Sodium chloride, NaCl. Common salt. Preparation: triturations.
Emotional. Lively, good-humored, cheerful (second day). Unusually lively; a consciousness of physical and mental power, in the afternoon (eighth day). Very lively towards evening; she wished only to dance and sing (fifth day). Over excited, in the morning, after waking unusually early (after 20th dil.). Great excitement, followed by falling asleep and deadness of the limbs. She talked more than usual, but did not like so much to be talked to; when she had noting to say, she became depressed and melancholy (fourteenth day). Averse to talking, and fretful when questioned (fourteenth day). Taciturn. Not at all lively, yet is easily made to laugh. Remarkable inclination to laugh, in the evening. Constant laughing; everything in the room looked to ridiculous (sixteenth night). She laughed so immoderately at something not ludicrous, that she could not be quieted, and tears came into her eyes, so that she looked as though she had been weeping (twenty- third day). Though out of humor all day, she was constantly obliged to sing and hum to her self, she had scarcely stopped, when she had to begin again (usually she never sings), (thirteenth day). Very much inclined to weep and to be excited. Whenever alone she wished to cry, she did not know why (seventeenth day). Anxious impulse to weep. She was involuntarily obliged to weep. If one looked at him, he was obliged to weep. She weeps all night, after slight vexation, and coughs very much, with ineffectual effort to vomit. Very much inclined to weep, with disinclination to work. Mood more quiet and less solicitous than usual (curative effect). Good humored all day (twenty-first day). Joyful mood (twenty-eighth day). Internal contentment, hope, gentleness (curative effect), (fifth day). He rejoiced over something, but his joy very speedily passed off (fifth day). He is happy, though only very transiently. Sad and depressed. Depressed Mood. Depression Of Spirits. Depressed mind, with the hunger. Depressed and full of grief. Sad mood (eighteenth day). Sad and weeping mood, without cause. Sad as if sick, in the afternoon (twenty-third day). Great sadness, during the menses. Joylessness Melancholy mood (second day). Melancholy mood; she has preferred to be alone for several days past. Sudden, though very short, attacks of melancholy. Melancholic depression, and sad apprehension, and disheartened, all day, without definite cause, with constant palpitation, without infirmity (ninth day). His mind is very much affected by a conversation. The more he was consoled, the more he was affected. If she only thinks of a want long since past, tears come into her eyes. Always in his thoughts he seemed to seek for past unpleasant occurrences, in order to think them over, making himself morbid. Full of grief; he tormented himself; he seemed to prefer disagreeable thoughts, which prostrated him very much. He concluded, from the look of every one, that he was pitied on account of his misfortune, and he wept. Lack of independence. Despondent (sixteenth day). Attacks of complete hopelessness and internal despair, that deprived him of all power. Hypochondriac, even to loathing life (second day). Anxiety before the menses. Before the appearance of the delayed menses, she is anxious and qualmish for some hours in the morning; something sweetish comes into the mouth, for which some blood is expectorated with the saliva. Anxious and faint during the menses, with cold cheeks and internal heat. She was much more anxious than usual during a storm at night; anxious sweat at last compelled her to rise from bed (second day). Anxiety, with heat, at night; she was obliged to uncover herself; vivid dreams on falling asleep (with profuse flow of menses), (fifth day). Feeling of anxiety, with heat over the whole body and perspiration, lasting an hour and a half (eighteenth day). Anxiety, as if she had done something wrong, with heat and night sweat. Sudden anxiety and palpitation, three forenoons. Very anxious, as if he would fall, while walking. Woke at 2 A.M. in perspiration, and with a distressing anxiety, as though he were shut up in a dark cellar; this sensation only disappeared on perceiving light through a window (sixth day). When alone, she becomes uneasy about herself, and must weep. She often looks into the mirror, and imagines that she looks wretched. Extremely solicitous about the future. Lost for hours in thought as to what would come of him. Feeling of apprehension in the chest (second day). Apprehensiveness, anxiety in the chest, with pressure in the pit of the stomach; worse after deep expiration (seventh day). Very easily startled. In the evening, it seemed as though he became paralyzed from a fright; afterwards he seemed horrified, and apprehended some misfortune. Fear of insanity. Anxious fear of dying. Anthropophobia. Irritable mood. Temper irritable and peevish, not preventing her, however, from occasionally taking a part in the games and occupations belonging to her age. Irritable, peevish, ill-humored, and quarrelsome. Great irritability (immediately). Impatient scratching of his head. Extremely sensitive and peevish all day (twenty-eighth day). Easily vexed, pettish; he will not bear opposition, for several evenings. Fretful mood (first and following days). Fretful humor. Whatever she sees frets her (sixteenth day). Fretful all day, especially in the evening; taciturn, sensitive, and