

Increased secretion of urine. Urine diminished, with painful micturition, Secretion of urine much too scanty she passed scarcely half the usual amount,. Urine chestunt-brown. Reddish urine depositing a red sediment. Urine colorless, offensive, The urine is hot and has an offensive smell, almost like cooked cedar (after four days). Urine hot; it steams, has a strong smell, and deposits a red sediment Urine very hot, causing burning between the pudenda, Urine turbid after a while it looks like light beer yeast (after four hours). The urine deposits a copious white sediment. The urine deposits a red sediments.

Sexual Organs

During coition both the man and woman experienced burning pains in the genitals, and the first became affected with impotence; after some days there appeared a swelling on the penis, and in the woman menstruation occurred, with profuse dark colored, blood; after the menses had lasted four days she had leucorrhoea, which stained the linen gray, associated with swelling of the external genitals, itching and corroding, burning pains. Pain as from an ulcer in the neck of the womb during coition; on the neck and below there is a hard lump in the evening she had less pain in those parts than in morning. (Prolapsus of the vagina). A white painless discharge from the vagina. A painless white discharge from the vagina lasting several days. (* After two doses of Kreosote 6th, in a woman who had never had leucorrhoea. *) A white discharge from the vagina, preceded by pain in the small of the back and heat of the face; it runs from her as though she were having her menses (after five days). The discharge the vagina frequently looks quite white, and then has the odor of green corn. The frequent urging to urinate is always preceded by a white discharge form the vagina, which colors the clothes yellow, and is not acrid. A periodic white discharge from the vagina between the menses. Discharge of mucus mixed with blood from the vagina, on rising in the morning (after seventy-two hours). Leucorrhoea of a yellow color, also staining the linen yellow, with great weakness of the limbs. A constant discharge of leucorrhoea for four days, without sensation. The leucorrhoea stains the linen like the washings of meat, and has an offensive odor. The leucorrhoea forms a whitish-yellow spot as large as a quarter of a dollar on the linen, is acrid, causes itching and biting on the external genitals. After the leucorrhoea had lasted twenty-four hours, it ceased, and then she felt very weak (after three days). (The leucorrhoea becomes less and has not so strong an odor). Spasmodic pain in the external genitals, lasting several hours. Burning between the pudenda on urinating. Two days after menstruation, a contractive pain in the vagina that causes her to start, followed by a whitish discharge from the vagina ( after twenty-two hours). A spasmodic drawing extending from the lumbar vertebra forward into the genitals, very disagreeable (after nine hours). Stitches like electric shocks shoot from the abdomen to the vagina, repeated after a few hours. Electric-like stitches in the vagina, which seem to come from the abdomen, so that they always make her start, and jump up, lasting the whole day. Soreness between the pudenda, with biting pains. Soreness between the thighs and pudenda, with burning biting pains, as in little children. Violent itching of the vagina, so that she is obliged to rub it; posteriorly there is a smarting; the external genitals become swollen, hot, and hard; on urinating, the vagina pains as if sore; in the evening (after twelve hours). Violent itching and biting between the labia, she could not refrain from rubbing; posteriorly it is a burning, as if pepper were sprinkled upon a sore place. Voluptuous itching deep in the vagina. Corrosive itching between the pudenda and in the vagina, so that she was obliged to rub them; with a feeling of burning and swelling in the pudenda; this corrosive itching recurred every quarter or half an hour, and lasted four days. Menstruation every three weeks; it comes on easily, lasts four or five days, and flows profusely; then a discharge of bloody matter for two to four days, which has an acrid odor, and causes itching and biting on the genitals. Menstruation eight to ten days too early, the blood looked dark, was very profuse, and lasted eight days. Menstruation nine days too early. Menstruation four days too early, lasted three days very profusely, then omitted for one day and returned the next day very profusely. Menstruation is often paroxysmal and very profuse, menstruation that had stopped for forty-eight hours returned with violent pain in the abdomen; the discharge of thin and bright-red blood lasted twenty-four hours, and then ceased, with all the other troubles,. For a long time the menses were not so profuse as had always been her habit. Menstruation, which usually occurred nine days too soon and was usually associated with pain in the small of the back, flowed very profusely and lasted eight days; this time was less than usual, lasting scarcely three days, and was not accompanied by any pain in the back. Menstruation omitted for sixty hours, and then returned during the forenoon without pain in the back or abdomen, after it had flowed five days and a half, as usual. On the third day of menstruation, at 8 a. m. she took half a drop of Kreosote 6th; at 4 p. m. the flow ceased without any disturbance, and only returned at the regular time. (* In a young girl who had her menses too often and too prolonged. *) She woke in the morning with desire for coition (after two days). Sensation of coition in the morning, between sleeping and waking (which she had not had for years).

