
Hypochondria. Flatulent colicky distension of the hypochondria, relieved by emission of flatus (after 11th dil.). Feeling of stiffness in the hepatic region, on bending the trunk to the left side. Pain in the hepatic region, recurring frequently through the day (tenth day) Pain in the hepatic region, while walking, the pain extending through the liver from before backward, on bending forward and towards the right side, lasting several hours (twelfth day). Burning pain in the hypochondrium, toward evening. Tension of the left hypochondrium, as from incarcerated flatus, in the afternoon, (fifth day). Tension and clawing deep in the right hypochondriac region, extending to the back (quarter of an hour after 13th dil.). Griping pain in the right hypochondrium (nineteenth day). A pinching in the flesh, first below the short ribs, then below the umbilicus. Pressive boring in the left hypochondrium, followed by dull pressive headache. Digging pain deep in the hepatic region (third day). Drawing pain in the hepatic region. Drawing pain in the hepatic region, extending downward, followed by griping below the navel. A drawing pain, as from a rough round substance, extending from deep in the right hypochondriac region towards the back, lasting several minutes (after 30th dil.). Pressure and tension beneath the right false ribs, in a spot as large as a half dollar, lasting two minutes (third day). Pressure and tension in the right hypochondriac region, extending to the back, relieved by emission of flatus, lasting half a minute, frequently omitting for several minutes and then returning (three hours after 12th dil.). Sticking pressure in the left hypochondrium, most on rapid walking, Violent pressive pain in the hepatic region. Sticking pain in the right side, below the last ribs, with frequent yawning, on entering the house from the open air (nineteenth day). Stitches in he hepatic region, (13th dil.); while sitting daily, at 2 or 3 P.M. Some stitches in the hepatic region, with sensitiveness of the liver to pressure (eleventh day). Stitches in the left hypochondrium, on breathing. Stitches in the region of the spleen, aggravated by walking, returning twice in the forenoon (tenth day). Transient stitches, heaviness, and fullness in the right hypochondrium (second day). Transient stitches in the hepatic region, after dinner (after 1st trit). Fine stitches, lasting half an hour, in the right side, below the ribs, followed by desire for stool (twentieth day). Fine lightening-like stitch in the hepatic region (three hours after 12th dil.). Colic low down in the hypochondriac region, as from flatus (after 5th dil.). Scraping sensation in the hepatic region. Umbilical and Sides. Painful distension below the umbilicus, like wind colic, relieved by emissions of flatus (after 6th trit). Umbilicus protruded, sensitive to touch (twenty-sixth day). Painful tension in the right side of the abdomen. Painful constriction in the umbilical region, relieved by emission of flatus. Frequent constrictive pain about the navel (after 1 1/2 drachm). Constant constrictive pain in the umbilical region (after 2d trit) Frequent constrictive pains about the umbilicus, during the day; during the night these pains increased very much, and only disappeared after an evacuation of the bowels; the pains and diarrhoea returned eight times during the night (after 2d trit). Cramp like pains starting from the navel and extending into the small of the back, as stitches in the hip and thighs, in the morning, on rising from bed (after 10 grains) Griping in the umbilical region, with ineffectual desire for stool. Drawing- griping pain in the left umbilical region, extending to the rectum and anus. Sticking griping above the umbilicus. Pinching in the umbilical region, at night. Boring pain in the umbilical region and violent palpitation, all day (twenty-sixth day). Drawing pain in the umbilical region, extending into the thighs. Sensation in the umbilical region as if the walls of the abdomen were pressed from within outward by a hard substance. A painful pressing outward a few fingers breath to the right of the navel, a sensation sometimes described by pregnant women, as if a part of the child were pressing there; the whole abdomen was also unusually tense and distended (first day). Sticking twisting pains about the navel and in both hypochondria, during stool (twentieth day). Cutting in the abdomen, about the navel (after 5 grains of crude). Cutting pain about the umbilicus, relieved by pressure on the abdomen, all day (twenty-third day). Intermittent cutting pain about the navel (after 2d trit). Violent cutting, frequently recurring pains about the umbilicus, in the evening in bed, five minutes after the dose; she fell asleep and was awakened; after waking, much thirst; on rising she had no pains, but on going to bed the pain returned; again she fell asleep and again she was awakened; on getting up she felt well, only very thirsty; on returning to bed she was attacked with vertigo, pains in the abdomen and nausea; she was again awakened, and on rising was very thirsty; on again returning to bed, she was immediately attacked with pains in he abdomen, about the umbilicus, and she could not again sleep soundly (thirteenth day). Sticking pain about the navel, on entering the house between 6 and 7 P.M. (twentieth day). Violent stitch in the parietes of the abdomen, to the right side of the umbilicus, in the forenoon (after 25th dil.). Constant rumbling in the left side of the abdomen (first day). Much rumbling in the left flank and frequent emission of flatus. Great rumbling in the left side of the abdomen (seventh day). Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen (after 3D trit). Loud rumbling and gurgling in the left side of the abdomen and about the stomach (after five minutes). Frequent loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen, with transient stitches beneath the left scapula (third day). Compression in the left side of the abdomen, when walking and lying down. Cramp like pain in the right side of the abdomen, lasting one or two minutes, relieved by emission of flatus, frequently recurring at short intervals (fourth day). Pinching pain in the right side of the abdomen, making lying down on the right side intolerable (fifteenth day). A pressure and dragging in the sides of the abdomen towards the genitals, in the morning, so that she was obliged to sit down gently in order to avoid prolapsus of the uterus. General Abdomen. Abdomen somewhat enlarged, but soft; gives all over on percussion the intestinal sound (after about six months). Distension of the abdomen; (after 3d trit); (after 5th trit and 8th dil.). Distension of the abdomen, as he had eaten too much (fourth day). Distension of the abdomen, and a relaxed sensation as if everything in it were loose, after eating and still more after drinking. Distension of the abdomen, heat of the face, and slumbering, immediately after a meal, and afterwards a hereby taste in the mouth, with stupefaction and intoxication in the head. Distension of the abdomen, immediately after dinner (twenty- fifth day). Distension of the abdomen, with emission of flatus, after dinner, (thirtieth day). Distension of the abdomen, with frequent emission of flatus after dinner. Distension of the abdomen with nausea (after 3d trit). Distension of the abdomen, with rumbling (23s to 15th dil.). Distension of the abdomen and burning about the navel (after 23s dil.). Frequent distension of the abdomen, as if too full. Abdomen very much distended by water and by beer, with swashing in it (second day). Great distension of the abdomen (two hours after 12th dil.). Great distension of the abdomen half an hour after breakfast, relieved by a subsequent evacuation and emission of much flatus of a strong, almost offensive odor (sixth day). Great distension of the upper abdomen, with pressure and pain in the stomach as from fine needle stitches, which on deep breathing extended from the stomach up under the sternum (after 25th dil.). Distressing distension of the abdomen, in the evening (third day). Movings and rumblings in the abdomen, followed by two watery evacuations without tenesmus and almost without pain, after eating (first day). Moving about, rumbling griping, gurgling in the abdomen, with urgent desire for stool, and evacuation of a large amount of thin, almost watery faeces with great violence and much flatus, followed after an hour by a less prolonged and less violent stool, with burning in the anus; repeated after four hours (eight day). Flatus moves about the abdomen and sides without being emitted, with heaviness of the head, roaring in the top of the head, roaring in the ears, and stoppage of both nostrils. Cracking and croaking in the abdomen, all the evening (fifth day). Fermentation in the abdomen. Gurgling in the abdomen, as after a purge. Gurgling and a feeling as of the forming and bursting of air bubbles in the intestines (second day). Rumbling in the abdomen (sixth day), (twenty sixth day); after eating. Rumbling in the abdomen, while drinking coffee; after drinking the pain ceased, but returned from 9 to 11 A.M., and again more violent after dinner (twenty fifth day). Rumbling and colic in the abdomen for several weeks. Rumbling and gurgling in the intestines. Rumbling in the upper abdomen (after 1st trit); with yawning second day), (after 6th trit). Loud rumbling in the abdomen (three hours after 12h dil.); after coffee, in the morning (twenty-eight day). Frequent loud rumbling in the upper abdomen (after 10th dil.). Flatulence, soon (second day). Flatulence with rumbling in the abdomen. Flatulence with audible rumbling in the stomach. Flatulence, with a feeling as if diarrhoea would follow, while walking in the afternoon; at 3 P.M. urgent desire for stool; stool scanty and hard (eleventh day). Offensive flatus (after the crude). Sour smelling flatus. Flatus of odor of bad eggs. Accumulation of flatus. Much accumulation of flatus, causing tension and stitches in the abdomen. Frequent emission of flatus downward (twenty-fourth day). Frequent emission of flatus through the whole day (seventh, eight, and ninth days). Frequent emission of flatus, in the forenoon (nineteenth day). Frequent emission of flatus, with a feeling as if a soft stool would follow in the forenoon. Much emission of flatus (after 2nd trit). Much emission of flatus, especially in the forenoon (twenty fourth and twenty-sixth days). Much too copious emission of flatus. Emission of much flatus, (fifth day); all day (second day), all forenoon (third day); after dinner. Emission of much flatus, with a feeling as if liquid always escaped (twelfth day). Emission of much flatus and frequent micturition; the urine dark (seventeenth day). Much flatus passes upwards, in the morning (second day). Emission of much offensive flatus (fourth day); in forenoon (fifth day). Profuse emission of flatus, offensive in the morning, not in the