sleepy (seventeenth day). Fretful and morose, especially if spoken to (sixteenth day). Fretful, despondent (twenty-third day). Fretful, restless, and uncomfortable; could not stay long in any place. Very fretful, and inclined to weep. Ill-humor; (twenty-fifth day). Woke in the morning in a very bad humor, which gave place to a quarrelsome irritability, lasting till he began his visits (third day). Ill-humor in the forenoon (twenty- second day). Ill-humor and crying from the slightest cause. Unusual ill-humor. Ill-humored; does not want to go into society for fear of vexing others; he feels that he would easily give offence (second day). Very ill-humored in the morning, usually. Extremely ill-humored, peevish, and taciturn. Out of humor all day, and unwilling to work (eighth day). She takes everything in bad part, and weeps and cries much. Affronts that he had given and received were constantly in his mind, and he could not free himself from them; this put him still more out of humor, and he had no real interest in anything (second day). Passionate temper (first day); towards evening (second day). Very passionate mood (second day). Becomes vehement, without special cause. When with any one, she was inclined to quarrel (seventeenth day). Hatred of people who had insulted him (second day). He was very easily made angry. (Soon after taking a dose, he became exceedingly angry, but suppressed his wrath, after this he had no symptoms, during the whole forenoon, though after a former and also after a subsequent dose symptoms appeared within a short time), (fourth day). Every trifle provokes him to anger. Became violent and passionate at every trifle (eleventh day). He became thoroughly aroused and angry from a slight occurrence. Offended by a joke. Scornful, ill-natured, excited. Frigidity of manner. Indifferent and sad. Indifferent or sad mood. Indifferent and anxious. Unnatural indifference. Immediately after coition she felt very light and happy, but soon became irritable and peevish. Anxiety and restlessness, alternating with indifference. Remarkable alternation of fretfulness, peevishness, and extreme exhaustion, with cheerfulness and a feeling of lightness of the limbs. The patients mind was much weakened by disease and poison; her moral perceptions, her once keen sense of honor, and of right and wrong, seemed blunted; she was in turns vehement and passionate, and moody and silent. Intellectual. Disinclined to work, though disposed to think acutely. Disinclined to work, especially study (after the crude). Disinclination for mental work; (second day); in evening. Mental indolence in the evening (first day). No desire to work (ninth day). No desire to work; he only dawdles over everything, and can scarcely apply himself in earnest (tenth day). Not disposed to do anything; he only wanted to fold his hands in his lap, or to sleep, in the afternoon (second day). Dread of work. He began work eagerly, and with great desire, but soon passed off; his work vexed him (fifth day). Inability to perform mental labor (fifth day). Lack of circumspection. Hastiness. Irresolute at work; he could not see his way clearly (fifth day). He could not fix his thoughts; however much he attempted to reflect upon anything his thoughts wandered to many other subjects (first day). Thought is difficult (sixteenth day). Thought difficult; she was obliged to think a long time before clearly comprehending anything (second day). Sluggish; slow in collecting his ideas and making up his mind. Weakness of thought, dulness of mind, discouragement. Mind confused, with pressive pain in the forehead, all day (after 20th dil.). Although evidently a well-educated and intelligent woman, her mind seemed hopeless and confused. Distraction of mind. Distraction of mind, dull, loss of ideas, in the evening (first day). Distraction of mind while talking. Distraction of mind; he does not know what he ought to say. Distraction of mind; he goes twice to a place to find something. Great distraction of mind (after 1st trit.). Absence of thought. Absence of thought; she says what she does not intend. Easily makes mistakes in talking. Thoughtlessness; he went out of a door without intending it, and only recollected himself when asked where he was going. He had no control over his thoughts, in the evening (fourteenth day). Easily makes mistakes in writing. Loss of ideas, stupid (fifth day). Loss of ideas, with mental dulness (sixth day). Dulness and loss of thought, with sleepiness; worse from 3 to 7 P.M. If he follows an idea, thought suddenly leaves him, and only fragments of ideas remain. Immediate inability to think after physical exertion, with apathy. She felt almost as if losing her reason (tenth night). Anxious sensation in the head, in the evening, after lying down, as if it were all over with him, and he should loose his reason. Forgetfulness all day. Forgetfulness; it was difficult to think of anything, in the evening (second day). Remarkable forgetfulness during the last part of the proving (thirty-sixth day). Very forgetful, so that he did not recall what he was just about to write (second day). Weakness of memory (after 1st trit.). Very weak memory; everything remains in his mind like a dream. Want of memory, so that he thought his mother (who was present every hour) had died, because he did not remember seeing her. Loss of memory, he remembers nothing of yesterday; he thinks has lost his reason (fifth day).