Kali Nitricum

Abdomen Hypochondrium.

Stitches beneath the short ribs and accumulation of the flatulence the pains cease on the emission of flatulence (sixth day). Stitches beneath the right short ribs, in the side extending to the back, as if behind the liver,. – Some stitches in the left side beneath. the ribs, from afternoon, till evening (first day). Colic, Griping beneath the left short ribs (descending colon). Extending into the epigastric region (transverse colon), Worse when standing and walking, relieved or removed by crouching together pressure upon the descending colon increased the pains and after the couching they were also again felt (seventh day). Pain in the left hypochondrium as after a violent blow; with pains in the small of the back, which were frequently so violent that she could not lie, followed by leucorrhoea for eight days which together with pains in the back ceased soon after the menses. Umbilical and Sides. Gripping in the umbilical region after soup (sixth day). Griping in the umbilical region from accumulation of flatulence, disappearing after the emission of flatulence, in the evening (fifth day). Griping in the umbilical region followed by some flatulence and the evacuation of a thin clear stool, after eating (sixth day),. Griping about the umbilicus with emission of flatulence, followed by relief in the head (eighth day). Griping about the umbilicus and beneath the short ribs of the left side followed by frequent emission of flatulence, without entire relief from the pain in the morning in bed (seventh day). Griping and cutting in the abdomen before a normal stool, Transient cutting in the umbilical region, with a feeling as though he was frequently obliged to go to stool, remaining unaffected by the usual stool but with frequent and profuse emission of urine (after 14 grains). Distension and sticking in the left side of the abdomen, relieved by bending together, Sudden shocks in the left side of the abdomen as from something alive. Abdomen. Inflammation of the intestinal canal ran a violent course for eighteen days, causing death. Abdomen swollen, but soft all over, and very tender to touch (second day). Distension of the abdomen and emission of flatus (with desire for stool), soon after a new dose. Distension of the abdomen, even almost to bursting, in the evening. Great distension of the abdomen and emission of much offensive flatus with the ordinary stool. (20th and 21st days). Abdomen distended (after 7 grains). Abdomen distended and much rumbling and emission of flatus (fifth day). Abdomen somewhat distended in the afternoon, much emission of flatus (about 4 clock, which was frequently repeated till late in the evening (first day). Abdomen distended, tense (fifth day). Rumbling in the abdomen without stool, from morning till evening (twenty ninth day). Rumbling in the abdomen, followed by desire for stool without result; frequent emission of flatus (third day). Rumbling in the abdomen, with griping extending up in to the stomach, which was sensitive externally, and as far down as the left side of the abdomen, where it was a sticking with distension, frequent emission flatus and a feeling as though diarrhoea would occur, for two hours (after thirty eight days). Very loud rumbling in the whole intestinal canal without pain, towards noon (first day). Violent rumbling in the abdomen without stool (after 13 grains). There began to be moving about in the abdomen (after twenty five minutes). Urging of flatulence and a feeling as though diarrhoea must ensue with the flatulence there is an evacuation, but only of a few drops of a very thin fluid (second day). Emission of flatus and rumbling in the abdomen (first day). Emission of much flatus in the evening, with scrapping in the rectum, More profuse and more offensive flatus than usual. Much flatus than usual. Much offensive flatulence (fourth day). Feeling of emptiness in the region of the transverse colon. Pain in the abdomen, Pain in the abdomen and small of the back, during menstruation. Severe pain in abdomen, Violent pain in the abdomen, especially in the right side, after eating veal; ending after two hours with pressive pain in the stomach with a feeling of emptiness in it; after some hours again cutting pain in the stomach with a diminishing, but continuing all night, Frightful pain in the abdomen that cannot be relieved, Excruciating pains in the abdomen, Burning pain in the abdomen while sitting bent over, extending to the small of the back, disappearing on rising up (twenty first day). Feeling of fulness in the abdomen (after 8 grains). Fulness in the abdomen, no desire for food, though it