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Crawling in the rectum after a stool. Some crawling and at times violent fine sticking in the anus in the evening in bed.

Urinary Organs

On first urinating in the morning after walking, burning and burning pain in the forepart of the urethra for along time afterwards. A pressive sore sensation in the forepart of the urethra, not while urinating. Biting pain in the forepart of the urethra when not urinating. Increased discharge of watery urine (after three hours).

Sexual Organs

Drawing pain below the left side of the root of the penis, that also extended into the left side of the scrotum, so that after a time it became sore to touch, in the morning, also at other times during the day. Very much diminished sexual desire; no tendency to erections.

Respiratory Organs

In the trachea a very disagreeable sensation, as if coated, for several days, beginning with dryness, which compels constant hawking, whereby after long exertion only a little is loosened; at times some mucus is easily loosened, without relief. A tickling sensation as from dust in the trachea, which provokes a disagreeable, dry irritable cough, that cannot be suppressed, and becomes worse on continuing to cough, in the evening after lying down, lasting about half an hour preventing falling asleep, and together with some other symptoms, repeated after eight weeks. Short, dry, irritable cough, commencing from a slight tickling in the upper part of the trachea, recurring at short intervals (after a few minutes).


Pressive tight sensation in the forepart of the chest. Pinching pain in the short ribs of the left side. A pinching painful sensation in the lower portion of the chest, together with a pressive pain beneath the left ribs close to the spine, on bending the body backward while sitting; on bending forward everything was relieved (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressure in the right chest. Pinching-pressive sensation in the lower portion of the chest, and in the pit of the stomach, extending up into the chest and down into the abdomen, and causing an anxious discomfort; frequently recurring, though always disappearing on walking. Dull stitches in the left ribs, a hand’s breadth below the left nipple. Some sharp stitches deep in the right chest on inspiration. Pressive tearing on the short ribs of the right side. Wavelike tearing in the right chest below the axilla.

Heart and Pulse

Suddenly in the evening the pulse begins to be felt, and it beats rapidly, in the middle of the phalanx of the left index finger; every beat of the pulse is accompanied by an acute gout like drawing pain from behind forward as if in the middle of the bone, lasting several minutes; then the pulse gradually beats more slowly, and the pain decreases at the same time.

Neck and Back

Short drawing pain in the right side of the neck, aggravated by touch. Burning on the left scapula. Rheumatic drawing and tension in the left side of the back near the axilla. Pressure on the right side near the spine, in the region of the right kidney. Slight colicky pain in the lumbar region, after eating.

Extremities in General

The upper and lower extremities fall asleep with crawling, in the morning in bed and in the afternoon while sitting (eighth to eleventh days). Twinging in the muscles of the arms and legs, especially in the region of the hip (after five hours).

Superior Extremities

Sensation of heaviness in the whole left arm, so that he was obliged to let it hang down; very transient. Shoulder. Tensive pain in both shoulder-joints near the axillae. Rheumatic drawing in the bones of the left shoulder. Pressive pain on the right shoulder. Pressive sore pain in the left axilla, as if suppuration would occur. Arm. Anxious, visible painless jerking in the biceps in the right arm, recurring by paroxysms, transversely across the place where the two heads unite (fifth and sixth days). Very acute paralytic pressive pain in the upper part of the right upper arm; if the arm hangs quietly or is only moderately moved, he feels nothing, but as soon as it is raised it seems very heavy as if paralyze; if raise and drawn backward the pain is worse, for example, on taking off the hat it is felt at the insertion of the deltoid into the humerus, if he attempts to raised it high and move it backward it loses all power and sinks down. Tearing in the right arm, somewhat above the right side of the wrist. Elbow. Burning in the bend of the left elbow. Rheumatic tension in the left elbow. Forearm. Tensive painful, heavy sensation in the muscles of the left forearm (after ten minutes). Sudden, dull, cutting pain transversely through the muscles of the right forearm, at the distance of a span from the wrist (after three hours and a half). Tearing on the surface of the left forearm close to the wrist, tearing the lower surface of the thick portion of the right forearm close to the tip of the elbow. Tearing in the lower surface of the thick portion of the right forearm. Dull drawing-tearing pain in the bones of both forearms (after one hour and a quarter). Wrist. Tearing in the right wrist. Pressive tearing pain in the bones of the right wrist, aggravated by pressure with the other hand, soon relieved on removing the pressure. Hand. Drawing intermitting pain on the back of the right metacarpus (after two hours). Tearing on the back of the left hand Dull tearing in the left metacarpal bones. Pressive tearing in the right external metacarpal bones. Fingers. Very easy and painful giving way of the first joint of the left little finger, as for example, when rubbing the palms of the hands together. Sharp burning in the tips of the three middle fingers of the left hand. Sticking-burning on the inner side of the first articulation of the left ring and middle fingers. A pressive pain in a small spot in the tip of the right index finger, on bending it, as if a panaritium would develop, disappearing after two days. Tearing in the ball of the left thumb. Tearing in the knuckle of the little finger, extending back to the wrist. Tearing in the lower articulations of the left ring and middle fingers. Tearing beneath the nail of the left middle finger. Drawing-tearing pain in the last phalanx of the left index finger, paroxysmal, but transient at 9 P.M. Pressive tearing in the second phalanx of the left middle finger. A painful bubbling sensation deep in the second phalanx of the left index finger (after six hours). A crawling in the last phalanges of the left thumb and index finger, as if they would fall asleep; often recurring by itself, even after pressure, but very transient.

Inferior Extremities

Thigh. If, while sitting the leg rests upon the chair, a pain extends from the middle of it down to the knee-cap, as if the ischiatic nerve were pressed upon. Tearing in the articular extremity of the left thigh, streaming downward, recurring during motion, and also in paroxysms during rest. Knee. Pressive pain in front below the left knee. Sticking-tearing just above the left knee. Leg. Pressive tension above and in the left tendo Achillis. Painfully pressive and tearing sensation of heaviness in the whole right lower leg, very perceptible in the calf. Ankle. Paroxysmal, frequently recurring tearing in the right ankle, while sitting, disappearing on walking. Foot. Pressing- asunder, tearing pain in the lower extremity of the left os calcis close to the ankle. Toes. The right great toe is somewhat inflamed and painful to the left of the nail and above it, as if the nail had grown into the flesh (which, however, was not the case); rather relieved than aggravated by walking; during the forenoon, recurring for several days, while sitting quietly; in the afternoon the redness and pain disappeared. Tearing in the last joint of the left great toe. Tensive tearing in the last articulations of the three smallest toes of the right foot.


Longs for motion in the open air, where he is constantly in active, without the slightest weariness; with very good humor, joy and contentment (first day). Excited tremulous sensation over the whole body. Very indolent; inclined to neither physical nor mental exertion (after two hours). Feeling of prostration (as after intoxication), and fasting about dinner-time; especially soon after eating (after eight hours, and third day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Very sleepy all day. In the morning he cannot completely wake out of sleep, and is weary and exhausted on waking and rising, gradually disappearing. Sleeplessness. Napping in the afternoon; he wishes to sleep but cannot, for dim, indistinct, confused ideas constantly throng his mind, without ability to retain them (after three days). Cannot fall asleep till after midnight, then frequently wakes, turns from side to side, dreams somewhat, and towards morning becomes hot over the whole body; however, in the morning he is lively (eleventh and twelfth nights). Restless at night on account of great excitement, with very vivid and in part anxious dreams, with starting up till after midnight. Dreams. Very vivid, mostly agreeable dreams (first day). Very much restless anxious dreams.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.