afternoon. Emission of much flatus, smelling like bad eggs, in the evening (first day). Profuse emission of flatus, smelling of sulfuretted hydrogen. Symptoms relieved by emission of flatus (after 8th dil.). Incarceration of flatus at night, with heaviness and fullness in the abdomen. Flatulent troubles; heat and distension of the abdomen. A feeling as though diarrhoea would come on, in the afternoon (twelfth day). During the menses heaviness of the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, though not violent, after taking coffee (tenth day). Pains in the abdomen, especially in the stomach, woke him at 5 A.M., with dryness and burning along the oesophagus and throat (sixth day). While walking, pains in the intestines, as if everything were loose, too heavy, and would fall out. Pain in the abdomen, below the last left rib, as though diarrhoea would occur, woke her at 5 A.M., with vertigo and nausea (seventeenth day). Sensation of burning in the abdomen, aggravated by pressure (eleventh day). Fullness and tension in the abdomen, with a constant sensation as though flatus would pass, which was really the case; or repeated empty eructations relieving the tension. The abdomen felt very much distended, as though she had eaten and drank a great deal (sixteenth day). Tension of the abdomen, lasting three hours (ninth day). Tension of the abdomen, all the forenoon; only relieved in the afternoon after the emission of much offensive flatus. Tension, as from flatulence, in the abdomen, relieved by eructations. Tension; distension of the abdomen. Jerking constriction in the abdomen, in bed. Constrictive pains in the abdomen, in the mornings, in bed. Constrictive pains in the abdomen after dinner, followed by emission of much flatus and a hard scanty stool with burning in the anus, lasting nearly all evening. Constrictive pain in the abdomen, towards evening; she was obliged to bend herself up; relieved by walking. Transient constructive pain in the intestines and about the umbilicus, with stoppage of breath; when the pan disappears, some stitches shoot from the small of the back into the thighs (after 2nd trit). Constrictive colic, with a desire for stool, and a hard painful stool (nineteenth day). Griping in the abdomen, in the morning after rising (thirty second day). Griping in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea (nineteenth day). Griping in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur in the morning, after rising (second day). Griping, as from worms, in the abdomen, in the evening (seventeenth day). Griping in the abdomen after coffee, in the morning (twenty seventh day). Griping and rumbling in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen and emission of flatus, and also empty eructations after drinking much water (third day). Griping in the upper abdomen, with pain in the stomach. Frequent griping in the whole abdomen, sides of the abdomen, and small of the back daily. Slow griping and feeling of coldness in the abdomen (soon), (second day). Pressive griping in the upper abdomen. Griping colic, as if diarrhoea would occur, in the morning on waking (nineteenth day). Griping colic in the morning, on rising from bed. Griping colic, and a feeling of soreness in the morning in bed, then a pressing and sore feeling in the back and scapulae, disappearing after rising. Griping colic every afternoon. After a stool griping colic, as in diarrhoea, without result, in the morning. Pinching as from worms, in the abdomen, in the evening (twenty second day). Pressure in the upper abdomen Pressure and distension in the abdomen (four hours after 12th dil.). Cutting in the abdomen while rising, followed by profound diarrhoea, without tenesmus; after the diarrhoea violent cutting pain in the whole abdomen, especially about the navel and in the hepatic region (fifteenth day). Cutting pain in the abdomen, especially below the right last ribs, in the morning after rising, lasting half an hour; also after drinking coffee, with ineffectual urging to stool; after dinner cutting pains in the abdomen, more violent than in the mornings lasting an hour (eleventh day). Cutting in the abdomen (not so violent in the afternoon as in the forenoon), (seventh day). Cutting in the abdomen, towards evening (flatulent colic). Cutting in the abdomen previous to a thin stool. Cutting, with rumbling, in the abdomen Cutting pains in the intestines, a times intermitting (thirty-first day). Pain as though a two edged knife were cutting the whole abdomen, lasting a quarter of an hour, in the morning (third day). Very transient cutting pain in the abdomen, with desire for stool, as if diarrhoea would occur, but with evacuation of only two hard pieces, followed by tenesmus, at 4 A.M. Violent cutting in the abdomen, frequently repeated during the day (eight day). Very violent cutting pain in the abdomen, as if everything would be drawn from behind forward toward the navel, with anxiety, after rising in the morning, lasting a quarter of an hour; the cutting returned after a breakfast of coffee, after dinner, and in the evening (fourteenth day). Griping cutting in the abdomen, after eating and drinking. Screwing-up cutting pain in the abdomen, with rumbling, during breakfast (thirty-sixth day). Cutting colic, several mornings, in bed. Cutting colic in the morning, followed by stool, with wind and relief of the pain (eleventh day). Cutting colic, without diarrhoea, in bed, every morning about 5 o’ clock. Cutting