

Pricking, as from pins, in the left hypochondrium (third day). Colic in the umbilical region (fourth day). Nightly pain in the whole abdominal region (seventh day). Dull pain in the abdomen, chiefly on the right side, not aggravated by pressure (first day); at 4 o’clock (second day). Stitch in the left side of the abdomen; at 2 o’clock (fifth day). Colic caused by damp air (third day)). Severe colic, better when sitting, with emission of flatulence; at 8 P. M. (fourth day). Great sensitiveness of the abdomen, as from an internal wound; at 7 A.M. (fifth day). Worm-colic in the hypogastrium for five minutes, with ineffectual urging to stool, and tenesmus (third day).


Diarrhoea (fourth day).

Urinary Organs

Heaviness and pressure on the bladder, when urinating (fourth day). Urine clear, white, and not very thick (seventh day). Dark urine (third day).

Sexual Organs

The blood which is discharged on the second day of menstruation is darker and coagulated (third day). The menses cease after twenty-four hours (fourth day).

Respiratory Organs

Cough and Expectoration. Nocturnal cough; light sleep (eighth day). Cough with hoarseness (eighth day). Dry cough, with loss of breath (fourth day). Dry short cough, which causes desire to spit, and after repeated efforts produces a salty saliva (eighth day). Thick, tenacious expectoration, with roaring in the ears (fourth day). Thick, salty sputa, raised with difficulty (sixth day). Slight haemoptysis after the cough (fourth day). Respiration. Short breathing (fifth day). Suffocative fit at night, while lying (seventh day). Suffocative oppression, after eating (third day).


Pain in the left lung, striking through the back, and worse when carrying anything heavy; for twelve hours (seventh day). Pain in the pectoralis major, commencing under the axilla, and in a few minutes extending to the cardiac region (third day). Contraction of the diaphragm, as on the day before (fourth day). Violent lancinations under the right third rib, for some minutes, every now and then (first day). Stitch in the right lung for five minutes (third day). Sides. Pain in the left side, which takes away the breath (seventh day). Pain in the right side, as from a tight girdle, as if the diaphragm were contracted; it hinders breathing, and is aggravated by pressure (third day). Stitch in the left side, at 8 o’clock; it disappeared spontaneously (first day). Stitch in the left side; when drawing breath, the pain seems to penetrate the body like a knife-stab, and in a little while coalesces with the previous pain; three times (seventh day). Mammae. Sensation as from a cord around the right breast; painless (seventh day). Cutting as with a penknife below the left breast (fourth day). Lancination in the right breast, less when standing up (third day). Pain with palpitation of the muscles under the right breast, which diminishes as it extends to the axilla (third day). Itching of the nipples; congestion of the mammary glands; hardness of the breasts; the itching does not last long (eighth day).


Praecordium. Constrictive pain at the heart, extending to the left axilla (seventh day). Severe piercing pains in the region of the heart, with lancinations under the false ribs (second day). Sensation as if a knife were slowly piercing the heart; relieved by pressing hard upon the part for a few minutes; renewed in the evening (third day). Heart’s Action. Spasmodic tremor of the heart (third day). Palpitation of the heart (second and twenty-third days),; at 3 o’clock (seventh day). Palpitation of the heart, felt in the side, with a severe pain which takes away the breath; worse when stooping, relieved by lying down (third day). Transient palpitations (twentieth day). Violent palpitation of the heart (seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth days).

Neck and Back

Neck. Pain in the right side of the nape of the neck, relieved by moving the neck and rubbing it (third day). Severe and repeated pains in the muscles of the neck and of the left shoulder blade (thirteenth and sixteenth days); in morning (fifteenth day). Back. Crampy pain behind the neck for five minutes (sixth day). Pain in the back as from a nail, extending to the interscapular region (seventh day). Sensation as from a violent blow across the middle of the back (fourth day). Throbbing in the back, which seems to proceed from the aorta (first day). Dorsal. Pains for five minutes from the shoulder to the middle of the back, with lancinations which take away the breath (sixth day). Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder-blade, lasting only a few minutes (third day). Pain in the shoulder-blade, as if a needle were piercing the bone; for three minutes (eighth day). Lancination in the right shoulder-blade (sixth day). Lancination, as from a knife, in the spine of the scapula, shifting to the other shoulder; less when standing erect (third day).

