless spot half an inch in circumference in the middle of the right cheek, in the centre of which there was a small pointed elevation, becoming pale under pressure but instantly becoming red again on removal of pressure, lasting six hours (after two days). A dry eruption, like a scaly tetter, on the lobule of the right ear just below the articulation; the skin gradually desquamated in white scales; the ear was sore and painful to touch. (A kind of rash on the forehead and upper part of the face; the face feels rough like a grater; burning- itching mostly in the evening, worse in the warmth; sticking in the cold; on rubbing it becomes red; lasting several days). A large red pimple beneath the left nostril close to the septum; sore biting when touched as if something acrid had got into a sore;with coryza; for several days. Sticking as from fleas, now in the upper part of the forearm, legs hips, chest, neck, frequently during the day. Itching stitches as from fleabites here and there, in the morning in bed.
Condition Aggravation
(Forenoon), Relieved by walking, inflammation, etc., of great toe. (Evening), Obstruction of nose. (Open air), Immediately, fluent coryza. (Eating), Hiccough, etc.; pain in lumbar region; feeling of prostration; chilliness. (Sitting), Tearing in ankle.
(Walking), Sensation in chest, etc.