was eaten with relish (first day). Griping in the region of the transverse colon (first day). Griping, afterwards sticking pains in the abdomen and small of the back, especially in the morning and evening, (8th day). Griping pain in the whole of the abdomen in the evening, with rumbling it extends up to beneath the left breast, where it is a sticking. During menstruation (which was increased). Griping in the abdomen. The usual stool preceded by griping and pains in the abdomen and small of the back. Griping in the abdomen with accumulation of flatulence, noticed during sleep (sixth day). Griping movements in the abdomen without desire for stool, frequently intermitting (fourth day). Frequent griping here and there in the abdomen (fifth day). Griping colic with soft stool (twelfth day). Slight drawing in the abdomen, after supper (seventh day). Disagreeable drawing sensation in the small intestines (after 9 grains). Dull burning pressure here and there in several parts of the abdomen above the umbilicus. Cutting in the abdomen in the morning and evening for several days. Slight cutting in the small intestines, (one hour after 7 grains). Cutting colic in the small intestines, like that frequently felt when the intestines are too full of air (after 5 grains). Violent cutting colic (after 13 grains). Sudden violent painful stitches in various parts of the abdomen, in the evening (tenth day). Constant tearing pains in the intestines (second day) Most violent tearing pain in the colon, Soon extending to the whole intestinal canal and causing cramp in the stomach, immediately. Colic without evacuations, Transient colic in the forenoon and afternoon (after 7 grains). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Violent tearing burning, as if deep in the pelvis, in the evening worse during rest than motion, it also seems to be in the hip-joint or hip-bone. Sticking and burning in lower abdomen, and also in the rectum after dinner, aggravated by motion (tenth day). The public region is painful to touch (third day). During menstruation, burning in right groin while sitting bent over, Violent contractive pain in left groin, when walking she was frequently obliged to hold it drawn inwards it almost took away her breath; followed by a semiliquid stool, with mucus, and cessation of the pain; the pain was frequently a sticking; in the evening (eleventh day). Dragging and pressure towards the abdominal rings (after fifth day) Feeling of compression or pressure above the left ilium, While walking (sixth day), Sticking in middle of both alia, while sitting. Painful sticking in the left inguinal region, extending outwards through the ileum while walking. Violent stitches in right groin, and at the same time, in the ilium (eight day).

Rectum and Anus.

Objective. The hemorrhoids in the rectum became enlarged, with sticking pain (fifth day). The hemorrhoids are more protruded, though without pain, and soon again become smaller (thirty sixth day). Discharge of blood from the anus with a hard stool, but without pain twenty-fourth day). Discharge of blood from the anus as well as from the vagina (after the miscarriage); on the second day the diarrhoea as also the lochia were less, but on the third both returned more violent than ever, and in the stool there were what seemed to be membranous portions of the intestines mixed with blood. Subjective. Pressure and tenesmus in the anus during a normal evacuation (after 5 and also after 6 grains); with emission of flatulence (after 7 grains). Burning pressure in the anus when not at stool (twenty seventh day). Itching in the orifice of the anus (sixth day). Frequent desire for stool and frequent pressing and dragging towards the anus, associated with frequent emissions of urine, repeated after different doses, Great desire for stool, not relieved by a normal evacuation, but lasting the whole day, with frequent but scanty emission of urine. Urgent desire for a normal stool, twice in succession, preceded by sticking, griping in the abdomen, and extending thence backward to the small of the back, as from flatulence in the morning after walking. Ineffectual desire for stool (tenth day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, (fourteenth and twenty seventh days). Diarrhoea frequently alternates with the stools (first days). Very urgent desire for stool, and diarrhoea, in the morning (eighth day). Diarrhoea with violent pains in the abdomen. Diarrhoea preceded by cutting in the abdomen (twentieth day). Diarrhoea and almost griping about the umbilicus, only seldom remitting (forty first and forty-second day). Dreadful diarrhoea, with awful griping, and