colic and tenesmus, with stool, after drinking coffee, in the morning, frequently returning during the forenoon (seventh day). Cutting colic commencing in the morning, worse in the afternoon. Cutting colic, every night, without diarrhoea. Cutting colic, with uneasiness and anxious constrictive sensation in the epigastric region, before midnight (after ten days). Cutting colic with audible rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially during rest, after breakfast of coffee (twenty-first day). Sticking pains in the whole abdomen, especially in the hepatic region, below the last rib, together with chilliness over the whole body, lasting half an hour, in bed on waking (tenth day). Stitches in the abdomen. A violent stitch in the parietes of the abdomen, half an inch to the left of the umbilicus, alternating with a similar stitch in the middle portion of the anterior surface of the thighs (after 5th dil.). Pain in the abdomen, as if every- thing would be torn out. Colic; (after 28th dil.), (after 2 hours); relieved by emission of flatus (after 11 days). Flatulent colic, especially on motion (almost immediately). Colic from flatulence, that moves about in he abdomen at night, with pressure and griping, and no emission of flatus, with light, frequently interrupted sleep. Colic as from incarcerated flatus; tensive pressive pains, with violent itching about the genitals, in the morning on waking; after a short sleep everything disappeared, without emission of flatus (after thirty-six hours). Labor like colic, while riding in a wagon. Feeling of soreness in the intestines, all night (thirtieth day). Painful sensitiveness along the whole linea alba (twenty- sixth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Accumulation of flatus, and frequent rumbling in the lower abdomen, in the evening (third day). Anxiety in the lower abdomen, at night, and constant ineffectual desire to urinate. Constant discomfort and dull pain in the lower abdomen, as from indigestion in the bowels, frequently manifested by transient pressure or griping with a sensation of generating flatus, which is passed offensive (after two days). Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Painful tension in the lower abdomen, especially in the right inguinal region (after 11th dil.). Feeling of a tight band about the lower abdomen, on deep breathing (after 5th trit). Very violent constrictive pain in the lower abdomen, at 4 A.M., lasting several minutes, and recurring three times (second day). Constrictive labor like pains in the lower abdomen, with weakness. Contraction, like a cramp, in the lower abdomen, lasting five minutes after urinating. Painful cramp above the symphysis pubis, repeatedly, in the morning (eight day). Labor like drawing in the lower abdomen, extending into the thighs. Pressure in the lower abdomen, every morning, lasting a quarter of an hour. Pressure in the hypogastric region, before the stool. Pressure in the abdomen toward the rectum, before the stool, as if flatus stopped it. Heavy pressure in the lower abdomen (after 5th trit). Labor like pressure downward in the abdomen during the evacuation of a stool that was not hard, or of flatus; she was obliged to press herself with the hands; the pain disappeared after an evacuation. Pain, as from a weight, in the lower abdomen, noticed on walking. Cutting in the lower abdomen (after 2 hours, twenty-second day); in the evening (first day). Cutting pain in the lower abdomen, with a great desire for stool, followed by a copious pasty evacuation, and after an hour of watery diarrhoea (twenty-first day). Persistent stitches in the left lower abdomen. A violent stitch to the right side above the symphysis pubis, towards the groin (after 3rd trit). A tensive stitch above the symphysis pubis, extending towards the right groin (after 30th dil.). Pain in the lower abdomen, like wind colic (after 3rd trit). Painful colic in the lower abdomen, as from wind, at night, after the usual beer (eight day). Sore pain in the lower abdomen, before every stool or emission of flatus. Sensitiveness in the lower abdomen (ninth day). Feeling of sensitiveness in the right lower abdomen and right inguinal region (after 8th dil.). Tension of the left groin, with rumbling in the abdomen (third day). Swelling of an inguinal gland. Slight swelling of the inguinal glands (seventeenth day). A hernia protrudes. Feeling of obstruction in the right inguinal region, while sitting; on coughing, it seemed as though the oppression of the intestines became incarcerated (after 10th dil.). Inguinal region painful, on rising from a seat and on rapid walking (after walking (after eleven days). Frequent burning and cutting in the groin, while urinating, and most violent while sitting at dinner (and not always on urinating), (ninth day). Tension in the inguinal region, in the evening (fourth day). Griping in the right inguinal region, worse by Paroxysms (after 5th trit). Sticking drawing pain in the left inguinal region (eight day). Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin. Pain as if sprained, in the groin, in the upper part of the thigh. Stitch in the right groin (after 8th dil.). Transient stitches on the crest of the right ilium, alternating with a similar pain in the left inner canthus (third day). When coughing, pain in the abdominal ring, extending into the testicles, as if the spermatic cords would be torn to pieces.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.