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Bronchi. Secretion of mucus in the larynx, which provokes coughing (four hours after second dose). A crawling in the lower portion of the larynx, provoking cough. A crawling in the uppermost bronchial tubes towards evening, which provokes cough (after seven hours). Voice. Hoarseness in the morning, which disappears after sneezing., Voice raw, hoarse, with scraping in the throat. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, caused by a sensation as if mucus were seated in the middle of the chest, which was not loosened. Cough, with retching. Cough, with efforts to vomit, but only a discharge of some saliva. Cough, with emission of urine. Incessant cough, with much sleepiness, chilliness for an hour followed by dry heat, during which the child continued to sleep (“grippe”). Constantly mucus in the throat, easy to loosen, provokes an incessant, hollow, and rough-sounding cough. Dry cough, with scraping in the throat, and soreness in the chest. A crawling and tickling in the middle of the chest, provoking a dry spasmodic cough that persists until retching follows; in the morning. Whistling dry cough. Cough difficult to loosen. Cough, with white mucous expectoration, easily loosened, and a scraping feeling in the throat. Cough, with expectoration of very firm gelatinous mucus (after half an hour). A scrapy raw sensation beneath the breast bone obliged her to cough, and after coughing several times she expectorated some gray tasteless mucus, whereupon the cough ceased (after seventy-two hours ). (Hooping cough). Respiration. He is frequently obliged to take a deep breath. She is very frequently obliged to take a deep inspiration on account of a feeling of heaviness in the chest (after twenty-four hours). Anxious and difficult respiration. Respiration difficult, as if the chest were compressed, on which account she is constantly obliged to take a deep breath, without pain; lasting half an hour (after half an hour). She is unable to take a sufficiently deep breath on account of a feeling of heaviness in the middle of the chest; it seems as though she could not get the breath into the chest. Shortness of breath; she cannot get her breath completely; it seems as though the lower portion of the chest were held tightly. When ascending steps, the catching respiration (in one usually short-breathed) disappears, with an easily loosened expectoration, in the morning.


Heaviness on the chest, with transient stitches (after a quarter of an hour ). Feeling of heaviness in the lower portion of the chest, so that expiration was difficult. A sensation of heaviness in the middle of the chest, with shortness of breath, so that she was frequently obliged to take a deep breath (after half an hour). A burning as if she had drunk brandy, extending from the middle of the chest up into the throat; even the tongue is painful as if it had been burnt, with heat, redness, and tension in the face (after half an hour). Dreadful burning in the chest; wanted water to quench the burning in the lungs (after a few minutes). Fullness and oppression of the chest appeared on deep breathing, lasting several hours (after three hours). Dull pain in the chest from 12 to 1 o’clock. The whole internal chest is painful as if pressed inward; not at all affected by inspiration (after twenty-four hours),. A very painful dull sticking pressure in the middle of the right chest, an inch from the nipple towards the sternum, that extends through the chest, and is felt on the inner margin of the scapula (after half an hour). Sudden oppression of the chest, with some transient stitches in the middle of the left side of the chest. Sticking in the left chest, most noticed on turning over in bed. Periodically recurring sticking pains in various places between the ribs. Painful sticking transversely across the middle of the chest, commencing in the morning as soon as she rises and ceasing towards noon. A contractive pain in the chest, on deep inspiration. Drawing sticking beneath the left short ribs, during rest and motion; towards evening (after four days). Frequent sharp stitches in the middle of the chest, that are worse on inspiration; from thence these stitches spread over the right shoulder, and extend with a paralyzed feeling to the elbow-joint; the pains in the shoulder are worse on raising the arm. Violent stitches in the chest just above the heart, which do not permit free respiration; the pains are relieved by pressure with the hand; lasting an hour; in the afternoon (after four days). Violent, persistent, and very painful stitches in the right chest, which occur after several days and also last several days, and are very much aggravated by inspiration and expiration. A bruised pain in the middle of the chest, on inspiration, with shortness of breath. Pain in the chest internally, as if beaten, on inspiration, on which account she is unable to take a deep breath. A pain as from rawness in the lower portion of the chest. Throbbing pain in a small spot behind the pectoralis minor muscle (after three-quarters of an hour). ( A pain in the left chest that had lasted five years was very much relieved). Front. Pain in the chest, as if the sternum were pressed inward (after two hours). A painful feeling in the sternum as from hard pressure, noticed more during expiration than inspiration. Pain in the center of the sternum caused by external pressure, as if the sternum were pressed by something hard; this was also felt on inspiration, and extended up to the clavicles and involved the muscles of the nape of the neck and throat. Sides. Violent throbbing constrictive pain in the right side of the chest, appearing after eight hours and lasting till he goes to sleep. (Knife like pain (* Curative action in a person paralyzed on one side. *) in the right side of the chest, that goes away but always returns, both in the daytime and also at night; he is then unable to sleep the whole night, and the pains are so violent that he involuntarily utters loud cries; these violent stitches are somewhat relieved by firm pressure, and by tightly holding the place with the hand, but as soon as the hand is taken away they return as violent as ever),. Sticking in the external portion of the left side of the chest, not at all affected by inspiration; during rest. Menstruation came on with sticking in the left lower side of the chest, with cutting pains about the umbilicus. A drawing-sticking in the right side near the sternum, between the second and third ribs (after fifty-six hours). Some stitches internally in the right side of the chest, which arrest the breath. Stitches in the right side of the chest and beneath the right scapula at 3 p. m. so that it took away the breath and she thought she would die. A sharp stitch in the left side of the chest on inspiration, which soon disappears and seats itself in the right side. Violent stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the chest lasting several hours. Mammae. A feeling as if milk came into the breasts, just as though she were nursing a child; the parts, however, were quite withered, but this time the breasts were more withered than usual. Periodic drawing in the female breast, extending from the outer side towards the nipple (after two days). After a sticking from behind forward beneath the left breast had lasted half an hour, it shot thence as with a sharp knife transversely across the pit of the stomach towards the right breast, downward into the right side of the abdomen, into the upper and lower leg, and ended in the ankle, like an electric shock, in the afternoon,. Several successive stitches as with an awl beneath the left breast, which extend upward across the right breast, and give rise to similar sticking pains beneath the right scapula, which do not permit her to breathe, and last five minutes (after forty- eight hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.