bloody stools (after a week). Diarrhoea four or Five times in the day, followed by smarting in the anus; after some thin stool is passed once, it seems as though the orifice of the anus became stopped (haemorrh. saccat). which caused a disagreeable sensation; after prolonged and great urging very little passed, feeling like hardened faeces, with relief of the tenesmus (sixth day). Diarrhoea twice (fourth day). Diarrhoea twice, with emission of much flatus. Diarrhoea of a bright-yellow color twice after a normal stool (ninth days). Purging (after a quarter of an hour). Violent purging. Soft diarrhoea-like stools, preceded by rumbling and noises in the intestines (sixth day). Several diarrhoea-like stools without colic. Three diarrhoea-like stools (second day, after 13 grains); followed by constipation. Two diarrhoea- like stools without much pain in the abdomen (after 14 grains). Several thin evacuation of the bowels (after 7 grains). Soft stool several times (fourth day). Bowels opened three times within three or four hour. Three pasty stools with the third evacuation in the evening there was associated a slight cutting in the whole intestinal tract, which lasted two hours and gradually disappeared (after 10 grains); next day the evacuation was hard, not copious (after 12 grains); on the following day, three thin evacuation (after 13 grains);next day, four watery evacuation (after 15 grains). Two very thin stools towards evening (after two normal evacuation in the morning),, (after 9 grains). Frequent urging to stool, followed by two thin evacuations preceded cutting colic (after 7 grains). Two soft stools, and once diarrhoea, followed by tenesmus (twenty-ninth day). Two soft stools in one day, with violent griping beneath the umbilicus up into the chest, where it became a sticking. Two very soft stools in the evening, preceded by painful griping in the abdomen and desire for stool. Evacuation consisting of small, thin, followed by some consistent faeces, with a feeling as if something should be expelled afterwards, again a very soft stool preceded by urging; all this alternated very speedily, and the evacuation ceased as if cut off; at 7 A.M. scarcely an hour after the dose (second day). Profuse thin evacuations from the bowels, for several days. Slimy evacuations for the three days. The evacuation of the bowels was thinner than usual (after 9 grains). Soft stool, immediately, (after one hour). Soft stool after dinner, followed by burning and sticking in the anus, so that she was unable to sit, Stool soft or diarrhoea-like, with rumbling and moving about (first day. Soft stool preceded by griping and cutting in the abdomen (thirty- fifth day). Soft stool, unsatisfactory at the usual time (second day). Evacuation straw yellow (first day),; in morning (third day). Stool covered with mucus (twenty-fifth day). Bloody stool. Evacuation of the bowels mixed with blood, with tenesmus. Indolent stools (fourth and fifth day). Stool in the evening with great pressure (nineteenth day). Normal stool, though in thin pieces twice with great pressure (first day). Stool later than usual (third day). Stool scanty and thin (tenth day). An unsatisfactory though not hard stool, preceded by much urging and the evacuation accomplished with great pressure, followed by disappearance of the feeling of fullness in the abdomen (first day). Stool more hard than soft (after fourteenth day). Stool hard, (fourth day),. Stool hard, with great pressure, at 3 P. M. (fourth day) Hard stool three times (ninth day). Hard stool twice towards evening. with swelling of the hemorrhoids (third-fifth day). Hard stool in the evening for the second time, preceded by sticking in both groins, afterwards also in the anus, repeated next morning. Hard stool in the evening, with great pressure and sticking the pudenda. Frequent urging in the rectum, and a hard stool followed in the evening (sixth day). Hard stool, followed by burning in the anus (eighth day). Hard stool formed like sheep-dung. Stool unusually hard, followed by discharge of blood from the anus. Frequent sensation as though a thin stool would occur, but the stool the next morning was very hard (seventh day). Desire for and sudden evacuation of a thin stool, after which the dragging and desire do not seem to disappear, but continue till at last some scanty faeces pass (seventh day). Constipation. Hard difficult stool (fifth day). Hard stool with such exertion that the rectum protrudes (after fifteen days). Stool omitted (fifth day). The usual stool in the evening omitted (third day). The stool omits for one or two days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.