Extremities in General

The limbs feel bruised (third day).

Superior Extremities.

Left arm very numb; pain in left shoulder as if struck with a hammer (second day). Pain in the left arm, she can scarcely lift it; short-lasting (third day). Severe pain in the left arm before rising; she cannot stretch it; the more she covers it the greater is the pain; at last she uncovers it, and the pain ceases at once (first day). Paralytic pain in the left arm, when held still for some time (third day). Pain in the right arm, as if struck by a hammer, with numbness (third day). Shoulder. Pain in the shoulder, which extends around the neck, compresses it like a snake, and pricks her in the pit of the stomach and nape of the neck (fifth day). Feeling at 2 o’clock as if a small hammer were beating quickly on the right shoulder, for nearly a minute (fifth day). Acute pain under the left axilla (third day). Acute pain in a crescentic space under the axilla (third day). Pain as from a cut with a penknife under the left axilla, at 6 o’clock (second day). Lancinations under the axilla (fourth day). Pricking under the axilla (third day). Arm. Lancinations from the elbow to the shoulder-blade (fourth day). Pain as if from a cut with a penknife, with itching over the right biceps (eighth day). Hand. Crampy pain in the left hand (fifth day). Crampy Pain in the right hand, which prevents closing it; followed by horripilation all over (second day). Intense lancinating pains in the muscles and phalangeal articulations of the right hand; two hours later, similar sensations in the right shoulder-blade with pains in the right wrist; all these pains are short- lasting but well marked (fourth day). Fingers. Pain in the bone of the left thumb, with trembling when attempting to use it (fourth day). Pain, while running, in the middle finger, which remained stretched for four minutes (eighth day). Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the left index finger, which remains stretched for some minutes (third day). Crampy pain at the right ring finger, extending to the elbow and contracting the flexor communis digitorum, with redness at the root of the nail; it lasts twenty minutes and passes off in the open air (sixth day). Pricking in the tip of the middle finger, drawing it up so that it cannot be stretched out (seventh day).

Inferior Extremities.

Great weariness in the legs for three hours (forth day). Hip. Pain in the left hip, extending to the knee, with weakness of the leg, which abates when sitting down (eighth day). Bruised pain in the right hip, relieved by pressure (third day). Thigh. Pain in the gluteus maximus, for one hour at 6.30 o’clock (sixth day). Pain below the loins in the left gluteus maximus, as if contracted and twisted; at two o’clock (second day). Pulling along the course of the left sartorius muscle (second day). Knee. Contraction of the legs, which cannot be bent on account of the stiffness of the bend of the knee (third day). Pain in the bend of the knee, as if a tendon were drawn slowly inwards (third day). Pricking pain in the knee, relieved by walking (fourth day). Leg. Severe pain in the anterior portion of the right tibia (first day). Toes. Sensation as if the left great toe were struck by a hammer (fourth day).

General Symptoms

Great weariness (third day). General physical and moral prostration, loss of appetite, and aversion to food (fourth day). The open air fees very cool (first day). Almost constant physical and mental torpor (first day). Heaviness of the body (second day). Inclination to walk about (first day). Pain in the trunk from above downwards at 10 A.M. (second day). Violent pains in the muscles of the neck, thigh, and left leg, very transient, but recurring frequently in the course of the day (seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth days). Transient lancinations in the abdomen, sides, and breasts (fourth day). Pain as if scratched by a cat, lasting an hour, and followed by heat of the feet (second day).


Pricking of the skin, followed by itching (third day). Pricking at the temple with itching which becomes general and lasts all day (eighth day). Pricking in the left side of the face (first day). Prickings between the breasts (third day). Pricking at the shoulder-blade, extending to the right side of the neck (third day). Formication above the left shoulder (fourth day). Itching of the whole under surface of the chin, from ear to ear; it proceeds from the throat (eighth day). Great itching in the right corner of the lips, at 7 A.M. (third day). Great itching on the backs of the hands (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.